What's his fucking problem?

What's his fucking problem?


Other urls found in this thread:


yeah.... nah i think ill stay with trunp thanx...
he doesnt bob up and down and dance when hes talking...


His rhetoric is a mess. The narrative has passed him by. All this fashionable lefty emotional posturing feels like it's from the fucking Dark Ages.

I'm so glad people are starting to just shoot down these cucks, point blank, for their retarded virtue signaling. This shit simply doesn't fly anymore, and it's heartening to see the comments and social media mockery of this faggot.

and u can see the awkwardness in this guys eyes when he talks which is a sign he doesnt even believe what he is saying...

Dildo went too far up his ass

>They exhaust our resources
They bought the land "Your resources"


is that roosh

I hate these fucking faggy-ass cucks that make youtube videos in that stupid patronizing preacher voice. Fuck that guy and his talking down to Trump supporters.

This is good. It will be shared by Sanders supporters. They are probably going to be the largest demographic watching it.

Which means...

that it will antagonize them furthermore against SHillary. And when Bernie "Cuck" Sanders loses against the crooked bitch, they will join us to bring down the establishment.

Good. Globalist's time is counted.

Watched with an open mind desu senpai, always open to new information.

Didn't appreciate him implying I think Mexicans are enemies. How could he even stick to that idiotic belief after admitting Trump supporters were warm and loving to him as a Muslim?

Also the "white extremists commit most terrorist attacks in the US" study also shows 6% are caused by Islamists who are barely .1% of the population. (Hispanics are also counted as White)

I was actually hoping for a somewhat decent argument that wasn't purposely misinforming and condescending but whatever.

my question too.

Dave Grohl

His problem is that his mom did not have the sense to abort her retarded fetus.

Lambright/Roosh 2016

>Peace House

He's right tho, Trump is merely channeling the rage of America while his plans to fix it (even the wall) are just mere "suggestions," in his own words.

Same fucking Berniefag bullshit minus the "Trump supporters are racist bigots." Yea, kindly fuck off.

Not clicking on that shill.

>all those redpilled comments

holy shit people are actually waking up!

is this real life?

>hey trump supporters i get that you're mad but you're wrong and let me tell you why in a way that talks down to you like you're a child
fuck i cannot wait for the general. bernie dropping out will be the first course.

>What's his fucking problem?

He's a leftist Bernout who doesn't understand how the world works.

>Trump is merely channeling the rage of America...
Yes. And we're not fucking angry for no reason, either.

Sup Forums btfo

>big government is the problem
>vote for a socialist to fix it

every time

This is pol, we can change the narrative.

> we were conditioned to hate the word socialism.
Sure thing, history don't matter.

>we fall victim to agil tactics time and again

And just what in the fuck is Bernie gunna do for anything in this country? Extrapolate our GDP to accommodate Gibson, destabilize our military positions and occupations with some half cocked pacifistic withdrawal? Fuck anybody who believes that sniveling socialist is anything short of a fucking coward and a political pipe dream.


The dude thinks the fact that whites (62% of the population) committing marginally more attacks than Muslims (


The man is a puppeteer.

However he's using your rage, just like Clinton would and is trying to do (whereas Sanders would likely misuse you), for his own ends. That's all that is really being conveyed (besides a shitty plug for Sanders) in that video.

He talks a big game about being in it for the average Joe, but he is no different from any Washington insider. Perhaps the miserable shitstains voting for him simply to wreck the country are right.

Also, this statistic specifically doesn't count 9/11 and was before the san bernardino attacks.

And, as with most leftist arguments, completely ignores proportionality. Same as when they say "a majority of welfare recipients are white!"

>muslims aren't dangerous
>more likely to die from furniture
I'm sure this guy is pro-2A and BLDM also since he loves facts so much


The vibe is just outdated. I think it is because of our deprogramming helping us see it for what it truly is.

All those points he listed that we should care about, instead of minorities, such as bad trade deals, corrupt corporations moving out of country for slave labor at the expense of the American worker, etc... are ALL POINTS TRUMP HAS ADDRESSED. Time and time again.

Why do none of these people actually listen to what he says?


Who should we vote for then? You can't take a moral high-ground against people you disagree with without posting some alternative.

And if there are none, why shouldn't we want the system to be destroyed? It's all hell for us anyways.

>Most recipients of food stamps are white

Intentionally misleading to the ignorant.

