In order for something to be made great "again" it had to be great before, has Trump ever even mentioned a specific frame of American greatness he seeks to emulate?
What the fuck is "Make America Great Again" supposed to mean, otherwise?
In order for something to be made great "again" it had to be great before, has Trump ever even mentioned a specific frame of American greatness he seeks to emulate?
What the fuck is "Make America Great Again" supposed to mean, otherwise?
from the 50s to the 70s the American middle and working class were the undisputed kings of the world in terms of quality of life, purchasing power, security and economic freedom.
Nowadays they are not, for a whole lot of reasons that are mainly only being addressed by Trump
In the 1800s when you could own a nigger snort a line of coke and bang prostitutes legally
How about that time we landed on the fucking Moon.
the black community went through a lot of strife through this time period. for you to call it a "great" time is shameful
The black community lost that strife, by the way. They took the easy route and it's destroyed generations.
The black community was actually the closest it has ever been to economic parity with white America in that time period
The great AMERICAN melting pot was a consideration
The Great Depression
Gatsby was fictional but meant to evoke a time of greatness and prosperity in America.
There are plenty of Great Moments in Americas History where the actions taken by its citizens were considered a victory over the Herculean task that was lain before them. Highways Damns and bridges were a marvel. Sky scrapers big cities, automotive industry, the pony express, the trans pacific railroad. First in flight.. Etc
If you were rich and WASP
You know F Scotts Fitzgerald was racist right
This country used to be far stronger economically and was far more unified culturally.
We were a safe, happy society where every child had hope and where a highschool graduate could easily get a job where he'd live a lifestyle comparable to the middle class today and where he could buy a nice home all cash in 2-3 years.
Aside from the country being weaker financially then it was for many decades before we are also far weaker culturally.
The respect for our founders, for our culture, for our system has gone out the door and we went from having a unified populace and culture to the shitfest we have now.
yeah that's really cool and all but obviously Trump wouldn't be reinstating segregation. have a (You), dipshit
also this
Adjusted for inflation the highest earning point for a black family in the United States was in the 1950s. LBJ made a point to undo that.
Last time America was great was under Reagan.
Great for some but not for all. And America was great when the civil rights act was passed.
What do you think was a great time in AMERICAN history?
A Time when blacks as a whole worked towards a better life? A time handouts were seem as enabling lazyness? A time when america was unified against a threat? What's missing is an us and them narrative for an outside force. Now it's black on white, Christian on muslim, boomer on millenial; we need trump and putin to make the world ok with American dominance if it means protection from the bear.
It was never united culutrally aouth was always different
Gtfo troll
fuck off. America was great from 1776 until about 1968. it's been garbage since then.
>Great for some but not for all.
You mean great for most (95%+) but not as great for the tiny minority of freed slaves who should have never been brought to our country in the first place.
He trippled the debt
Spoken like someone who was born after his presidency. everyone is being called racist. Holds no water ..oh you kid. Well he's dead burn a book if it satisfies.
I was born in 1976. I can confirm that the 80s were pretty ok. the latter half started empowering niggers too much and over representing them in the media, but other than that it was a pretty good decade.
Damn, guess im #DiamondJimMissle now
Yeah I agree. If I had a time masheen I would go back to that 1st slaver ship and free those slaves, and make sure we never ever had a Sub Saharan African slave on this continent. It would be glorious for all
1950s, when we had no immigration, little global trade, high union membership and a strong government presence in the economy and the sciences.
what makes you think I'm trolling? maybe you replied to the wrong poster
I'd say at this point pre-9/11. We think back to the 50s/early 60s as the ideal nuclear family, but even in the 90s we didn't have that sense of dread and instability that we've had since.
You think Trump will try to "Make America Great like in the 60s Again"?
No, it's actually the 1900's.
Trump wants to emulate based TEDDY
...didn't we brutalize the ever living shit out of the people living in the Philippines (complete with concentration/internment camps) right after capturing the Philippines from the Spanish who we claimed were brutalizing the ever living shit out of them, around then?
The Panama canal was pretty neat tho
Yeah because Filipinos are meant to be dominated by white cock!
1948-1960 - The zenith of American civilization.
The Golden Age
The Age of Ike.
>implying the Phillipinos aren't the most powerful race in the world
Lol seriously though we trashed the whole independent Western power thing by wading into WWI.
Didn't Ike tax the shit out of corporations, which are now going to be protected like helpless children by Trump?
Not to mention the whole brewing civil rights/social justice thing that exploded into full blown race riots just a few years later...
He's talking about slavery, of course. But it'll be the Mexicans this time. Black people will own more than anybody else.
We could do something like
> El gran patrocinio negro
Give every black life a brown life to make it more smooth. Blacks Teach browns how to be murrican. Blacks have Mexican maid/slave for 7 years of servidumbre
idk if that's what the people who wanted "reparations for slavery" really meant lel
The ciiirclllee of liiiiiiiiiife (in chains)
That was pretty chill,
It could work. Illegal undocumented Mehicanos/ and others Pay Debnts to murrican gov by serving fellow man and gaining knowledge.
