What does Sup Forums think of this man

What does Sup Forums think of this man

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Anyone who removes kebab is good in my book

Based as fuck.


Simply based. He is practically Stannis Baratheon if you read on his story.


kek, in turkey its 100 meter difference.
Welcome to middle east

Every night i pray to God that he dies of old age as a free man with citizenship of Syria.

Hillary Clinton / the Jews are desperately trying to kill him. So he must be good

He WAS doing a good job at keeping Syrian problems in Syria. I managed to redpill a bunch of normies that he is actually the lesser of all evils and worth propping up.

Oh i miss his father
We once had a unites country

Any way god always sides with the right side
So I am sure he will soon or later

Will win*
Sorry , on mobile.

He was never evil. Such a smart and educated man which made Syria secular and free for all religions. People bringing up the fact that he is bombing his own citizicens is retarded. Why would he do that? He has to protect his country at any cost. If he would not bomb it would be IS territory already.

iranian shiite proxy used to kill sunni muslims in a majority sunni state

Die roach

Kill yourself Rapefugee

shia dog using takiya

Middle Eastern Paul Ryan dindu nuffin

Your loved ones and those you support with moral and money are dying.
To further your shit cause you choose to shitpost instead of joining the fight and becoming martyred.
May your mother get raped by wild boars of the mid europa so that your seed gets tainted in front of Mohamed.

Can't mossad the Assad

Literally the best hope for Syria and the last secular leader left in the arab world. If he goes down it's either the Sunis or the Shias that will radicalize what's left of the country.

Despite the war, they still have time for fashion weeks? Sweet. Muslim ladies would look way better without the fucking ninja getup.

And if he ends up like the poor ol colonel, then jew rules the middle east, meaning the one jew (satan) is to become the ruler of all Earth so that Jesus comes for the second and the last time killing all of you and judging all of other living and dead since year 0.
Meaning the world either disappears, or it goes on upgraded without a single jew left to fuck it up with his shekel.
Until then, make sure you get each and every shekel because your rabbi told you you need it.

You started the whole shit.

What exactly did he do to get the wrath of obama and hillary? I know gaddafi tried to do a gold standard. All I've heard of syria is some pipeline theory.

everyome sincerely wishes the holocaust actually happened

Oh shit, I just remembered I dreamed that I met this glorious son of a bitch last night.

Thanks OP.

>think of this man

I dont fap to this

Couldn't understand half the words you just said, we wouldn't rule the Middle East because either way the opposition wants us dead, the FSA is only playing face because it doesn't want to open a frontier with us implying they win, we'd still have Iran and Saudia on our tail.

If you actually believe what you've just said you should seriously seek mental health, your details fit the ramblings of a man with schizophrenia.

didn't Assad have protesters shot by the military which made the country erupt into civil war?

Israel wanted the US to take out Syria back in 1996 [1] . Read "A Clean Break" [2].

[1] archive.is/oA1Vp
>Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon, including by: striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper.

[2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clean_Break:_A_New_Strategy_for_Securing_the_Realm
>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.

We didn't start anything, we had a lasting peace with Assad, forty years without a single shot fired. Why would we ever want to ruin that?

Colonel wanted to sell his oil in Afro (a currency he wanted to create with the rest of africa) and not the dollar that is only paper
Now make a connection with the dollar bank and the bank that holds every other existing and soon to be existing currency.
Who do you go for? The one becoming increasingly unstable, or the new one that secures you and either gives you money or services?


>everyone who dislikes sunnis is a shia
Nice try akhmed but your kind isn't despised as subhumans around the world for no reason

Suuure, like the ones in Ukraine got shot.
And then these chemical barrel bombs. Like in Iraq. And Libya. And Ukraine.

CIA should really update their templates, it's not even funny.

Hillary emails say Syria must be destroyed for Israel.
Then you cried muh chemical weapons.
Then you bombed Assad before Putin pulled in.

