Calling all Sup Forumstards who were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses and are not JWs anymore

Calling all Sup Forumstards who were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses and are not JWs anymore.

How indoctrinated were you, why and how did you leave, and how is your life now?

JW's looks to me like a cult. It was started by Joseph Smith; a confirmed Freemason and witch. Enough said.

Are you trolling? Joseph Smith founded the Mormons, not Jehovah's Witnesses.

Whole family JW on one side and even had the original Watchtower in my Great Grandmothers attic. My pops tried to push it on me and even set up bi weekly meetings for me. They eventually stopped coming because I kept questioning everything and wanted more than 'It's God's will". Never fully became a JW, but it was pushed hard in my family.

Hmmm, yeah, you right. JW's is still a cult though.

Holy shit. This is the last place i thought i'd see that magazine again.

I was in it for 11 years. Baptised, Minesterial servant. Parents, sister and gradnmother are in it. Sister is disfellowshipped and so am I.

Basically I started going to strip clubs and smoking weed. Who the fuck wants to get up at 8:00am after drinking, smoking weed and getting lap dances till 3 in the morning? Not me. So I stopped going door to door. Then I stopped going to the meetings. Then I found a girl I liked which chapped my parents asses. So I got the boot.

That was 4 years ago (had stopped going 3 years earlier). It was easy to stop and I am happier now.

You're fortunate. I bought it hook line and sinker. It ruined my life. I was never allowed to have friends because all the other kids in school were "wordly", and I could not go to college because college was a distraction from serving Jehovah and a breeding ground for "sin". I couldn't even begin to accept how much I'd been lied to until I was 22. I wanted to kill myself for years because I was so confused. It's been several years now since I've had anything to do with JWs, but I'm still consumed with rage on a daily basis because of what they fucking did to my mind and my life.

Did you deal with any kind of existential dread during all of that? If you got all the way to ministerial servant, I imagine you must have been pretty indoctrinated. Were you born in?

Personally, I have been disfellowshiped for a decade.

Calling a legit religion a "cult' is only a sign of your inability and close minded disrespect. (Those god damn Scientology weirdos are a fuckin cult)

Let me just say this
You know somethings wrong when not even a toddler believes it.
Jesus fucking Christ man, that shit fucking sucked, parents forced me to go to meetings every fucking week until I was 17, preach on Saturdays, and go to two 3 day assemblies, I never even once bought into this fucked up bullshit that "EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR US IS GOING TO DIE IN ARMOGEDDON, GOD IS TRYING TO PROTECT YOU FROM WHAT HES GOING TO DO TO YOU IF YOU OBEY HIM" They make it seem like if there is a god he's abusive as fuck, "let's see how long humanity can run itself, except it's not really because Satan is fucking with you guys lmao" even as a fucking toddler my mom had to bribe me into going

dumb fuck

Yeah it was bad but the sisters were so damn cute

damn guys, genuinely sorry. Does your family refuse to associate with you? That's the cruelest and most awful part of it all.

My wife's coworker is some JW asshole. He and his wife have not spoken to their adult son in many years, because he left the cult. Fucking sad.

I managed to escape the JW and I joined up with the Mormons....

Lifes so much better now.

I was raised into it and only got out at age 16 after like a year of online debates in christian chat rooms and could no long defend the terrible things the organization has done. luckily my family slowly all left as well and see it for bullshit.

FUCK!!! Finally someone with enough balls to post this. If you are here, posting this, nigga WT is going down in flames

(Me again)

It's been my observation that most people are turned away because of the "Jehovah" being used. Yet if you do any research from anyone in the subject of biblical history you will quickly find that it's common knowledge that the tecronamenon («Sp) YHWH is pronounced in the English language as "Jehovah".


I had a JW come to my door in a wheelchair...still cant figure out how he made it up the step.

Jebus floated him up perhaps?

My mother has not shunned me. We simply don't talk about it. It's weird.

I was fully indorctrinated. From birth. I believed all the shit my parents told me about this fucking cult. I didn't get laid until I got married. I spend my every waking moment trying to get people out. Fuck them. Fucking Fuck em


Yeah, all of their member's donation money is now going to pay court and restitution fees for child abuse cases. That's why they sold the Brooklyn headquarters properties and are now building a new McHeadquarters lite in the middle of nowhere. They're fucking done.

