Tell me about Icelanders

Tell me about Icelanders
Why do they kebab their whales?

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That shit looks sad af

Eat whale, geysir ground or die bro


Is it? My dad hates the idea of eating whale. I'm less reserved but have never tried it.

your father sounds like a pussy

yeah tastes very good unless you overcook it
if you overcook it it tastes oily

I only had whale once, in Japan. It was tasty, but nothing special.

Whale milk is thick as cold butter

but why

well that'd be a given considering he's canadian

He is. Too bad I didn't have a real male figure growing up.

eg veit ekki

hvað ertu að tala um

Excelent post


This tbqh.
Whale is delicious.

eg veit bara ekki um hvalakebab

How do you say e uma delicia in icelandic?

How does whale taste?
How is it normally prepared?


like beef-tuna
cook it on a pan or a grill for a VERY short time

>cook it on a pan or a grill for a VERY short time
Are you meant to eat it rare? Wouldn't a whale have a lot of parasites?

A Chinese not willing to eat something? I don't buy it.

They love parasites