You are not fooling anyone here, Shlomo. Do you really have to lie on an anonymous Mongolian woodcarving forum?

Hillary isn't our minister of defense, she can say whatever she thinks.

We had to do to ensure we wouldn't have another nuclear state that is a potential hostile to us, one Iran is already enough. It was about nukes if I remember, not chemical weapons.

I thought this was a Korean stargazing chatroom.

Dont you fucking try and tell me im crazy.
I know and so do you, that those above you of your creed that you are sworn by Talmud to protect are the ones that are trying to run the world. You may not see a shekel, but you are sworn by the second your dick got mutilated to lie, kill and protect in order keep the 2 millennium long plan that never got to become a reality.
One jew order will never succeed because a human can only function if he has a choice.
One jew world order gives only one choice and it can only become a reality if there is 29 humans left on earth, and that will last about 20 days, maybe even less.
Ask your rabbi about it and he will beat the shit out of you if you say anything incriminating as i am saying.
I piss on you and rise above you as i do.
yes, even a Goy can do that, but you cannot because you chose not to be fee, but a kike.

>o-ohkay, we might've wanted it, but you won't prove anything, goyim!

That's a really shitty use of chutzpah. Are you really afraid to admit you are staging fake revolutions all over the worlds to destroy counties for profit? Are you afraid misrad hapnim will van you for revealing the state secrets if you do?

Begone, you filthy scoundrel!

Your lies won't get you anywhere here.

But you are crazy, you're talking about the future like it's a saturday cartoon with a big evil villain and the big hero saving the day.

You probably think that the moment we're born during circumcision there's a chip or something or some infection that infects our minds and turns us into evil monsters who for some reason want to hurt others and have this international network. You're still rambling like a complete wacko, if you are the face of of the Bosnian people then I see why we aren't really hearing much about it. I don't have a rabbi to begin with, besides - Who are you to say I'm not a human being? You ran a DNA scan on me? You're a verified scientist who has the authority to say that?

Hillary is scum. Trump's not going to let Iran get away with any funny business either.

How are we going to profit from destabilizing other countries? It doesn't make any sense to me. We were looking at options and saw what was the best way to protect ourselves.

We're not the ones sending agents across the world to topple leaders and install radicals into power, the Americans did that in Lybia, in Egypt, in Ukraine, and now in Syria. The aftermath isn't benefitting us at all.

Trump is with the jews

>You probably think that the moment we're born during circumcision there's a chip or something or some infection that infects our minds

>How are we going to profit from destabilizing other countries?
>We were looking at options and saw what was the best way to protect ourselves.
So you get it.

>the Americans did that
And who do you think runs america?

A. He didn't use the chemical weapon, it was actually the rebels.
B. Even if he did, U.S. did way worse in its civil war.

>How are we going to profit from destabilizing other countries?
Israel gadol is the most basic kind of profit. Then there are the refugees you keep sending to Europe to destroy it.

Great man who cleansed the world of thousands of muslim jihadi terrorists

>the Americans did that
Your Prime Minister did recommend for the US to invade Iraq in 2002. [1].

[1] youtube.com/watch?v=wHmhf_wrcrM
Netanyahu: If you take out Saddam, I GUARANTEE you will see enormous positive reverberations

Destabilizing other nations doesn't mean the chance of attacking Syria to complete objectives in Lebanon.

The moment the Americans helped taking down Kaddafi we had the Muslim Brotherhood brought into power - they were going to start a war if it wasn't for A-Sissi's coup.

They did that in Lybia too, now we've got even more pressure with smuggled munitions heading into Gaza.

Now it's in Syria too, for the first time in forty years we're having missiles shot at us from across the border. Whether the opposition to Assad or any other group wins it means bad news for us.

The Arab Spring should've never happened.

