Things that were ruined by fandom/society

>things that were ruined by fandom/society

>pic very related

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this circlejerk again. you retards are just as annoying as the fans now.

Video games and comics. I will never understand how feminists/SJWs bitch about games, like if you don't like the content then just don't play the game. But no, HOT WOMEN ARE SEXIST AND MAKE ME INSECURE ABOUT BEING A FAT HAIRY LARDASS AND GIVE ME FEELINGS OF INFERIORITY!!!

fandom only ruins something if the creators start to be influenced by it and start pandering as opposed to continuing to produce quality.

I feel like the last few seasons of Doctor Who have fallen into this trap.

has the show actually changed because of these fans?
why do you care?

Does trying to appeal to the masses count?

Forgot pic

it was ruined by the second season. The third season is just literal shit

You're a literal idiot.


Ive noticed this new season of Rick and Morty kinda sucks. It's like it has become a parody of itself.

I wouldn't say it was ruined by second season, but third is just bad.


the show didnt change. but the raging hard ons people had for it and still have for it drove me insane to the point of me now despising the show and refuse to watch it

>but i hate things when they become popular!

Disliking something because it's popular is just as infinitely retarded as liking something because it's popular.
Start thinking for yourself, sheepfriend.

Everything ever. there something im not getting? I thought S 1 and 2 were pretty good, and S3 was the funniest one yet.

I also like every time people try to say "waaaah get rid of the women" and dan harmon just tears shit up

holy fuck just fucking listen to yourself. you refuse to watch a television show that hasn't change a bit since it got popular because other fucking people get raging hard ons for it. why would that influence your decision making in any way shape or form

no u

>b-b-but muh peer pressure

I honestly thought season 3 was great.
Why didn't you guys like it?

Youre a major beta fag if you let ppl decide that for you just bc theyre beta as well n get overly excited around you. The show doesnt belong to you, you faggot. Grow up n watch the shit you like without external influences you fucking idiot

You fucking snowflake the show is as good as it's always been, as someone who followed it from season 1 episode 1 I couldn't give a flying fuck if 50 million people fan girl over it or just 50, it's something I personally enjoy and that's what matters

what would you say are the things that has changed in this season compared to the previous three seasons?

Rick and Morty has the greatest fan base of any show.
Obvious troll is obvious, you boys have been

>implying anything could have ruined this already trash excuse for a shitshow

Stop making excuses for thing that were already bad to begin with.

>grow up
>fucking idiot

jesus, you're the epitome of summercancer

The season 3 hype on the internet basically killed the fandom, so by the time season 3 came along, the R&M fandom became more and more cancerous

Lost it

I've seen one episode of this retarded show and really don't understand its appeal.

kinda has being honest. The whole PICKKKLEEE RICKKK and sechuan sauce shit was a complete joke and never would of been put in there if the show hadnt blown up like it did

pretty fun stuff to watch while you're stoned

dubs of truth

Really loved this game till tumblr and the lgbtq got their fat hands on it
now its a game about a gender neutral kid walking through a pc town where everyone is awesome and random xDDDD and theres a kickass heroin dating a super smart girl genius!!! GIRL POWER!!! :DDD

First acuall response to OP

Dath note

Just don't pay attention to it, idiots.

people with IQs over 100 have a hard time switching off their consciousness
we all wish we could be you

Seriously this. Pickle Rick is a direct response to the autistic love that Tiny Rick got. That shit blew my mind. I knew ~20 year old normies that would always scream 'TINY RIIIIIIIICK' and go crazy whenever he showed up in that episode. Its weird as fuck like I dont understand what the show does to people.

youre only mad because he speaks the truth. Did you want the show to only last 1 season and die because nobody liked it? Grow up dude.

I used to think being a contrarian was cool too. It'll get better after you have sex.

people with IQs over 100 know that for a show to succeed it needs viewers.

>was a complete joke

Geez almost as if it's a comedy show

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them

Go to 45:45

Therein lies the problem.