>How indoctrinated were you
>why and how did you leave
My dad was molested when he was 13 after being given alcohol by a "brother" and passing out, he was told when he was 18, and had dealt with PTSD ever since because they told him not to contact the police and stuff. Eventually, my parents decided to leave.
>how is your life now?
Good, we're Catholic. It's a fun life.
>inb4 what about the molestation
Yeah, it happened. I'm glad, though, that it was brought to public light and that the Catholic Church did the proper things to prevent it from happening. Believe me, it's not something that we don't talk about, I was a counselor for a Catholic camp, and you have to spend 2 hours talking about molestation, how to spot it, how to prevent it, what to look out for, etc. if you're going to be working with children at all. Which is good.

Anyways, yeah, but the thing that sucks is the family we left behind. They don't talk to us anymore. We tried to talk with them and stuff, but they kept trying to re-convert me before I was baptized in the Catholic Church. So I told them to stop, they basically said that my dad being molested was his fault, and I don't talk to them anymore. It's sad.

good for you, and your mom man.

That's because those parents are assholes. Yes being disfelloshiped is to be shunned by the religious congregation but that shunning doesn't extend to the family. . . Those parents are dicks

As a Ex-Mormon, I feel bad for you.

Out of the fire into the frying pan, m8.

I hope that's true but man I really don't know

The pronunciation of "Jehovah" is derived from 16th century Italian friar Pietro Colonna Galatino and his poor understanding of Jewish linguistic techniques of disguising the name of God in their holy texts. It is not an accurate pronunciation.

has to be a troll- you left JW to join Catholicism, TO GET AWAY FROM CHILD ABUSE

actually I think that's common. I know of more than one person it's happened to. And it's featured in stories on the internet of ex-JWs.

I left because of the people. I would walk around the hall talking to fully indoctrinated people, and say, there is some thing wrong here. I got fucked over so many times in business, witnesses are the most crooked businessman. (I always thought the safest place to do business was with our "brothers") I realized pretty much all witnesses think they are better than the rest of the world, and I as a witness thought that I wasn't. These fuckers think the whole world will die. Inwas a minestrerial servant being groomed to be a elder. I didnt want to be a servant. Now they were making me to be an elder. I said Fuck it, let me see if its worth it.
>The Un
The list goes on

Well, no, because we realized it was a cult. The child abuse was what helped us realize it.

I mean, there shouldn't be ANY child abuse, but, there's not as much as people make it out to be. It's comparable to public schools.

I was born into it, about 80% of my entire family is JW. Really liked the whole "being a good, helpful, humble person" teachings. Most religions teach that either way, it's the whole organized system of belief thing that starts to get dicey for me. I started doing a LOT of drugs for years, started really young, about 12, and went on for about 9 years. I'm three years sober now and haven't gone to meetings since I was about 16 or 17 (24 now). Anyway, all I ever remember feeling was overwhelming guilt over just about everything. Ever since I got sober, my brother, who was the closest person in the world to me, started getting deeper into it and it completely drove this intangible and unspoken wedge between us. I always wanted my parents to tell me something like, "*I* hope you have a good day" or some shit like that but they would always tell me to pray and that God would give me a good day? I'm not sure if this is even making any sense but I have literally NEVER been able to talk to ANYONE about this, specially ex-JWs. I still hold fast to the belief of being a good person, being helpful, jumping to the opportunity to help someone in need, and being humble, which, to me, is an increasingly difficult quality to find in people, but the whole thing about God and Jesus and humanity has literally been the cause of all of my depression and anxiety ever as far back as I can remember.

I agree with the other user about the college thing, I never went to college but that stuff is true, my parents would punish me for not studying the watchtower before meeting by not letting me go out with my friends, and I think that was a gross lack of principle. You shouldn't use religion to punish your child. It fucked me up in school too because my parents never really pushed me to stay or do great in school because the world was going to fucking end so my entire life it's felt like nothing I did mattered because nothing was permanent.

The whole child abuse thing is really doing the organization in now. Your story is all too common.

Oh yeah. They didn't deal with it in the proper way. When the fire got too hot for the Catholic Church, they went "Alright, let's see what we can do to fix it".

Jehovah's Witnesses just deny that there's a problem. Which works for the indoctrinated, but not unless they're in a vacuum.

Dude, I'm not defending that sick pervert that abused your father. (That son of a bïtch deserves a worst punishment than the skull fùck prison will bring him)

But to blame an entire religious organization would be pointless.

I was born and raised as a Witness, and dammit, I was a cute kid . . . . I was a god damn cute fùcking kid. . . I never, not even once got any Ass play. . .