Accept Jesus Christ as the Last prophet that God Sent us before His reset of the Humanity.
You are not above the Goyim and never will be no matter what your cult tells you.
Only when you realize this by yourself, not by reading what i say, or what anyone else says, only then will you know yourself.
Shekels do not make the world go round, if it goes around that is.
Love does, and how can you ever know love, if you are bread, taught, learned and forced to 'know' that your are the 'chosen' one to be above goy?
Only the devil, the - in existence the negative in maths and physics can teach you that.
I dont care if you have more rights in this world than i do. I dont care how much money you have, i am happier than you are.
And even if you do not want to share your money, I do want to share my happiness with you.
Sleep well.

And he was wrong, he lies to us too. Now that Saddam is gone more Shias are taking power in Iraq that might become a potential new ally to Iran against us.

How do you expect us to rule over two hundred million arabs with only five-seven million jews? It's not possible, we wouldn't want that much land either. Why would we want to flood Europe and in return kill our allies which will be replaced by the people of the greatest current threat to our state? How would turning Europe in fifty years into an hostile muslim continent will benefit us?

>How do you expect us to rule over two hundred million arabs with only five-seven million jews?
You just send them all to the white countries after you destroyed their homes.

>Why would we want to flood Europe and in return kill our allies which will be replaced by the people of the greatest current threat to our state?

Ask George Soros and David Rothschild. They are the ones funding it.

I'm not going to believe anything until I'll have facts and proof that it's real.

I've never said I'm above you even once, the Talmud never specifies it either, give me a direct quote that isn't an edit made on the internet and let it be real and I'll start opposing the values of the Talmud.

I'm not rich, I'm not George Soros or one of the Rockfellers for you to give me a speech about money, I know that outside of money people need to be humble and good, I'm not greedy.

It looks like you're angry, I can understand why would you. But you're wrong, I'm not some evil bigot who wants to harm others, but have a good night anyway.

God bless you and may you find God on your own.
good night

I think he's a piece of shit, but a piece of shit who brought stability to the country. Obongo didn't like him, so he armed 'rebels' and created ISIS. Which in turn, created mass instability in the area and created the mass influx of refugees. I believe Obama should be imprisoned. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands.

It's impractical, it's impossible. It would never happen, if we wanted Greater Israel then we would've never given Sinnai or made the PA a thing and would've never even vouched to start negotiating with Assad. We didn't destroy their home, their own ethnic-religious conflicts and negative intervention to the wrong sides from the western bloc did.

They've got their own agendas, they're not helping us if that's what you think. They could've used their fortune to help our people instead of funding the European meltdown and death.

Britain used to be our ally, now as more muslims start showing up it begins to be more hostile, same as Germany, same as France, same as Sweden, same as every friendly country to us that begins to show signs of an Islamic invasion.

>How do you expect us to rule over two hundred million arabs with only five-seven million jews?
Divide and conquer. You don't need to rule over them, you just need to make sure that they are busy killing each other.

Then what? This isn't 40k, they're not going to go extinct because of wars. I'm still pointing out that we'd have no use with all that land. Help me out here, I'm not understanding how it would benefit me - an Israeli citizen so much that there are some shadowy figures behind the scenes plotting and scheming to start wars to pave the way for some imaginary empire that won't work anyway because it's not as easy as that.

And I thought this thread was about Assad, man.

>they're not helping us if that's what you think
The house of Rothschild bought Israel from the British crown and Soros donates to Israel yuuuge shekels every year and promotes AIPAC.

Their agenda is Israeli agenda. They are your government more that your elected one. They have a plan to expand Israel and destroy Europe and it's a pretty clear one.
The destruction of the white countries is a revenge to Rome for the suppression of Bar Kokhba's rebellion and revenge to Christianity for being a heresy.
The messiah won't come until they avenge these.

If adolf saw slavs as an ally, Saturn would have been a problem, no this shit we all see today.

It's Sup Forums, man. A thread can't go past "Greater Israel and zionist globalists trying to flood Europe with Arabs" when they see an Israeli flag.

