Be American

>be American
>go to convenience store
>get shot

Land of the free

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you dont get lead if you dont commit a crime

>being this cucked by your authorities

Kek Americans everybody. Also what crime?

what in the actual fuck, americans need to grow some balls. just body slam the weak cunt - he's tiny.

Yea, better loosen up those gun laws, that oughta fix it

This is what you get if you try to take a knife from the cop

You dumb shit. It was the cops spare magazine. You can see him pull it from the cops belt at the start.


>be tweaker
>fight a cop

Um...good. Less street trash the better. Don't want to get shot? Don't fight a cop. Not difficult to understand. Also don't be black.



yeah, basically
1. dont attack a cop
leads directly
2. dont get shot

if you decide to
1. attack a cop
you deserve to

fucking idiot, good thing hes dead.

too sad he didnt suffer way more.

I'm usually on the side of cops, but shooting an unarmed guy 7 times is unnecessary.

If you have a gun and someone physically grapples with you, the only outcomes are you either win the physical fight, or you get your gun taken away and used on you. Anyone willing to fight an armed officer should expect death as the outcome. The officer will use lethal force to retain their firearm. period.

>be a dirty foreigner
>does not know how to webm
>post link instead

Wow, it's really that simple. No need for all these laws. After all, we'll never be in a situation where we feel threatened by the police because we're smart.

Tell me - are the rest of your countrymen as intelligent as you?

god I love this one. Dual-wielding nignog gets insta-killed by George Lucas with his .45 1911.

>if a cop kills you it means you committed a crime and crime in America is punishable by execution
The Law of The Burger

>a knife



if you are afraid of your police, stop committing crimes.

physically attacking the police has to end in your death or the world goes to ruins.

you can attack policemen via court. just sue them.

>insta-killed by George Lucas

that wasnt an execution, that was self defense. they had a minutelong fight and he had 2 seconds to shoot him before getting attacked again and he did.

and he did it good. good work officer.

>be european
>walk down street
>gang-raped and beheaded by muslims

Shakespeare died for this

That's what happens when you're armed and you don't follow police's commands.

"hurr durr why'd they have to shoot him so many times?"

Because he wans't dying fast enough.

Yeah I know Right? Why doesn't everyone just bend the will of the police? Stupid. Do you usually swallow the cops load out of courtesy after you are done sucking his cock?

yeah lets ignore tazers, mace or calling for backup

lets just kills this guy with a series of pointblank shots after an obvious look of fear a second before shots were fired

worst part was the cop had to think about finishing the guy off he stopped for a just a second before delivering the killing blow

What if you're disabled or mentally incapacitated in any way, for some reason?

For example: You're drunk, walking from a bar when you see someone put your friend to the ground. You don't recognize that it's the police and charge at them to help your friend.

But that's stupid, and if you drink until you're that drunk you deserve to be shot, right?

>>yeah lets ignore tazers

he used a taser, it didn't work because tasers don't penetrate hoodies

go watch the whole video

>"cops in the UK are such pussies! They dont even carry guns!"
>meanwhile American cops can't handle a 100 lb twig without a shooting him with a gun

Hey, you're right. You should fight a cop and FIGHT THE POWER, yo. Government is corrupt and shit. Go fight a cop, I dare you.

at no point did he use the tazer

A dumb dies and people complaining

Its not whether or not they could, its whether or not they should, and the answer is no
>because gun.
work smarter, not harder.

Yes he did, here you go

You can even see him pull out the taser prongs and keep approaching the cop


Yes, attacking a police officer will lead to your death. Use logic you stupid nigger lover.

Except he did use a taser. It failed, probably got caught in the hoodie and the probes didn't reach skin. Tasers aren't fucking magic star trek phaser guns. They have a high failure rate, hence why cops still carry actual firearms.

>if you drink until you're that drunk you deserve to be shot
you answered your own question. you must assume the consequences of your own acts

Perhaps that's what he grabbed off his belt.

