Why do you care about nationalism?

Why do you care about nationalism? What's your country ever done for you? Your country's women won't fuck you but they fuck other better looking guys and foreigners. The normies don't invite you to parties or help you get laid. They don't care about your personal problems or emotions or depression.

The majority of your country cares about their own person first and chads/stacies from other countries before they care about their country, so why should you care about their country?

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brainwashed by DA MANE STREEM METEOR

I've come to this realization as well. my forebears who lived and died on this land are all forgotten.


>uses reddit spaces
>supports multiculturalism
It's time for you to go back

I shall not betray my country in it's hour of need you daft bogan ape shit cunt.

because nationalists usually have nothing inside to be proud about themselves.

"National identities do not exist. They're a made-up, fabricated, artificial construct. 'Nation' means nothing."
— Varg "No Borders" Vikernes

that's why they are nationalists you dote
because people don't care

Policy affects societies morals if you allow people to be degenerate and let feminists and communists rule then you get what you have right now. Look up the movie hans westmar the situation in Germany then is the same as it is now.

what do nationalists do that makes them nationalist?

National identities are dumb, people should define themselves and their social 'tribe' by their beliefs and actions, not by a circumstance of birth.

Because cultural and genetical diversity is THE source of life and progress. Once this diversity ceases to exist and the world becomes homogenous, we are fucked as a species
I do not hate negros, asians or slavs, but i also do not want to intermix with any of them and thus dilute my thousands-years-long bloodline into non-existance

that's what nationalism is, considering your ethnic-like as a national entity, "white nationalism" and so on, hence there is no such thing as countryism

“The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”
Arthur Schopenhauer

schoppy is my hero

Mindless pride and preservation of your culture and nation is two different things. Most go for the first as for the easiest, but that's not nationalism - that's self-indulgence in degeneracy.
In the most of societies with even slightest traces of traditionalism left it's commonly a shame to belong to a lineage and contribute nothing to it. At least, in those of which i know
A group is built with individuals, there is no other way

When you have no achievements at all make the achievements of others your own

Nationalism is less than 250 years old. It's a surrogate religion that emerged after Enlightenment and Humanism caused the old religions to massively lose importance. But it's as stupid and mindless as any other religion.

Probably it's the case of terminology. You mean the formalized mass ideology with several well-known "prophets" and i mean an essential way of staying alive for most of the nations until the XX century's transportation boom
Modern German and, say, Tibetan/Tatar/Turkic/Iranian/Caucasian/etc. nationalisms are ways to different. At least, we speak of different things with different pretext

>Why do you care about nationalism?
Because Nationalism freed us from the Brits and killed Chink commies

>What's your country ever done for you?
Killed Chink Commies, gave me free school education, cheap University education, Malay supremacy, scholarships, cash assistance, cheap medical care.

>Your country's women won't fuck you but they fuck other better looking guys and foreigners.
Married with kids. Had 4-5 gfs before that. Also, Malay women are mostly traditionalists and few will ever marry out of race or religion.

>The normies don't invite you to parties or help you get laid. They don't care about your personal problems or emotions or depression.
I don't mix with normies. I mix with people who share my beliefs and interests. I don't care about their personal problems either. Just hangout and do your thing.

>Why do you care about nationalism?
I am angry and also i would like to save my skin

>What's your country ever done for you?
Precisely nothing except trying to fuck me and steal my money hence my anger

>Your country's women won't fuck you but they fuck other better looking guys and foreigners. The normies don't invite you to parties or help you get laid. They don't care about your personal problems or emotions or depression.The majority of your country cares about their own person first and chads/stacies from other countries before they care about their country, so why should you care about their country?
That's all bullshit and you shouldn't generalize your situation. I don't have those problems.

you dont understand because you are from a non nation

> Why do you care about nationalism?

Don't have a problem with educated & skilled non-whites who don't have a history of violence migrating to Australia; except for muslims, not racist, just don't like em, simple as.

> What's your country ever done for you?

We live in one of the best countries in the world lol

>Why do you care about nationalism?

I don't, it's a dead meme.

Now race is where it's at.