That's how it is.

Why would we destroy Europe? I don't get it, Bibi looks eager to create a Palestinian state with himself swearing that it's his responsibility to do so , isn't it counter-productive to give land instead of take? You're still not explaining me how will it benefit our state. I've never heard about any revenge plot written about Bar Kokva's rebellion, I also thought that the Messiah would've only came after only after we built the third temple and all the jews in the world did a single sabbath at once.

I'm not seeing the Rotschilds in control of my life as in now, I'm not seeing them actually helping us down here either, I don't recall they bought the land from the British too.


Perhaps you are misunderstanding something. We don't mean ALL jews, not even a majority are "evil".

But if you look at it you see that the jews that have the most power are the ones pulling the strings behind the bullshit happening in great scale. They are busy sinking nations and controlling other countries like puppets, so
of course the rothschilds or soros won't give a flying fuck about the life of a simple sucker like you.

>and all the jews in the world did a single sabbath at once.
It's not about the tiny Israel.
For every Jew to keep the shabbat they all at least need to be inside an eruv. The eruv space has to be symbolically owned by a single Jew.
So for evey Jew to be inside an eruv the whole world has to be owned by a single Jew.

> I don't recall they bought the land from the British too.
>Baron Edmond James de Rothschild, youngest son of James Jacob de Rothschild, was a patron of the first settlement in Palestine at Rishon-LeZion, and bought from Ottoman landlords parts of the land which now makes up present-day Israel. In 1924, he established the Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association (PICA), which acquired more than 125,000 acres (50,586 ha) of land and set up business ventures
This doesn't mention the Balfour declaration in which they played the leading role tho.

he is getting jewed hard.

I didn't know what you meant then, some people just go all out and say that we all have this hive mind in which we all have the same plots. You should have control of your own nations, as it should be. The tactics the rich powerful ones like Soros and Rotschild aren't helping anyone but themselves.

But why the whole world? I don't get it, I've never was in an eruv, only a few of us actually go there because they're orthodox.

Rotschild built Rishon Letsion to make money, people worked there for him, he didn't do it because he actually cared, same was with all the land he bought - He set up factories there and farms, for himself. It doesn't mean he literally bought all the land just so he could help founding the country, he just used people's sense of nationalism to keep them as workers.

>god always sides with the right side
You're wrong

>But why the whole world? I don't get it, I've never was in an eruv, only a few of us actually go there because they're orthodox.
Because Eruv is the cheat mode, you can do anything, except working and build inside an eruv.
So if the whole world is an eruv the chance of a jew somewhere not keeping shabbat is really low.

>he literally bought all the land just so he could help founding the country, he just used people's sense of nationalism to keep them as workers.

>implying he needed some shitty factories when he owned the Bank of London

>ITT fools who knows squat shit about the middle-east


He is Right Assad is way better why do you have to be a communist Jew conservative and post Hitler ?

I'm a communist jew because i know that Hitler was right?
>mexican education


dont talk about units of mesurements when you're a turkroach please

>not an argument


Kek, implying I would formulate a well written argument for people who are all in a fucking echo chamber and not listening to anyone else who has something different to say.
>arguments on a satirical board

That quote is great

You're a fucking retard. Maybe look into what an eruv actually is. All it does is extend the area one is allowed to carry items. On Shabbos you're not allowed to carry from public to private and vice-versa.
It's not about ownership, an eruv is an enclosing. If you live in a walled city, that's an eruv. Jerusalem, Boston, York, Toledo, all have an eruv since they have a wall.

oh never mind thought it was against Hitler my bad, I offer you an apology

Youre right but you legit need to coup your country, your leaders are letting it burn to the ground

even though I don't hate the Turks.. I keked

Another government on an oil reserve that lost control of its members.

yes, because Hitler killing 10s of millions of Europeans is the only sure way to save Europe.

where are his siblings? He seems alone solving the problem