
Why is it so hard to talk sense into people brainwashed by the major media?

As opposed to talking sense into a jew loving trumpfag brainwashed by alternative media?

I don't think there's much of a difference.

What are your grievances agaisnt trump?

>Trump policies

which one does he have now cause he seems to flip flop and changes them every 1 or 2 days lol

What policies?

His family over the border won't be able to steal money from America any longer.

average trump fag right there

Because small minded useful idiots have been conditioned to respond to cognitive dissonance (which occurs when presented with facts that countermeasures their preprogrammed perceptions) by pretending they didn't hear it.

It's seriously on the level of some Pavlov's dog shit. It's fucking scary.

Pablo why aren't you working?

Average uninformed fag right here. Tell me please, compared to hillary he is fairly consistent.

>contradict becomes countermeasures

...the fuck, autocorrect.

The last childhood belief to vanish after Santa and the Easter Bunny is the one about the average person being smart.

Known flip flopper
He's a demagogue loud mouthed dipshit who says whatever he needs to say to gain support
His solutions like a wall are extremely retarded and won't work
He and his family are hypocrites who profited off the practices he condemns
His supporters are 9 out of 10 times insufferable memer contrarian mouthbreathers
He also says vague shit and his supporters fill in the blanks

Etc etc


>Trump consistent on policy


This along with the myth that the average person is good. They might not be committing violent crimes but most love fucking people over. The worst part is that they do it so poorly.

>mfw people are seriously going to vote for trump
>mfw it's better to vote for him than for clinton


>His solutions like a wall are extremely retarded and won't work
You know his wall is realistic and there are many ways to have it built, ranging from Mexico willingly pay for it all the way too having the tariffs pay for it....It is very possible.

>He and his family are hypocrites who profited off the practices he condemns
He admits it's easy to profit off banks and bankrupcy from the government. This is something he has often pointed out, and has no regrets since its a legitiment way of running a buisness and make $$ although it may be unethical, it is very legit and a smart way to condone buisness.

>His supporters are 9 out of 10 times insufferable memer contrarian mouthbreathers
>He also says vague shit and his supporters fill in the blanks
It's all part of having exciting rallies, nothing wrong with that.

I can prove Trump is not the right choice for America BTW. I have yet to see a refute besides "A FUCKING LEAF"


>He's a demagogue loud mouthed dipshit who says whatever he needs to say to gain support
He actually has/had around a 60% approval rating...dont think he says random stuff as - we should keep water boarding people, Muslims should wear special IDs, etc.

Hillary is the one who one day says "we need to put coal miners out of buisness" then the next day say that she didn't mean that when she goes to WV.

Live and prosper fellow trump supporters

Lets see Trump

>lower taxes on the rich
>lower taxes on wallstreet
>wants to torture people without trial
>wants to kill peoples families
>did tax avoidance in the 80s.

I mean don't get me wrong. I love Trump but I just want someone to refute those.

>In the 80s

Meanwhile, over thirty years later, he's the best candidate running.

You will never be australia.

>Meanwhile, over thirty years later, he's the best candidate running.
Yeah but he still has those flaws

>You will never be australia.
Refute the points or fuck off.


> mexican intellectuals
> salty mexicans trying to dissuade trump voters
> hoping hilldawg or bernout win so the wall wont be built
> desperately afraid to lose their US remittances
> claims wall wont work, and has never worked, despite there never having been a wall about which to make such a claim
> anchor babies wont hold paco and his sow in the US any more
> millions of smelly mestizos shipped back to beanerland
> mexico just got shittier
> guatties, salvadorans and haitians sent back to mexico too, "they arent from here!!!!" dont care. they are your problem now sancho
Trump 2016
Make America Great Again

Okay, give me three facts about his policies that actually address implementation, budget, execution and ability to overcome fact that he wouldnt be writing legislation, because thats what house n senate do, please. Thank you.

>Inb3 hyperbole and god emperor nonsense

we'll just move to Canada


the president sets an agenda, congress writes legislation including appropriations, budgets and laws

the president's ACTUAL powers are limited, beyond using the bully pulpit to push congress to act.

President Trump could (within the legitimate powers of the presidency):
appoint real reformers to cabinet posts
require the strict enforcement of EXISTING immigration laws
implement EXISTING funding for border fences (which are currently languishing in bureaucratic quagmires)
close down govt bureaucracies that are un-needed or wasteful (like the import export banking schemes)
veto left wing legislation
order executive branch organizations to sack useless dead weight (like the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of federal employees deemed "non-essential" in the last shutdown)
make executive orders rescinding previous executive orders that violate the constitution (like the State Of Emergency (just one step below martial law) we have been in since Dec 8 1941)
withdrawing support for unratified treaties (like TPP, Kyoto, etc)
yanking foreign aid from belligerent nations (like saudi arabia and NoKo)

etc etc etc

then youre canada's problem,
see ya later
dont let the door hit your fat ass on the way out.

Why are you trying to talk sense into brainwashed people? It's completely pointless. Let them learn the hard way.

sounds good to me