I was cute ! . . . (Why wasn't I good enough for a drunk no no touch)

You're mistaken. The Watchtower explicitly teaches members to have no contact with disfellowshipped family members, and only the minimum necessary contact with disfellowshipped dependents.

No my parents went when I was 10 years old. I was in for 11 more years. Been out for almost 7. As for the dread thing? Not for a second. I couldn't be happier not. It was the right choice.

My father hasn't spoken to me since 2014. He is a prick though. Cheated on my mom (while a JW) abused all of us, ran a fucking ponzy scheme. Just a general douche. My mom has come around and so has my sister. My grandma is old and freely admits she wont follow that rule.

Yeah, but we can blame the organization for

>telling my dad in a room with the abuser
>subtly shaming him for it
>telling him not to tell the police
>telling him that they wouldn't cooperate if he did

Also, my parents had a lot of kids and got tired of being talked down to. That was part of it.

What kind of drugs? Ever done LSD?

God is a massive dick in the bible. Sadistic really. The torture, the plagues, his people murdered freely in his name. Hell he killed a baby because someone did something he didn't like. A fucking baby.

I don't know how my mother can believe that an all loving, all powerful being could possibly allow satan to essentially hook us up to car batteries and when we freak out about it, god incinerates us. Its fucking nuts.

My life now?
I was Fucking on the verge of suicide. I literally held the gun to my temple, the only thing stopping me was a slight pressure of the trigger finger. My life now is fucking awesome. Its all new. Every day is a new day, I explore the world for the first time. Before I couldn't bring myself to kill myself out right. I drank Every day. I have friends, I have people I trust, (somewhat).

I never did anything wrong. I played by all of watchtower rules.

And I still left

Thanks. . .

It's been a long day, let's postpone the pissing match.

As an aside, I have a buddy that left angrily. He was on the fast track to being an elder. His father was an elder for years and so was his father-in-law. He left because he caught wind of this big molestation cover up by the JW's in Australia. Then he started reading "apostate" books that made him run for it. Him, his wife and his wifes family all bolted.

Most of my JW friends left the organization too.

I'm gonna make a YT channel one day.

But if you wanna talk, call me (901) 264-9312
I am drunk now, but hit me up


Started with speed because I knew a creepy high school kid that would hang out with me because we were both pill popping losers, started doing lots of coke and x, didn't even start smoking weed until my freshman year of high school, and way too much LSD throughout middle school, thought Charles Manson was talking to me through my trips and almost got arrested by the end of it all. Eventually I was doing really anything I could get my hands on but my main problem was coke and x, I certainly don't demonize drugs, hell, I fucking WISH I could still do literally anything, I can't even drink anymore or smoke weed (heart problem from coke and pills, kidney and liver probs from alc) so I have to constantly deal with reality lol. But yeah I definitely don't demonize it because Im just weak and I have a severe psychological problem with control. Always have, ever since I was a kid, therapists constantly told my mom I was going to have some sort of substance abuse problem or addiction to something. Now I just pour all my misplaced energy and heart into my job. It's not a pretty win but I'll take it

Same here. I was the real deal. I went to every meeting, pioneered, and the only sins I struggled with was a mild porn addiction that I had informed the elders about and that made me feel shitty all the time. I prayed regularly and sincerely felt like I was giving my best effort to doing everything I was supposed to do, but my mental condition just deteriorated over the course of years until I could barely function. The elders couldn't help me. One of them finally pulled me aside and told me that it was not a sin to see a therapist. I saw a therapist and he couldn't help me either. What helped me was finally leaving Jehovah's Witnesses after years of suicidal depression. That's when I rapidly started to get better, and now I can at least take care of myself and not worry that I'm going to impulsively shoot myself.

(Been out of it, and away from it for a decade+)

All information I provide is based on old memories.

And I'm a Meth user so. . . You know, ... ... I'm sure there are a few incongruity in my words.

I am one of the 144000

So am I, I take communion every Sunday.

Oh wait, I'm just Catholic.

Wish I was at this level. Maybe I will reach it one day but living with my parents doesn't help because they're all in it as well as my brother. We have family in our home country on my dad's side (like 5 people more or less ) that aren't JW, and when I would visit in the summers they would want us to spend the least amount of time with them as possible. Ironically the only cool person in my family, a cousin that own a her own tattoo parlor, is part of that side of the family. That's another thing, I got a few tattoos months ago and when my mom saw them she started crying. I'm really happy for you though man, it's tough and I can't believe there are others like all of us out there. I mean, I'm sure there has to be but never thought I'd run into a thread like this. Here. Lol

I couldn't live without at least weed now, and I regularly do shrooms and LSD too as a kind of self-medication. Psychedelics put my mind into a place where I can construct better values, whereas my sober self is constantly trying to rationalize becoming a serial killer or something.

