What is your guys' opinion of based varg?

What is your guys' opinion of based varg?


Apotheosis of the metal-head dirtbag kid from shop class with violent doodles all over his binder.

He's also not wrong.

he's a white trash sociopath with too much self awareness

The beard isn't too bad.

He is a degenerate and makes people think norwegians are white trash pagans.

isn't the stereotype you're all cucks?

Yo, like, his voice gives me crazy ASMR.

>American education

He's dumb.

That's about all I can say, he's not intelligent and everything he says is pretty much meaningless.


t. Sup Forums

That's common knowledge, brotha.

I was a degenerate death/black metal listener, also a Sup Forumstard. Until I discovered Burzum and Varg. He redpilled me. After listening to him, I came more and more frequently on Sup Forums, board which I knew of but couldn't digest it's content. Now I don't listen to metal, including his music, and I have come to disagree with his teachings particullarly about redescovering (meaning making up) the names and attributes of the old gods, which kinda reminds me of the tumblr-kins. He set me on the right path though, I can not disrespect him.

norwegians are paki now, right

His name is Louis. Or perhaps you mean his birth name, Christian?

How'd he age 40 years? All of a sudden?

Some stupid metalhead but has good taste in /tg/-material. Also one or two nice videos.


>i kill christians but not jews
kike cock sucker

he can't talk about jews anymore because he got arrested for hate speech a few years back

>implying black metal is actually metal

Kill all LARPagans