I don't think anyone really thinks Mexicans are the enemy. Other countries build walls to protect their borders, so should we.

not a bad video actually, but he's a typical liberal cuck who thinks the solution is more government, more taxes, and more socialism, oblivious to the fact that it was big government socialist policies which led to the current state of things.

Trump even said that student loan interest rates are too high, but he offered a solution instead of just demanding free shit. Giving an incentive to colleges to give a good education to low prices by letting them hand a percentage of the loan.

>the mexicans are coming here because the trade deals are bad
>the muslims are angry because we keep blowing them up

Aren't those reasons to vote for Trump? What are you going to do, vote Hillary instead?

He's just so close to the truth

-war on drugs failure

-war on terror no end

-corporations lobbying in government

-corporations working against America (but doesn't see how this relates to globalism)

-wages declining

-trump doesn't need to be bought (but he is also an enemy for some reason? lmao)

-high upper class laughs as all lower classes infight

-trump supporters are not as the media depicts them

-calling people fascists doesn't solve anything, but talking will

If only he could wake up enough to name the true culprits.

He still has to work on this though:

>"socialism just has bad connotations"

Fuck Commies, make America great again


Ya know...
I used to be an atheist before Sup Forums

While i applaud this guy for being real and honest for what he saw at a trump rally. He is missing point of why people vote for trump. If the top 1 % get more rich I really don't care as long as rising tide raise all ships and we can all get rich with them. The REAL problem isn't the 1% getting rich is the globalist agenda that thinks they know whats better for us then ourselves.

>be a black Trump supporter
>people hate me for my choice
>how is Trump going to do X?!
>how can you support a racist?!

Why do they hate me? Why do they tell me I'm wrong? Why can't I find more people outside the internet who support Trump? Everytime they ask me how how is he going to do this or that, I give them answers but they ask for more. I don't have an answer for everything, at least let me have hope like you have hope for your candidate.

Sure we have 6 more months, but at what cost when I can't even get through to some people. I'm not trying to convert, I just want to be neutral.

If one sees their neighbor dumping gasoline on a fire burning their house down, what do you say when they demand alternatives besides "dumping gas on the fire is a bad idea?" lol there is no "moral high ground" there is only the truth and the deception. Trump is deceiving his constituents, and very overtly (ffs he said "Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president, Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion." on Fox and Friends)

Perhaps we shall see the actual rise of some actual 3rd party candidates (John Mcafee would be a hilarious, if supremely unlikely, president) but it's unlikely.

In the end, my only issue with Trump on this board is how he gets portrayed as some savior of the people by the denizens of our lovely indonesian basketweaving forum, despite many of the same charges you could level at any politician being perfectly apt to describe him. It's fucking insanity.

And you realize the system can't be destroyed if you just elect someone who claims to be different and is nothing but the same, right? Alternately, you can destroy it without a armed revolution to, that's what elections are supposed to be after all: peaceful revolutions.

Don't know who he is, but he looks like your average beta, nu-male cuck. What should I care what a milquetoast clone of NWO cuckery has to say?

I don't know man, I think he's pretty fair in what he's saying.

This. Why are Muslims in our country such beta cucks?
The kid I work with sounds like a mix between a baby and a teenage girl, is skinny as fuck, only rides a bike, and has wide hips.
He just hates Trump because of Islam. Trump is a Golden Goyim who would never betray his race(hopefully) Trump can and will enact bans on Muslims and deport Mexicans.
If Obama did this much damage on his own Trump will surely clean it up with the help of other good rich people.
Even if Trump is greedy, he's greedy in the right way, going after China will give us a great economic advantage.

Why should I care what this black haired sand monkey thinks?

I have reservations about exactly what Trump promises versus what he'll actually deliver, but I can't voice that here because this place has turned into an anti-left echo chamber.

He's a kebab and therefore hates Trump automatically
>Why do they hate me?
Leftists hate smart blacks because it means breaking of the mold and proving that it's actually possible to break their brainwashing and proves to them that their hold on the blacks of American can be rejected.
You're everything they fear because it means they lose their power, same reason they hate Trump

Welcome to being the equivalent of a proper christian. Everyone shits on your beliefs and shames you for not agreeing with "the herd" if they ever find out.

In this scenario just use leftist tactics against them, leftists always try to take the unjustified moral high ground so they can smugly tell you what to think, shatter their illusion by accusing them of racism/bigotry/whatever for trying to oppress you with their politics. Liken their hatred of you voting for trump to a slave master disciplining his cotton pickers for getting uppity.
You will find that once you take away the moral high ground, they have no arguments. Never defend, always twist your response into an attack that is also a question, once a leftist starts back pedaling it's over for them and they will attempt to change the subject or disengage.

lieterally who?