In any case, I'm actually all for this. If you're stupid enough to do something like that to a member of a group you know are taught in their training "treat every day like it might be your last, because it may be", then you deserve to be shot.

Oh, he's angry about how black people are treated? Then he shouldn't have been acting like that. Black people get exactly what they deserve.

Like that laquan mcdonald in Chicago. Bunch of fucking whiners chanting "16 times 16 times" about a kid who was fucked up on pcp, breaking into trucks and cars, wouldn't drop his knife, and wanted to flex his nuts and act like he was hard by walking in the middle of the street, ignoring commands to stop? He's a victim? Fuck that. He got exactly what he deserved.

What is it with black thugs and walking in the middle of the street anyways. Like playing in traffic is some sort of final act of defiance.

He thinks he has the right to get so drunk and mentally incapacitated in public he has the right to beat the shit out of anyone, including cops, just because you're too drunk

how was I supposed to identify someone before I beat the shit out of him? I'm drunk I'm not responsible for my actions!

im talking about police in firstworldcountries like usa. in russia or north korea, you are right. even there you shouldnt attack the police.

>tazers, mace or calling for backup
yeah or sucking a dick like the pussy you are. bullshit. if he has the right to kill him, he should.

shit happens.

uhm yeah, if a guy woth a gun attacks my friend i wouldnt try to wrestle him, no thanks. helping a friend, yes, killing myself for no reason at all, nope.

if you had friends i would kindly ask you to do that because you would be finally dead. moron.

That prick got exaclty what he deserved.

if you're so drunk that you physically attack armed law enforcement, no shit you deserve whatever you get, bullets or a baton strike to the head


if you dont wanna die, dont pull out a gun near a cop. Sorry bud :)

He fucking hit the cop and grabbed a magazine off him. I'd fucking shoot him too you pussy.

full vid?


And your solution is to bend over to criminals? You're a legitimate retard.

Rule number 1: if having a gun pointed at you, don't move toward them while holding something in your hands.

You hit a cop he has every right to shoot you cucklord.

Where you can get a gram and a Glock and a gram for the cheap

If you're that irresponsible with alcohol then you run the risk of someone legitimately fearing your aggression and acting on it. There's nothing unfair about that. I'd fucking shoot the guy. Why wouldn't I? I'm supposed to run the risk to spare your feelings? Eat shit.

Average twitter cuck trying to spread hatred of cops.

Show the full video, not just the part where the cop shoots him. They do this with every video and it's fucking retarded, you can make every killing look unjustified if you just show the death with no backstory.

>be anybody
>take something from cop's belt
>get shot because you are retarded

In a first world country, yes you do as the armed police say because there is a lot of legislation and governing bodies which review police actions to make sure they aren't corrupt.


I wish they would show the part where his fat aunt Jemima lookin' momma comes waddling out "Why dey keel mah baby! He ain't dun nuthin! Dey killded my baby!"

Watching failed nigger parents emotional agony is my porn.

I hope boyz II men are getting royalties for every time "it's so hard to say goodbye" gets played at these dead niggers funerals.

>be white nigga
>cops serves justice

Big fish was a a complete let down. He sold out.

>firstworldcountries like usa.


Hold on to that thought...

He could have had a knife. You idiots say Americans are violent. Then why should the cop take the chance? You can't have it both ways. You can't say we're violent and then say criminals deserve mercy because they're not so bad. You make no sense.

>shot with rubber bullets

Oh, right my bad. It was just a magazine that he pulled from the cops belt while the cop had him pinned with a gun to his face. Gee whiz, that sure seemed like a smart move. Look where that landed.

Still feeling smug, buddy? This is your logic, not mine. Im just confronting you with it. :)

yeah looks like officer did everything he could to take em down without lethal force

only thing I can think of that could have prevented this was a partner, but since that wasn't available the cop did the only thing he knew to do

"Uh he could have fired one shot and not killed him" the fucking junkie didn't even go down after he emptied it

Americans can't afford healthcare like every other respectable country on earth, so it's cheaper to just shoot them dead instead of aiming for their legs.