Yes. . . I would say, yes Sir. . .

Can't argue you about that. . .
(Damn . . . Fucked up world we find ourselves having to live in.)


haha this pic basically sums up why republicans hate liberals.

Also why liberals hate leftists.

Any former jw Spanish members? Oh lordy if you think English is bad

I used to believe that too actually. I had a terrifying dissociative episode when I was 15 during a convention from having 8 cups of Starbucks coffee consecutively, and this happened to the same convention I got baptized at. I never told the elders, but I secretly believed I was of the anointed for quite some time.

It was L. Ron Hubbard you tard, and he wasn't a witch he was a Warlock.

I literally moved into a pickup truck for a year to escape from my parents. I lived in it even in the dead of winter with -10 degrees and 24" of snow on the ground. Better than being constantly scrutinized for not measuring up to Jehovah's standards.

Lmfao wow that last sentence really hit home. I haven't done psychedelics in years and to be completely honest I am terrified of doing them now because of my mental state, I feel like I would have the worst trips. Back then I was fucked up all the time so I didn't think about things. After I got kicked out of HS I started doing meth, which was probably the best I've ever felt in my entire life, but years of abuse from that and all the other shit probably fried my serotonin and dopamine getup so I feel like I'll never be happy again. Also BPD runs in my family and my doctors have been telling me I've been displaying signs of it. This happened a few years back and I haven't seen a doc since because I'm scared of what they'll say and I just don't want to hear those words. I think that's amazing as shit that you're able to do that, though. Specially after all you have been through. I'm always rationalizing shitty things and being sober 100% of the time is torture. It was fine when I got to my first year, felt like a huge hurdle I passed, but then the second year came, then the third... then it's like, shit, this is forever. I gotta say though, fuckin proud of you, user. You do those shrooms and construct those values. You deserve it

As someone that grew up Catholic I feel bad for you.

You're still indoctrinated in an equally stupid (if less strict) religion.

Why do you feel the need to be religious? It's all fake....

kek, was thinking the same thing
god you're a fucking idiot

lol wut

Dude... I went to every meeting and pioneered, and also struggled with a (then) mild porn addiction. I didn't tell the elders shit. I suppressed it tho. Didn't watch porn, didnt look at women, and when I got married I had serious sexual problems with my wife. Sexual repression. Upon realizing the WT hold on me My first dicision was to rebel. And watch porn everyday to get some sort of sexuality back. There is nothing wrong with watching porn. David in the bible did it and wasn't punished until he got a bunch of fucking people killed for his porn addiction

I once pissed off a JW girl at work.
>be me, working the grocery store
>some old lady asks me where the bananas are
>point, right in front of you lady
>oh such a nice young man! here I want you to have this
>hands me small pamphlet, generic diversity sample sitting around in nature with a lion and a fucking moose in the background
>This is gods word! See? All the races (chinese, blacks and whites, no mexicans) living in harmony with nature
>And NO nuclear weapons! she indicates with a wave of her hand
>sure enough, no mushroom clouds in the background
>gives me the crazy believer smile
>thanks ma'am
>be me later on break reading pamphlet, cause why the fuck not?
>That shit was fucking crazy man
>God was legit gonna burn the world to the ground in a way that sounded way worse than your typical apocalypse shit.
>Chubby 6/10 girl walks in, sees me reading
>Oh, are you a Jehovah Witness? She says after a second of side balling me. First missed clue
>nah, some lady gave me this shit, its fucking nuts
>...why do you say that?
>God wants to kill everyone and blow the planet up apparently
>I think he just wants to make it better. Second missed clue
>read to her a section of the phamlet that describes the mass slaughter of people in hellfire, not even exaggerating terms here im pretty sure it said slaughter.
>But whatever, I say and toss the shit into the garbage.
>Don't throw it away! She nearly shouts at me.
>Realize what the fuck is up finally, im about to reach into the trash and pull it back out and she just walks off in disgust
>so glad she wasn't actually that hot.

That's wild. I literally have a pickup and have been thinking of purchasing a used camper top on CL and vandwelling, or rather, pickupdwelling(?) For a while just to get away. My issue wouldn't be the cold it'd be the heat in FL. But hey man, you did what you had to do and honestly, not many people have the courage to do that. I've always been a people pleaser so I've always been terrified of upsetting my family or putting them through anything. Not just them, anyone. So this is incredibly encouraging and again I am still amazed this thread exists.

