New dick r8 bread

new dick r8 bread

pic related, my droopy dongler



Kill yourselves fucking faggots. Why the hell do you want other guys looking at your dicks?!

small donger detected

A: show me your dick
B: No, I'm straight
A: Here, look at my dick
B: Dude, I'm straight, put away your dick you fucking faggot
A: XDDDDD your dick is small

pic related

bumping my cock

>new dick r8 bread



closet homo detected

>faggot porn spam

man if a dick thread puts you over the edge you must really be new here, or super closet gay, or both

Because posting your dick on the internet where only male persons see it while you're looking at other dicks doesn't make you homo. Kill yourself fucking faggot scum. Get off Sup Forums




if u dont like our big gay sexy dongers leave this thread and stroke you little dirty dongle to some pornstars, we dont mind

Gays should be executed on the spot.
Also I don't watch porn.

Id love to suck that


That's a really nice one. Nice veins and nice body hair.

9/10 looks juicy

sick bush, ok donger, 5/10
looks good but post one without pulling the skin back, 7/10
2 much bush 3/10

OP here, first 3 pics are me


post a pic in color, none of that casablanca shit

The foreskin looks good. Post another pic please.


nice PPP. does that shit hurt?

hard to rate honestly when ur pulling the skin back. i like it though it's thicc

Does that get hard?

it's a grower in a major way (maybe 2 inches totally soft), all my pics are at like a 3/4 chub.

i can hardly ever get fully hard other than during sex, idk if anyone else has that problem, makes it hard to get good pics tho

Rate please

Don't actually notice them
here is another angle
not that big, only 6.5"

Other angle


nice carpet. cock is good too, 8/10 would suck. has anyone ever backed out of sex because they thought you had an STD?

very nice 9/10

do u need some tweezers for this ingrown fingernails? looks pretty irritating

r8 plz

other side~

Whats a lecker?

german for: tasty

whyyyy do you all gotta push the skin down at the base like this? y'all have nice cocks, you dont have to do this.

Ahhhh, gotcha. Thanks

dunno, didn't even do it consciously

nice but why condom ? ruins it.

They trying to get that extra inch


kind of a fetish thing
Also use it when taking many pics so i don't spread my precum everywhere..
But i have a webm without :3

Nope, but I had girls ask questions after... tells you how much they pay attention...

hell yea that's more like it, Saved

idk i dont think doing that even makes it look any bigger, just makes it look kind of unnatural or like you're insecure about your length, which is stupid. you dont need to have a super long donger for it to be a good one.

nice dick btw 8/10


your technique is a little awkward. needs more wrist and less arm in a major way. still really hot though. face pics?

8/10 thicc, like the curve. the dim lighting makes it look kinda dirty tho.

>face pics?
not on Sup Forums, sorry.


I've seen this little bitch right here using the same pic to shitpost on most threads recently.

i thought it was just me who noticed that lol


Nope, that guy is a real dick and he's on a toll right now.
The madman must be stopped.



from what ive observed in all my years on this dumb board, everyone who does that is on here for the first time and that's their only reaction image. totally lame, hopefully he's saving some new ones for next time.

weird angle hard to judge, seems nice though. that's a big ass dick hole though, i like it. does that affect how strong you piss stream is?

take one without holding the skin down at the base like that. nice though 7/10 at least.

i have those bumps on my cock too, i know there's a name for it but i cant remember what it is. someone help me out?

ITT cock suckers



nice cock 8/10 would suck, looks like your dick skin is super dry though, you ok? need some good succ to moisten it up?

looks like youre about to cut yourself with ur own dick, very emo 11/10

I prefer your sexy as fuck slender legs.

Show that ass



oops, should've linked to



Post more of your legs-ass



don't have much of it since it's difficult to decently capture on your own :

did you dip it in acid or something?

let it grow and give us a show...yo


rate my pecker

your head looks like Nidus's tendrils from Warframe

hope this is pasta i dont wish whatever that is upon anybody


yes lord jesus, 10/10
very nice, 8/10
cute, like the big head, 7/10

10/10 body. Where are you from?

are you that youtuber Eugenia Cooney.
lets fuk em up boys

i am too scared to go see a doctor


thats fucking nasty

Well, how'd I do? NEED to go to the doctor. nobody's gonna make judge you or make fun, and you dont deserve to walk around with that shit all day. does it hurt?

Good thing I'm a bottom

Sad I'm not close from there. Keep being that beautiful.

dude you either see a doctor or never get laid again

do you take hormones or is your top stuffed

in other words, lemme see dem titties

i know ;-;
i wish the wouldnt

OP here, show us dat ass then

No problemo

will do my best, thanks

Holy shit that's a bad shot of my face, why is my nose like that?!

that looks so fucking painful fam, do yourself a huge favor and go to a doctor, or a minute clinic, planned parenthood, AnYtHiNg. dont let trolls shitposting make you feel so humiliated that you cant get yourself help. no medical professional cares that your dick is messed up, theyre just happy to take your money and fix your shit, so let them.

seriously user, please get yourself some help, like, TODAY. u got kik?