While you use a site created by an American, with servers in America, with mostly American posters. You bitch and still use everything we put out. Inb4 nerd rage

What the fuck are you talking about? When I was poor my healthcare was absolutely free. Then I got a job with health insurance. I've never had to pay.

That's how the world works. You guys work for us.

I also eat rice from vietnam, my phone is made in china.. Should I go on?

well, stop voting for republicans.


That's NOT the whole video you STUPID FUCKING CUNT!!!

I have yet to see where any of these niggers that were shot where they were innocent of something. They were always doing some crime, always resisting.

The world is a better place without them.


Getting shot is a right, not a privilege.

And they don't work. you're an idiot if you think our own legislation isn't corrupt.
Everyone says he had a knife but if he attacked the officer w a knife, where's the blood, he got jawed, did he not? watched the same video you all did, the cop knows his gun is on his right side. I know, for a fact, that if you carry you, will never forget where you're gun is. Especially if you're trained to angle suspects out of grabbing it.

Okay. Whats your point?

Why not beat him with a baton while he is on the ground. You subdue him without killing him

Blame American citizens, not the police. Some might be shit, but most are just over worked and deal with more bullshit than you can imagine.

In my city it seems all of the scum like to go to the gas station a lot, especially at night. I've driven across down just so I don't have to deal with crackheads and heroin addicts.

I say if you fuck with the police, such as steal something from their belt, prepare to die. They can't risk you have a weapon/an unknown object. Fuck that guy for stealing from the police.

Unlawful escalation of force use to be a crime.
unfortunately not anymore. Cowardice is now built into the system.


Yeah, 'cause you're dumb or you think your b8s dat gud. Either way, you're opinion is no longer valid cause you didn't lurk more

>What magic prices are this faggots?

Hahaha. Taught that sack of shit a lesson he'll remember until he died. Should have stayed on the pig farm son.

hes holding the gun and his tazer is on the ground to the left of them

not sure this justifies the shooting if he was scared of what he might have grabbed

Guess what bud, watch the whole video.
The kid approached the cop, attacked and continued being violent and escalating the situation from there. You arent going to shill here, i wont let you :))

Because then he would live.

You really want a dickhead who acts like that kid to live?


I mean, being a cop can be hard and risky as fuck and assessing situations like that with a maniac rushing you...

I just don't get it why he shoots 7 bullets in his chest. In civilized countries police aim for their legs to stop criminals not kill them.

Maybe their prisons are full.

And it doesnt matter what he took from his belt. Its the point that he did after punching the cop so why dont you try a litttttttle bit harder okay buddy? Gotcha. Have a good day friend :)

Darwinism at work. Cheers :)

In civilized countries police aim for their legs to stop criminals not kill them.

in the cops defense for this point you never shoot down at an angle if you miss it will ricochet

That's what I thought. No argument. A cops job isn't to kill people.

Well at least is not that cop that shot a deaf guy for not listening to him.

Fire center mass until neutralization =\= until death. The moment the piece of shit drops, your job is done. You're defending yourself and others, not the fucking Punisher.

A state requires a monopoly on legitimate violence, except for self defense, to preserve stability. Teaching the public that guns are tools of morality enforcement rather than simple self protection is precisely the reason the American gun community has degenerated from folks defending the basic right to survive, to full-retard "my duty is to clean the filth" nutjobs.

Okay but you say that like the kid didnt deserve it. You DO NOT reach for a cop's belt he is pursuing you. Ever. He knew what he was doing. It probably an intentional suicide.

ITT: Conservatards hate the government but think particularly dumb government employees should be allowed to kill people for any reason.

Why do you talk like you have a mental disability?

No. But if you attack the cop, they're allowed to use everything in their power to put that attacker down.

This is a justifiable kill. There are plenty of cases where cops are just outright executing people for no discernible reason... this isn't one of them. And when you go to bat for these morons who attack cops you ruin the whole movement of trying to bring bad cops to justice.