/ITA/ - il filo

Ediție: Totul Pentru Țară

Poporul român, în aceste zile ale lui, nu are nevoie de un mare om politic, așa cum greșit se crede, ci de un mare educator și conducător, care să biruiască puterile răului.

- Benito Mussolini -

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primo per rumeno non è una lingua latina

Lo vogliamo ricordare ???

This threads are getting out of hand fast

Quarto per rumeni ≠ italiani


Prima per le pizze.

rumeni > italiani



why are there so few Italians in Austria compared to Bavara or Baden Württemberg?

Because both those places are way richer than Austria

>Because both those places are way richer than Austria

no true

vedo che il filo è sempre infestato da liceali e normies bene addio

Do Italians like Austrians more than Germans?

prima di andare apri la bocca un attimo

do italians, unless they live on the border, even know the difference?



Ciò che un "normie" comunque? Tu non sei normale. Cosa ti rende speciale?

dunno you tell me?

dunno I live on the border
I would prefer Austria but anyone north of the Alps is a gay feminist muslim cuck utopia so it's all lost anyway
(jews killed Joerg Haider btw)



because austrians dislike shitalians

this is the only thing I know about austria. this and the Fritzl meme


anglos and germanoids don't even consider italians humans
let's see how long their countries will last, 20? years
nigger traitorous Italy will all its problem will stay here

>he doesn't know about this


shitalians are really disgusting normies.

t. shitalian


sono arrivati altri 991 migranti
meno male, qualcuno ci pagherà le pensioni

noice, added to my meme songs list

t. terremotato

almeno noi abbiamo i terremoti

speriamo che i negri e i rumeni rimpiazzino gli italioti di merda il più presto possibile

Università degli Studi di Trento

Redpill me on this uni, there is a guy here from this uni.





full of commies. The founders of the red brigades terrorist group came from there

communists of the worst kind




Ave true Macedonian


is it a good uni at least?

based on what standard?

Italy and Europe

all the universities are useless and a scam to steal your money and time.

The only thing that matters to find a nice well paid job is to know the right people, so my dear start play futsal to make a lot of friends and forget about university.

stai zitto Rumenimale

Just check some rankings you stupid kraut

>one face one race
You are not lifting up the Romanians.
You just make the italians look like gypsies.

do not matter tell me your honest opinion

here's the dumb mongol, as always

it depends on what you study, if i'm not wrong that uni is good for math stuff. Besides, it can't be that bad, everything worksquite good in that region.

so a shit uni?

it is a bit sad, that Italy has the oldest universities with great tradition but nowadays they are not worth the time

Is it true, uni graduates in Italy are worse off than their peers without uni?

no, everyone has it equally bad

Fell for the rank meme.
Raking is based on a judeo-anglo system of evaluation. More scientific "papers" garbage stuff to go high in the ranks.
Italian universities on average are far superior to anglo ones, they are much harder and gives you a better overall preparation. Don't know about german universities.

T. made a master in the uk, graduated in italy.

you don't need a degree to be smart. You are smart or you are dumb, a uni degree won't change a lot.

try applying a a nuclear engineer with your street smartness

nel 2017 più che studiare servirebbe imparare a lavorare la terra

the problem with italian universities is that they teach you a LOT of theory, much more than other countries' universities, but they don't give you any practical preparation for the real world to find a job.

It's like they are forming professors and researchers and not let's say future engineers or doctors or whatever

Italians are smarter than G*rmans on average. Checkmate, Otto.

t.morto di fame

Si importa olio di oliva senza dazi dalla tunisia, maiali e latte dalla romania. Buona fortuna a competere con loro.

voi cittadini morirete di fame quando verrà il casino
come in tempo di guerra

comunque la Honda è la miglio marca di decespugliatori, fidatevi
se mai doveste comprarvene uno, spendete un 100 euro di più ma prendetelo 4 tempi Honda

io uso la stihl o come cazzo si scrive

quella è la migliore per le motoseghe, però costa tanto

>quella è la migliore per le motoseghe

solo per la catena delle motoseghe, non per il motore

cioè il motore magari è pure buono ma pesano e ingombrano un casino, ti stanchi come un asino a usarle

il 4 tempi pesa molto e se si rompe ti chiedono l'ira di dio x ripararlo. Silenzioso però

non so io ho sempre avuto le loro
poi magari husqvarna è meglio ma non ho mai provato

l'Honda non si rompe...
*si abbassa il cappelo di paglia sugli occhi*

un sistema di scansione verticale elicoidale magari?

chi cazzo è questo culattone nuovo con trip?

mi sta già sul cazzo, preparate i doxx che lo facciamo piangere

ti sgozzo porco

stai zitto coglione



postate results

>qsq nessun weeb terrone disadattato e molto carino a farmi da jukebox di musica dal Sol Levante

>non "italia romania entrambe casa mia"
you had one job.

ma tippami il fedora, fallito

>bitten a bullet
ludicrous, if god exists and is indeed omnipotent he can bend all logical axioms to his will


God will never be able to create a triangle with four sides, for example

no, he can't bend his own absolute (non moral) laws, like physics and math

>anno domini MMXVII
>discutere di dio

Aren't Italians a bit ashamed of being associated with Romanians?

I mean, Spaniards are pretty cool, turbo-normies, French people have great history and philosophers, Portuguese people are likable and have a very charming country.

R*manians on the other hand just have gypsies, a few ruined buildings with holes in their sides, and as of 2017 measles. Yes, Romania is having a deadly disease outbreak, go figure.

why not.
even if you have such a myopic scope of omnipotence that you exclude unprovable theorems that are "apparent" (axioms)
are the external stimuli and our evolved receptors that makes us deduce these apparent truths, and ultimately the brain functions that piece together first order formulae beyond the reach of an omnipotent god as well?
who says that he is bound by what he creates, this is not part of the definition of omnipotence.
As a creator of computer program is not bound by it's executing functionality, but he can reprogram it, or even derive his own programming language based on his own sets of axioms, which are ultimately the human limitation and where we have to stop.

still better than forever alone ulaszlo

they're alright, a few bad apples here and there but most of them are good people

We've got a lot of money, it's good

romanians>>>>>continental it*lians>>>>>hungarians

all in all the authoring of that question reads as being oblivious to the philosophy of perception, and firmly placed on the naive/direct realism side.

Your argument is ultimately a matter of rationalism vs empiricism, in the latter perspective natural laws don't have a particular metaphysical value, whereas in the former God changing them would be pretty much akin to God denying Himself

I think they are niggers irl but this is the internet and it's fine, who cares.


But we aren't alone. Finns like us, so does Eesti, Polish people, Croatians, Slovenians, Czechs, Austrians. We're well liked, because we're cute and unique :3
I disagree
How dare you. You can shit over Hungarians all you want but Italians are precious and wonderful, so shut your whore mouth

ayyy. Greeks are into philosophy again? There's an alarming lack of boipucci praise in this post.

I like hungarians too :3

fuck r*manian gypsies

sardinians are simply superior beings, it*lians can't compete

fradi meu

>county role-playing
neck yourself autist