How do you ruin shit? Just curious.

is this copypasta?
well done if oc
will be reusing

Cheers in the analysis, thoughtful. Rick's issues are even ancient Sherlock-esque in nature. It's not the first time folks have explored the type. Sir. Doyle, waaaaaay back in the 1880's, created a character that was so bored with reality, that unless he was on a thrilling case, or an adventure, was so doped the fuck out of his mind on cocaine and opium, that he wouldn't leave his couch for days at a time, not even for food (I've read the entire collection, Dr. Watson is an OG Morty btw, but a veteran of a fucked up war). There is something to be said for creative minds and their equal affinity for being self or outwardly destructive if they are not working on something. Rick just so happens to be so brilliant that he even stays drunk and high while on adventures, because the universe itself bores him. I kinda get it. I've been an on and off weeks-at-a-time drunk for about nine years. If I'm not creatively engaged, I slip into nonstop drinking that can last months as a 'fuck you' to being alive at all... and it hurts people, folks close to me especially. It's why I like Rick. But to be bored with the universe itself, well damn dude, what's left than to say 'fuck it all' to everything? I'm curious where they go. It's getting more psychological. I don't mind it...

Jesus Christ you sad fucks need to stop projecting everywhere. I'm gonna hit you with a concept thats going to blow your mind (pretend I'm Rick saying it, I'm sure that means you'll value it alot higher):

You can start disliking something due to how people treat it WITHOUT being contrarian. Its not about 'oh, now this is normal and I want to be a special snowflake and feel surperior', its more like 'wow, this mediocre show is correlated with so much autism that I no longer want to associate with it'.

Also, congrats on the sex faggot, you're super cool. If you haven't noticed we're in the normie age of Sup Forums and nearly evergone here has had sex too

And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

sorry to hear that, user. still loving it.

It's pasta and K missed the mast part of it.

I missed the last*

>the raging hard ons people had for it and still have for it drove me insane to the point of me now despising the show

i think you need help. nothing you said makes sense to a healthy human.
try to follow your own tastes and interests, following the herd or avoiding the herd is equally idiotic.

most cult hits go down this path
they become more concerned with references than artistic integrity, and cater more to what the fans like, or rather, what the creators think the fans like, instead of doing whats appropriate thematically
Here's a prime example
Community of DaS hyped up the game cus of its difficulty
devs thought, "just turn up the difficulty then and it'll be even better"
so despite well designed environments (although they make little geographic sense), the gaming experience is weakened from the excessive enemy placements that are commonly unfair to the player, a ridiculous system where everything including rings break after 5 minutes of combat, and a lightened focus on theme and characters to drive the theme

forgot pic

You can thank stinky chinks for ruining the show with Sichuan.

>Implying DaS2 was more difficult than DaS1 or even Demon Souls
git fucking gud m8

Oh look, a hipster.

You sound like a hipster faggot.

If there are so many "fans" and "gurl fans" out there and people claiming they've been Star Wars fans for years, then why are there so many vids on YT of women watching for the first time and reacting to the Darth Vader reveal from Episode V, and other key scenes? What I liked when Lucas had creative control and it was still his was that it was his vision, his story, a "soap opera about the Skywalker family," according to his words. Now it's Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy seeing how many different types of tropes and equality banners can fit quietly and smoothly so as to make enough money to ramp up the holiday season. It's good marketing, sure, but the flagship is still the story, the movie itself. My friends and I had a bet before they announced the recent batch of characters for VIII, to see what race would be thrown in. My friend correctly predicted there would now be a female Asian character, so he won the pool.

I haven't played Dark Souls 2, just a bit of 1, and it seems like it's about putting your character in almost hopeless situations, and that's the intrigue, the fact that you will fail many times.



You sound like a 'woke' Rick and Morty cocksucker who doesnt realize how fucking ignorant they are

I'm reminded of this

it is fine to be led by popular opinion about things that you haven't experienced yet.
An adult however would update their opinion with honest thought when the experience has happened.

Essentially this. Though not AS applicable to a TV show, it still demonstrates how a shitty fanbase can ruin something great

But noo, everyone who doesnt like R&M due to the cancerous community is just an edgy contrarian hipster. Thats what Rick would say, *braaaaaap* right guys?


Now this guy watches Rick and Morty

yeah its the intrigue
until it just feels dumb
DaS1 manages to feel difficult, without breaking my immersion or satisfaction
>Demon Souls
>Demon's Souls is difficult
>Tells me to git gud

Everyone always says this, youre retarded bro. Its not milking the same idea, Rick is the fucking same idea you idiot. That episode is one of my favorite and it is 10000% in line with what Rick would do to get out of Therapy.

I literally cannot comprehend how people are so blind to see that it is something Rick Sanchez would DEFINITELY do.

does tv show fan faggotry get on your nerves?

here's the solution:
finish school, move out from your parents and get a job.

nice dubs

they're dubs
