Be honest, how many of you unironically support or browse Stormfront?
Be honest, how many of you unironically support or browse Stormfront?
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not since i was 16 tbqh.
Sup Forums is so much better
Not really, I think they're far too fundamentalist when white nationalism is something that needs to be far more reactionary in nature, especially in the 21st century. Their stance on gays and what not just isn't viable, for example, both in terms of their ideology and as a means of dismantling islamism and immigration (every ethnic group that isn't European that immigrates has far more anti-gay tendencies than the general population)
In spirit, but they're god damn fucking retards. They're too blatant and unabashed in their actions to ever have any kind of success.
They have an even lower average IQ than this place does. Shocking for people who are supposed to be "master race"
what exactly are you saying? what is their stance on gays, and why is it wrong?
Gays are against god and nature and should be gassed, pretty much. Ofcourse, there's one or two dissenters, but it's more of a hivemind circlejerk than Sup Forums, probably given the fact it's an actual forum rather than an imageboard and so people have reputations to maintain.
never been there
never will, unless they somehow piss us off an we do some keks.
Honestly I dunno so much about these faggots, other than I read here, and when they fail shitposting their crap.
Can't handle opposing views
Can't handle bantz
The same curiosity that brought me to Sup Forums drove me to check it out. They take themselves way too seriously and really don't give compelling reasons to join them unless you were already basically an enraged skinhead. Sup Forums has a sense of humor and allows for discussion and some very interesting information to be passed around, and also has a some pretty good predictions or observations. Stormfront is really just a gathering for the anti social with no sense of fun or humor and nothing valuable to say.
never been, i make memes like this
Don't browse it, don't care about it too much.
I have been there before, such as in and around the time that the RCMP wanted us to try to h4x sandkips.
I found to to be profoundly lacking in lulz and not worth my time.
>anti social
Finally someone using this word correctly.
I just want every jew to be dead as swiftly as possible.
I browsed Stormfront a bit back in 2004. They're all conspiracy nutters and I couldn't even troll them since posting is heavily moderated.
Stormfaggots are prison punks
White nationalism and Nazism are retarded so I do not support or browse it.
I have never browsed Stormfront, but I am unironically a white nationalist.
Stormfront actually turned me off white nationalism because stormweenies are so fucking lame.
I'm now in a loving relationship with an ebony goddess and we are trying to conceive.
>I am unironically a white nationalist
If you browse Stormfront for a bit you might change your mind about this.
I'd choose to be the black child in the USA because American police brutality is extremely exaggerated and most of the people who get hurt by police actually fucking deserve it, and the media makes everyone sympathetic towards the scum with the standard "muh feels" BS
I'd rather be white living in the USA.
Oh wait! I already am!
Fuckin' based!
>unfortunately it is true
I'm a geneticist (major). Not liable to change my opinion because some people who share an ideological signifier are unsavory.
I think stormfronters suffer from a combination of autism and low IQ.
I appreciate their sentiments but they are too extreme for me.
My biggest issue with them is that they don't know how to keep their fucking mouths shut.
So is everyone on Sup Forums Welcome to the club.
I hope she does conceive, and I hope that baby and your nigress die in labor.
Stormfront is a meme. Law enforcement agents chatting with 50 year old aspies. Amren is the new ethno-nationalist spot.
does listening to all the TRS radio shows count
if so then yes
if not then no
Triggered the storm-fag
no its not
theres too many degenerates fom other boards
Not since I was about seventeen. They take themselves far too seriously.
I think for the most part Sup Forums doesn't hate people SOLELY because of their race or religion
However stormfront would hate a black person even if he was well-spoken, employed, and didn't have a hood rat attitude
Black dude at the end of the road was awesome.
They're all way too into Christ and almost none of them are libertarians so Stormfront is automatically shit.
>However stormfront would hate a black person even if he was well-spoken, employed, and didn't have a hood rat attitude
Me too. You don't belong here if you don't hate all blacks equally. Don't you believe in equality for all niggers?
I've been given the impression they'd hate that black person even more than usual.
I used to participate, but now go elsewhere. I believe we have to spread our views all over for others to ponder---and it works.
Funny, for a bunch of people that are supposed to act like upright and upforthy White people you spread your message like a bunch of niggers.
Your like the niggers of the White Race and you are no better than the people you despise.
>Stormfronter posting that image
That's pretty funny, and you probably don't even see how.
>Your like the niggers of the White Race and you are no better than the people you despise.
Who says I despise anyone?
I want White people to have their own lands where we can continue life.
My firm belief, BTW, is that diversity creates racism and conflict. Who wants that?
The DIVERSITY model has NEVER worked ANYWHERE over the long term without hate, civil war and violence.
>The DIVERSITY model has NEVER worked ANYWHERE
For better or worse it's the one in place and your way of dealing with it has been atrocious.
Where is our "White Nation" that you speak so highly of?
You are the niggers of the White Race and you make us all look like shit. I keep my distance as far as I can from you when I'm not poking fun at you, because that's the only redeeming quality you have.
>Who says I despise anyone?
C'mon man, who's kidding who. Every time I argue with one of you it's like arguing with a third grader.
>>The DIVERSITY model has NEVER worked ANYWHERE
>For better or worse it's the one in place and your way of dealing with it has been atrocious.
>Where is our "White Nation" that you speak so highly of?
Alright, show me a "multicultural" country that has existed for 200 years, and has not abused other ethnic groups (violence , genocide, oppression)?
They don't exist. Never happened. Never will.
Racial/religious separation is they only way for peace.
Why were you in the thread to begin with?
>muh trollz
Virtue signalling, is what it's called.
i dont like the format. and there arent enough memes
When you open up a shop in southside Chicago and put the "EBT Accepted" sign on the front door
>Racial/religious separation is they only way for peace.
Well then leave you fucking mong nobody is forcing you to stay are they?
Go and create your glorious empire and I'll get back to you.
Why not? Every other race gets to have pride and protect their own kind, whites should too.
he's right though, sandniggers would love to kill off the whites and have their perfect goat fucking muslim world.
SJWs want diversity in EVERY White country.
They want NO escape.
>You are the niggers of the White Race and you make us all look like shit.
Typical anti-white silliness.
Why it's called Stormfront? Is it a reference to Sturmabteilung? Why pick the gayest Nazi group for the name?
No, it's because you don't have a leg to stand on ideologically or otherwise.
Besides the fact that you just sit there and cry like every other "entitled" group instead of standing up for anything you believe which is why you get ignored. It's almost like a terrorist group.
This is what makes you the niggers of the White Race (and here you are thinking, "the White Race is so pure it wouldn't have any niggers!). Posting memes on message boards. Yeah. That'll get things done.