The most authentic fake Jews
>tfw Romans 10

>thinks liberals are leftists
sjewshit is just the market as the law of human relations. Any corporate "food group" can be whatever they can afford.

Maybe responsibly pursued kink is one way to free up your sexuality?

David was literally a murderer, but I was made to feel like I deserved to die every day just because I couldn't stop looking at women. Fuck that shit.

I feel your pain user. Grew up in a cult in Georgia called Jesus Christ Eternal Kingdom of Abundant Life. Left the church early on but got into religion again later on like an idiot. I can proudly say I've been Godless for 7 years. Feels good. No regrets about it now.

(I'm the "me again" . . . Meth head)
But I wanted to chime in on the drug talk.

Bath salts
Pills (the expensive pills and the
cheep pills. From the pain
pills to the anti-psychosis)
Special K (can't spell ketomine)
Angel Trumpet flowers
Air Duster (computer cleaner)
Whip it's
Triple C's (cough and cold)
X (the good old triple stacks)

*** if something that is not on my list becomes available (easily attainable) believe that I will try it at least once.

***Marijuana is a plant . . . Not a drug.


It's always surreal for me to go back and read the literature they churn out. It seemed perfectly wholesome to me as a kid, but now all the magazines and books published by Jehovah's Witnesses seem like the ravings of lunatics. There is absolutely no critical thinking displayed in any of the writing, and every page is full of the glorification of violence and vilification of sex. I can't believe it is legal to force children to go to education centers to be indoctrinated with that shit. I almost killed myself because of it.

Fuckkkkkkk miss bathsalts so fucking much. You got to the air dusters before they took out that chemical. Apparently they don't contain whatever it was that fucked you up. We use them at work and they all say "no (insert chemical thing name here), you lucky duck.

Not jackal. It was in Monroe Georgia

Just remember, small-space organization skills are the key to making that kind of thing work. Have a special box or bag for everything. Also, don't bring anything you don't absolutely need. learned all of that the hard way. By the end of that year, I had thrown away literally half the shit I had originally brought, including a fucking desk. I had thought I might like a desk in my truck.

Current JW. You guys are just bitter. The closeness of our community and support I get from others is unlike any you will experience in the world, you lost your faith but god didn't lose faith in you

Woah. How about salvia?

weak troll

I was taught early on, at about 10 or so. I'm 26 now and consider myself agnostic, but truth be told everyone within the church was actually really nice and enjoyable. Learning about Jehovah was enlightening but I did have many trepidations and thankfully left without a whisper, I'm not a 144,000..
My problem is with the Bible itself, it can be interpreted in so many ways I can't really follow one path or the other. So many questions, can't be answered by a single book, especially one that can be interpreted in so many different ways..

>the ravings of lunatics
That was exactly the vibe I got off the old lady. I had never ready or encountered any JW shit before, there was a JW kid in my high school who was just some quiet dude with huge hairy arms, but he was alright. It was the non-sequitur of the "no nuclear weapons" that got me. I mean, I still can't wrap my head around it, why would you need to point that out? Would there just be some ICBM lying around in the background? And the fact that it talked about doing worse to humanity than any nuke could just boggled my mind.

JW on Sup Forums. How Christ-like of you.

>745977039 (You)

>So many questions[...] answered by a single book
Also known as "totalitarianism"

Jehovah raped my butt hole, there we're witnesses but they didn't care.

>I'm not a 144,000
what does that mean in JW speak?

>JW on Sup Forums. How Christ-like of you.
I try to make it a better place

I would rather be alone forever than force my life to conform to a convoluted web of lies ever again. And of course, if you're on a site like this, you're obviously struggling spiritually. It's only a matter of time before you wake up and become an apostate like me.

Copied your number to my contacts. . .

(I'm not the person that you were replying to)

(225) 317 8805

The elect who gets to rule the goyi--er, rest of us from heaven.


Jws believe that only 144,000 special people are picked to go to heaven, whereas the rest of the faithful just get to be immortal on earth after Jehoober has murdered everyone who didn't convert to being a JW.

>what does that mean in JW speak?
That's how many people get into heaven

So, wait. Even if you're a JW, you don't necessarily get to go to heaven? What a rook, how do they decide who's special enough to go? Is that just gods mysterious choice or do the JW know who supposed to be one and who's not?


Its based on whose donated the most money, also you have to molest a child. They need a way to guarantee your silence

i remember this book my grandpa used to haev tons of this b4 he quit for some reason