>but I can't voice that here because this place has turned into an anti-left echo chamber.
Yeah dude, shut up, you're triggering me right now.
Look if Trump doesn't do what he says there really will be a revolution, and all the pretty universities and buildings and other materialistic things Jews love will get taken.
What happens if the Goyim seize the Federal Reserve or all the Gold?
The Jews are testing the waters and getting absolutely BTFO by Americans.
Americans are largely what the Jews don't want them to be, and are afraid of losing everything.

yep, always accuse them of being a nazi and a fascist. My YMCA went to a refugee camp to sing and I told them the last person that abused religious youngsters for political causes was Adolf Hitler with the Hitlerjugend (Hitleryouth), literally turning scouts into drill camps and so on.

It works and that's why he did it. Spout a lot of facts or semi-facts, throw in some sensationalism, then poison the well with a few 'bad ideas' that will get accepted with the rest. Kinda like David Icke but not as blatant.

I think you are going to be sorely disappointed if trump gets the election

Got news for you boyo... the countries already on its way to be wrecked ;) Cruz/Hillary/Sanders it makes no difference, non of them care about the debt. So fuck it, lets take the wildcard option. Trump is the most pragmatic option on offer here, as we don't know what he'll do. And so the most sensible thing is a calculated risk, and you're quite unintelligent for not seeing it.

We're breaking the conditioning!

Lol it'd be more accurate if Hillary/Cruz were the no difference options and Trump and Sanders were left as the wild cards (with Sanders probably trying/failing to make us more like a Denmark/Norway with way more people). It's also as if you don't think we could somehow end up far worse than our current state, which isn't exactly unreasonable.

That's also the dumbest fucking thing I've read all day, a completely unpredictable option (if Trump is unpredictable he says he'll be) is the exact opposite of a "calculated risk" you fuckwit. The only "calculated" risk on offer is Clinton tbqh, and that has more to do with whether she decides to "intervene" somewhere again than anything else.

There's no guessing to be had with any of them dipshit. Clintons policies will be the same as Obamas with a sprinkle of feminism on top. She will most likely leave office after 8 years with around 30-35 trillion in debt. You haven't come to the simple realization that no one else cares much about the debt problem. But it's cool, cause Hillary is most likely going to get her shit pushed in this November.

Then there will be a revolution.
Same if they try and start another World War.
The internet has saved us.
Most people mistrust the media and government.

Holy fuck only NEETs hate corporations this much. Most Americans profited from globalization and the stock market. Only retarted fucktards who can't get job or google how to save and invest money are supporting Sanders.

>I'm not the president, Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion.
Guess what dumbass, the president is not a king, that has every whim catered to. In politics, there are no promises. What you say you will do is not what you're going to get most of the time. You have to make compromises. Just because Trump says his wall or ban on muslim is a suggestion, does not mean he's going to go back on everything he's said through the ENTIRE campaign. Nothing is set in stone.

*muslim immigration

He's the male equivalent of feminists and revolves is life around jumping from one girl to the next. Which is ok if you're in your teens to early twenties and in a college frat. But Jesus, he's like what? 35? And not settled down already? Not a good example to follow.
I can see that he's intelligent, I can see he's red pilled and aware of the bullshit that's being played on the average person. But pick up artistry and MGTOW is just as degenerate as feminism and the girls they complain about.

lmao. 90% of americans have great lives. No one wants to fuck that up over a couple of spoiled NEETs complaining about corporate greed.

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account by Correct the Record

>Biggest consumers of welfare are whites

Most people in the US are white. Per capita the largest users are blacks followed by hispanics and then Other and then white and then East-Asian.

>Your risk of a terror attack...

A fallacy. There is no reason to increase my risk when I can simply shut my borders. Plus, the biggest risk from Muslims isn't terror, it's the demographic issue and the institution (like in Michigan) of Shariah law or Muslim control of local governments.

>Media 6

Conveniently all owned by Jews. Ignore that?

>Mexicans aren't taking your jobs...

The influx of Mexican labor into the United States has decreased wages across-the-board, mostly for Black Americans.

>Free trade deals destroyed their country...

That's why those deals account for upwards of 90% of Mexico's legitimate economy (that is, not counting the ad hoc economy)

This preachy Muslim nu-male has nothing to say but notes a lot of good reasons to vote for Trump.

>90% of the media is owned by 6 corps
Every fucking time