I hate walmart

I hate walmart

People buy food at walmart? Sounds fucky.

You and me both. That place is a fucking nightmare.

OP is mad that the author of that note is actually using food stamps responsibly

Holy fuck whoever wrote that chicken scratch must have Parkinson's

Use jet instead, its the online version. I havent been to walmart in 6 monthes

Fuck your dashboard

Soups, Cup of
>Soups, Cup of
>S o u p s, C u p o f

stfu riley you don't need a fucking xanax to go shopping

>c h e R R i o s

What are the strawberries for?

Lol I saw that too

Smoking is bad, quit before it is too late

I worked at that cuck of a place for 3 1/2 months, it was aids

Whenever I go in there I usually get like a couple things and when I go to the express line that clearly says " 10 items or less " Theres always fucking assholes there with a full shopping cart giggling about how they're cheating the system. Also 80% of the shoppers there are mexican/blacks.

looks like an eight year old wrote that note

You handwriting is fucking garbage

I plan my walmart runs for 7am sunday morning. Any other time and it's a bad scene. The people oh my god.

I bet your fingernails look like shit

>80% of the shoppers there are mexican/blacks

that's the main reason i stopped going to walmart, i couldn't go on saturday without getting sick for 3 days from some lowlife carrier spreading disease around.


They have Wal-Mart pick up now you fucks. Order then pick it up the next day. If they don't have an item they substitute it for the next best thing even if it's higher price you pay the price of the original item. I use that shit all the time, grocery shopping is like 5 minutes now.