/sino/ 中文串 - Chinese Thread

This is the thread for posting in Chinese (繁體簡體都可以) and discussion about the Chinese speaking world.

Other urls found in this thread:


I wish there were actually good online resources for HSK 5/6 level grammar

Why can China and USA be friends

Anki decks for beginning mandarin?

fuck china


在上海城市公共交通中,地铁的作用越来越大,目前,上海地铁每天要搬运300多万人次,也就是说, 每天的地铁乘客数量占上海总人口将近六分之一

china is closest totalitarian power to the us

上海 suki?

Ni Hao. Ni xiang gen wo chi Zhongwen cai ma? Wo shi daxuesheng. Wo xihuan Riben cai. Ni jiao sheme mingzi? Wo jiao Kim Jung Fatso.

chinese cuisine is not zhong wen desu
wen is literature dayo






said the "Japanese" if there was no USA

but seriously i watched crappy chinese tv for like 4 hours today and i'm still not fluent what gives




it has some decent music and like maybe a couple decent tv shows but yeah it definitely is the hardest part

All fucking terrible chinese fake history dramas or crappy shows for the sake of stuffing in famous actors

japan definitely wins here

And taiwan is shit so it can't help much

don't blame ccp for your impatience

The Chinese Communist Party is a murderous dictatorship.





but seriously, by your standard, a country's pop culture won't have a global fan base so that people would voluntarily translate its works into other languages to make learning the language amusing unless it reaches US/UK/Japan/France/Korea tier. Thus, you will find it boring to learn any languages other than the aforementioned. But I do agree that learning Chinese languages isn't worthwhile because of its difficulty if you are not interest in visiting china or doing business here and also Chinese pop culture really can't match China's international influence.

那么 怎么解释你们国家到处盖孔子学院接受国外学生学习中文

We came down on them like a flood, We went out among their cities, We tore down the idol-temples, We shat on the Buddha's head!



不是同一个人 而且我也不觉得中国是内向型的 不过孔子学院更多是面向第三世界国家而且具有人才培养性质的 对于普通民众来说实在太无聊

GO Turkey GO!




老外装做中国佬吧 :^)

But seriously though chink's a pretty cool language. Something gratifying about being able to read and write characters.

洗钱。。。难道一些~员的个人利益跟那个东西的建立有关系么 不过我不喜欢像一些西方人一样光批评中国不看实际,我不在乎

>老外装做中国佬吧 :^)
kek why posters on this site always mistaken me for a gweilao? Even when I use chinese? Did I hurt your feeling when I said "WE"? Plenty of chinese don't care a random laowai learns chinese or not, deal with it


Want to know anything about Chinese politics? Ask me.

who do you think will be the next president of PRC?

What about Cao Cao?

How do you think they will incorporate ROC and HK with the mainland?


中国的流行文化就像说的有不少可看的东西 但是并不像欧美日韩那样成体系 没人翻译的话 也没办法辅助学习
另外还有个文化背景的问题 华语世界里面的那些古装片武侠片出了华语圈就失去了吸引力 而描写现代生活的影视作品或者科幻片魔幻片的市场早已被欧美还有日本占领了 所以只有像欧美日本那样具有英雄(比如marvel)或者软色情(萌)这些对年轻人有普遍吸引力的要素的作品才能全球风靡

倒没有这种只面向精英的门槛 但是当地可能只有精英才能接触到孔子学院倒是真的

bold assumption here

1. Political isolation.
2. Slow and steady economic integration.
3. Cultural interaction.
4. Semi-controlled Japan-like elections.
5. Full annexation 30-40 years later.

Personally, I don't think the CCP Politburo actually cares too much about Taiwan existing as long as it remains politically isolated.

um, by saying "next", we mean the president after Xi, cuz it's customary for a ccp's general secretary to hold the post of president two terms or 10 years

If Xi is anything to go by,

1. Younger.
2. Reformist.
3. International stature.
4. In Politburo.
5. Some form of control over a reforming organization.

There's about 5 candidates.

I agree. I think the integration will be slow and gradual. Eventually behind influence over Taiwan could be so great they will be united in all but name.
A few more questions:

China just finished their second aircraft carrier and they have a third on the way. Thoughts?

They also are also building their relationship with Pakistan. Do you think they will ever have bases there?

What role do you think the AIIB and SCO will play in expanding China's influence?

I agree, and see this guy

I think he meant Xi will stay more than two terms, that's why I said you seem to know chinese politics a lot.. What do you think would be the end game of Guo wengui?

Military power simply isn't as useful in a world of nukes.

Since they proved they can build it by themselves, that means they will have 6 carriers in 2030. That's a representation of their future superpower status.
Will that beat 20 US carriers? No. That's not the goal.


lemme answer the other two questions
>Do you think they will ever have bases there
see pic, and the second aircraft carrier is made to encircle india
>What role
as always, leader of the 3rd world country

Nah Xi isn't gonna remain prezzie after 2022. But he'll stay involved just like the rest. People outside China seem to think you just give up all power once you retire. That's not even true for Obama or Clinton or Bush.

Guo? He hasn't presented any evidence and he is a self-described corrupt bastard so I don't even pay him any attention.
Unless he can prove something, he's meaningless in the long-term.

Just another one of a long-list of corrupt businessmen who fled their country for money.

Likewise, you have to be retarded if you are surprised that most people in politics have done corrupt things. It's like claiming politicians are liars.

AIIB is expanding economic influence.

SCO is expanding military influence and cooperation.

OBOR is expanding political and economic influence, but mainly providing a release valve for China's builders.

To be quite honest, anything that can help Pakistan while also keeping it dependent on China is a good thing for China's geopolitical interests.

No matter what India does, it'll always be fucked over by an irrational nuclear power next door.

The one danger is that Pakistan becomes economically weak and irrelevant compared to India. That's where China comes in, and the Pakistanis are extremely thankful.
China's the perfect match for Pakistan and vice versa, oddly enough.

What is the population future of China? I mean it does get smaller because of the aging population.

I know but do you think he will be repatriated from the U.S. and put into jail? It seems (((they))) are trying to use him as a pawn to bring the reputation of many CCP leaders down once and for all. In his vids, he said he is in a building where all the others are jews, not to sound like a Sup Forumstard, but jews do seem to be very influential in the U.S. policy-making process

yeah Pakistan is the perfect ally of China

I posted a perfect answer but Sup Forums's server is a piece of shit.

China's population is higher than reported, the "missing women" phenomenon is far smaller than thought, and their population will stagnate in the 2030's before peaking in the 2040's.
It's actually not too different from Japan's demographic development (China's GDP per capita is where Japan's was in 1980).

Japan peaked in 2007. 27 years later.
China will peak 20-30 years after today.

Nah corrupt billionaires have a tendency to be well-protected in the "equality before the law" USA.

I'm personally not too concerned about him. He hasn't provided any evidence so far, and his only direct dealings were with CCP officials already in jail.
He got shut down because INTERPOL has a warrant on him for bribery.

"They" are just the CIA. In a year we will all forget Guo even existed, just like the last 50 Chinese dissidents spouted bullshit overseas for the ratings.

got it, thanks

Is China really going down the path of Japan? They will have less people, that's a fact. But if they can keep up their 2 child policy their population will not go down that much.