What does moo think of the queen of moo, lavren mayberry

what does moo think of the queen of moo, lavren mayberry

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First tell me who made this thread

i did

But she despises moo. Rightfully.

I remember when Alice Glass used to be the queen.
Honestly, whomever is the most teenage-/manic pixie dream girl-looking one that year holds the throne.
Hell, I remember when Annie was still considered indie and 'pure'.

Shut up

I think you mean mew


I'm glad Alice Glass's new music is shit and I'm relishing how hard she's failing

>Honestly, whomever is the most teenage-/manic pixie dream girl-looking one that year holds the throne.
No. Who is able to make quality music too. Grimes is that one.

fuck you shit

>quality music

I really liked her new single. I'm not sure how she's relatively falling when she's been missing for several years now.

I know, right? Not that new Crystal Castles is any good either, but jesus christ, she's terrible now. Really shows that Ethan was the one with all the depth and she's just a shallow face for the band.

Fuck off grimes

source me up on this video bros
i know some of you know the exact source


These Grimes fuckers are like a cult, I swear

i like sexual lavren

I didn't vote for Her.

Well i keep spelling it out to you guys

would you kiss



>sperg can't accept different opinions and whine that they're like a cult


how many times do i have to tell you people
there's only one of them

Where is goober you think he'd be in here by now

he's probably ubering

Probably at work

>only one

I would fuck literally every one

male lavren looks like a god tier twink



You can get cucked

so qt



I'd cuck for a chance to live with such qt for awhile.

Lauren is the new grimes it looks like

best pits in the game

no clue
google only taught me that they misspelled the photographer's name in the intro

lavren is way superior

she looks just like a living barbie toy :3

I want to fist her so bad, I would do it gently and lovingly though. I could die happy if I could feel her pussy stretched around my wrist

she's like a living anime too


He's a good dude, just has some problems with depression an anxiety. Seems like he hates where he's at in life and wants change.Ill admit i was rooting for him.

you're kinda playing into my hands by only replying once, man
go for two or three responses at least

I always thought it was mew.

I usually pop in on my lunch breaks or when im at home.


shes a hell of a qt but her music isnt any better than chainsmokers

>Sup Forums constantly lusting for a 6/10

dumb for thinking we were better than this


Honeybee :3

nah grimes is a generous 3/10

Why does Justin Long get to spurt in her sweet pussy?

fuck him, what the hell is lavren thinking

He's a huge improvement since James Hinton tho. Still, Lauren needs a fit chad who'd bang her alright desu.


Lavren is cute and a much better waifu than grimes

I just looked it up
had no idea she put out new music
Holyshit is it bad and why is she weirdly imitating grimes vocal styling

I thought you where a neet
What is it you do?

I still find it odd she had an infatuation with Brandon. Dude had his foot in the door and fucked it up.

He just wasnt man enough to go after her. Lavren cant wait forever, she can have anyone on the baseball team. She was taking pity on b-rando

Who the fuck is Brandon?

Why does she insist on having slut hair?

>slut hair

She's sexually frustrated

He would have made internet and Sup Forums history.

That playlist he made was cute

Lol Lauren waiting on me? Come on

We all know you planned a date at the tratorria with her. She waited hours for you but you didnt show. We watched through the security cams. You were too busy talking to some slut to see what potential she had.

When did that happen ?

> tfw you realize that's why Lauren throws her and Justin's relationship into Brandon's face
Holy shit

Why haven't you killed yourself?

Because I don't want to.

I want you to

Lauren plz

You're still pissed at him?

>grimes makes good music


Brandon can have grimes

No thanks.

You're carrying a torch for a girl that hates you Brandon. Get it together

I don't want her to hate me.

Its too late now

What a dick

Kill yourself

Why do you want me to do that ?

Because she's a bitch and you need to let her go

Something has to happen between you two, she can't be this pissed for no reason.




I like Lauren but she just compare to the superior Grimes.

He did it to hjmself. We told him to stop and stop talking shit. We knew about the ties we knew about everything. He has to live with it.

Being told to kms is a bit much, don't you think

God, she's such a smol little qt314.

>tfw you'll never take the tube home from work on a rainy late October Friday evening, feeling mildly numb and full of ennui; "but it's ok, things could be worse" you say to yourself as you step out of your tube station, opening up your umbrella and taking a moment to stare at the hazy street lamps, random shops and tail-lights reflecting on the rainy streets; taking a moment to look at your watch, it's 6:07 pm, so you start walking to your flat, stopping on the way to your corner chip shop, the Ocean Fish Bars. you get the usual, large chips to share and two medium cods and scampi, picking up a can of Old Jamaica ginger root beer and an Irn Bru, you keep walking home, misty rain in your face but it's ok, because soon you're home and you'll unlock the door and your qt Lavren gf runs and jumps in your arms, dressed in your burgundy hoodie, kissing you and almost not letting you say hi to her, she's noticing you got some takeaway she gets even happier, she was just about to text you that. she's chipper, having just finished a long assignment for her class. you have your fish and chips while you watch some Inbetweeners episodes and doing shit jokes about #bants and cheeky nandos. after that you dim the lights, put on a record she picked a while ago from a shop run by a and old hippie, lying on the floor, rain hitting the windows. the record ends and she draws a bath for the two of you. you enjoy your bath, looking hazy-eyed at eachother, faint smiles, resting your chin on her left foot, thinking that you've done this before, and yet, you're overwhelmed by a state of pure bliss and you realise, you're finally at peace with yourself. suddenly she breaks the 20 minutes long silence, saying the same thing. you feel deeply in love with her, being thankful that you approached that new, 1st year, shy girl at lunch.