> Verbal Skills
> street smarts
> resulting in scads and scads of Latino rappers
> mariachi Flow would be #1 rapping style
> black man would no longer be oppressed but oppressor
All profit
Yeah at the expense of future generations though. Boomers fucking suck for that. Essentially you're saying MAGA = a shittier future. great.
>When was America Great that Donald wants to bring us back to?
Easy. It's the same answer every single time.
What fucked future generations was giving the banks unlimited credit in 1971. That's when the freedom train really stopped.
That was it man that was it
>muh minorities
Fuck off.
The black community fucked itself over with crime.
Black lives dont matter anyway
Effective tax rate
Tldr the 90% tax meme is a misleading one
...did you actually live in the 80s, or is your expertise limited to anecdotes?
Also, idk if he's ever said anything of the sort.
>pic related
I've never looked into this but what was the average life expectancy of an African nig in the say 19th century verses an american slaves average life expectancy? I honestly don't know the answer. Certainly the modern generations of blacks here have benefited
Anytime before B. Hussian Obama bin laden became president.
Why do you ask OP?
Feeling a little bit faggot this friday evening?
You speak with the snark and condescension of a typical leftist redditor.
You have not said anything compelling yet. Earn your arrogance, peasant.
no, the black community threw everything away
>treated like garbo until 1950s
>get brown v. board
>get voting rights acts
>get like 3 amendments just to protect them
>get affirmative action
>get free job training programs from Great Society
>get all sorts of free shit due to DEMOCRATIC party leadership
>billions spent on helping black community in cities like Baltimore, DC, Detroit, Oakland, and Chicago
>black community still in shambles
>use all their welfare to buy Timberlands, Cadillacs, and drugs
the only response the black community has is "DUH WHITE MAN KEEPIN' US DOWN MAN"
bullshit, white man is the only thing between the black man and abject poverty
you fucking cunts squandered everything we gave you
the worst part? blacks who DIDN'T squander everything we gave you are now "uncle toms" and the enemy
eat shit and die
Absolutely not. The prime of black community was the late 60s to late 70s, then the drug war came
You had a drug war in leaf land?
>When was America great, again?
July 4th 1776 - November 6, 1860
this is the funniest thing
black people just started killing each other over crack cocaine
and black people can't own up to it
they say the CIA and Reagan created it TUH KEEZ WE WUZ KANGZ DOWN
literally, niggers decided killing each other for drug money was better than community development
now they wanna blame white people for it
fuck them, honestly
>ad hom is an argument
Additionally, I haven't exactly needed to compel anyone to believe or think anything lel, I've been as :compelling" as the situation has required. Keep lurking if you're gonna proxyfag so obviously, kangaroo fucker.
your objective prime
>When was America great, again?
Before you lived here
Now look at today, the black community destroyed the white and black communities
>being this paranoid because a different user thinks you're acting like a child
>sperging out this much after being told your arguments haven't been compelling
You have the emotional maturity of a 14 year old girl, huh? Also, that was not an ad hom and if you really think it was you might have the intellect of a 14 year old girl too.
Dogshit pickup could barely hit 30 in like 20 seconds
during that great time, the majority of black students outperfprmed white students on standardized tests.
during that great time, the majority of black children sat across from both parents during dinner.
during that great time, the jew had just started cultural and economic bolshevism on the black community.
But you are too much of a liberal fag to appreciate that.
I am sure the black community will be targeting your areas first.
>the majority of black students outperfprmed white students on standardized tests.
My community isnt destroyed faggot. Speak for yourself.
No, even the working class could get a whore and some coke.
>the majority of black students outperfprmed white students on standardized tests.
This sounds like bullshit senpai.
Literally never just like the rest of the western world, the only reason the west succeeded was because of racism and theft from PoCs who were too peaceful and in touch with nature to defend themselves against the white oppressor
>nigger master race
Top kek
G. Washingtons slogan was make America great, so probably that time period
who fucking cares about an handful of niggers? america was great
Well he did say the French were "nigger mixed"
>You speak with the snark and condescension of a typical leftist redditor.
>This is not a personal attack at all
>You have not said anything compelling yet. Earn your arrogance, peasant.
>This is an argument
>You have the emotional maturity of a 14 year old girl, huh?
>This is not a personal attack at all
Lurk. More.
>Blacks representing less than 15% of the US population and their situation means everyones situation was shit.
u wut m8
NO! 1900s were shit.
sure totally
that sounds like a whole mess of not my or any other white person's problem, if you're black, take care of your own problems, if you're not, stop kowtowing to a group of people who hate you.
Ours was the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words: "We the People." "We the People" tell the government what to do; it doesn't tell us. "We the People" are the driver; the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which "We the People" tell the government what it is allowed to do. "We the People" are free. - Ronald Reagan in his Farewell Speech
America was pretty great for the better part of the first 200 years. Yes, even when slavery existed, America was great.
Thank you based friendly leaf for protecting me against those bigoted burgers, together we will stop racism forever!
America was great in 1950.
I would chalk that up to
the Vernacular of the day
I'm late but I have the best answer.
completely shit on inner cities
still better than slavery gaylord
he's said 60s-70s
>massively popular campaign for civil rights waged against the statists
>not great
Alexander wasn't Great for doing nothing.