How do I fix my phimosis? My dick head's sensitive too

How do I fix my phimosis? My dick head's sensitive too.

finger stretches

what are finger stretches?

you basically fit your two forefingers into your foreskin and stretch it out just before the point of discomfort.
do this twice a day for about 5-10 mins.

I didn't even realise I had phimosis when I overcame it. I just stretched the foreskin over the head one night for the first time which was very painful.

I assume the other user means to try stretching it with your fingers to loosen it up overtime. Good luck brother

Post a pic. I got a fetish for tight dicks

i had phimosis for the first 11 years of my life, i didnt even know it was supposed to roll back over your glans and as i got more curious i pulled it back and it hurt like fuck but i was fine after that

Same here dude, I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to do it or not, was frightened I was gonna break my dick or something, but it seemed the right thing to do

sorry friendo. friends browse Sup Forums

Mine wouldn't come back no matter what so I just got partially circumcised

all your friends know what your dickk looks like? post only the tip then

we want to know how bad it is

i fixed mine by fapping a lot when i was younger.
when i was 16 i was barely able to pee because it was so tight, but after a couple of months of fapping at least 8 times a day or couples of hours long sessions i was able to fix it,

Not OP, but I have slight phimosis. I can pull the skin back about half-way. I just really want to know about how to make the head less sensitive. It hurts when it touches anything.

^back with another piece of advice

i had a friend who bought a fuckton of ear stretching ring online and used those to stretch out his foreskin, he had extreme phimosis though and was concidering getting circumcised

get hard beat off in shower, get soft and peel back repeat for a few days and after awhile you will be able to peel back when ever you want.

keep pushing yourself just a little bit each day, be patient and dont rush it and you'll be 100% fine

What should I be pushing? How would I get desensitize myself?

I dont have phimosis but when my girlfriend strokes me it hurts like a motherfucker, how can i stop this ?

Tell her to cut her nails

Does it hurt when you touch it yourself?

I cant pull my foreskin when my dick is hard. What do?

how about when you jerk off yourself?

Rub it with your fingers in the shower, in my case it didnt hurt when i touched it just very uncomfortable, but after i started rubing it with the tips of my fingers the sensibility went away. If it really hurts when you touch it you should see a doctor.

It doesnt, but the thing is when i masturbate, my foreskin still covers my glans, when im with her the glans is fully exposed and i believe thats why it hurts

have her use lube

How long did it take you?

it should be exposed when you beat your dick.
make sure that when you masturbate that you're doing this.
feels great when it moves comfortably over the gland.

I'm not sure if it even counts as phimosis, but my foreskin was too tight to pull back until I was 12/13 and started jerking off all the time, as well as playing with my dick.

My foreskin went from being pretty tight to fully loose in just a few months.

You might have a very tight foreskin or a short frenulum ( i think thats its name) its like the thing under your tongue but in your dick, if its too short the foreskin cant be pulled completely and can even break if you pull too hard

did the ear stretching thing work?

I developed minor phimosis when I was a kid. Every time I was on the shitter, I would take some time to pull it back. Eventually after some time of pulling it barely to the threshhold of pain, it started to loosen up. I kept doing that for weeks until a small portion of skin was seemingly glued to my penis head while the rest was behind the ridge. After some more pulling, it snapped off and my cock was fully fuckable. If you want to desensitize it, I recommend keeping it under the shower stream for some time each day you shower. It'll also help clean it and the head will be less painful to touch.

if the frenulum is too short, you can get something called a frenuloplasty where it fixes your frenulum

Everyday in the shower for a week, and after that i could touch my head with no problem

Do you think running my dick under the shower water would be more comfortable, or is touching it better?

pulling back your foreskin as far as it will comfortably go every time you pee helps