Girlfriend has dog

Girlfriend has dog
It stays in a kennel all day
I take care of it most the time
It's made me late to work several times
She says it's me or the dog

What do?

take the dog

I just want to kill the damn thing it shits everywhere and chews everything

Pls advise

You or the dog what you fucktard?

If it were me i'd kill the dog then leave the bitch. I fucking hate dogs. Especially pitbulls. If it is a pitbull. I would torture it before I killed it.

She's already fucking the dog, from the sound of it.

leave her. let her deal with it.

cucked by a dog.

It hurts
I told her I wasn't cleaning up its shit the other day
Boi was she mad
Baby steps though

I've thought about it
We were doing amazing for a full year before this cretin came

pretend to love it so much then feed it fuck tones of chocolate then blame your gf for not securing the chocolate properly etc. Simple.

Dump that bitch
Both of them, actually

I was hoping to not do something so bitchy/manipulative

>She says it's me or the dog
it's her fucking dog, you mongloid
that's the ultimatum she gives when she wants to get rid of your dog

just fuck the dog. Once she sees it as competition, she'll be ready to ditch it.

Thanks, will try it
The dog tends to rub it's ass everywhere to itch it, that's not a problem right?

Seek help you unloved faggot

Dump her date the dog instead.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed

Lose the girlfriend, keep the dog

I have done this many times already. Pitbulls are my favourites dog to torture. They make this look where they finally see who has the POWER, instead of being the fierce dumb pieces of shits they usually are.

Watching these things burn is really mind expanding

u gotta leave bro, ur her bitch, not meant to be like that

Ok here is what you do. Pretend the dog got loose when you were letting it out. Then take it to the humane society a town away.

Lend the dog in a chinese restaurant, say you'll be back in 20-30 minutes.
Don't come back ofc.

You can be sure that it will never come back and that it most likely is not alive anymore.