How do i convince my mid-20's gf that abortion is ok? She is currently moderately Catholic and very anti abortion...

How do i convince my mid-20's gf that abortion is ok? She is currently moderately Catholic and very anti abortion. She also hates IUD's because she thinks they are way less reliable than advertised.
Pic unrelated, my gf is very petite. I have no nudes, only been 6 weeks

Stop dating a literally insane person. You can't convince her it's ok because she's been brainwashed since she was a young child to believe crazy nonsense. Logic and reasoning don't work on crazy people.

Use a condom fuckwit...

They aren't actually babies until a certain time in, is it better to abort something that would eventually turn into a person, or to birth a child when the parents aren't ready and thus leading to a shitty life for said kid.

>but abortion is not ok
I'm gonna pretend your not LARPing like you know you are, but just leave her if your views are that different. Why corrupt a girl that has morals with your shitty views of life,

>Fuck raw dog
>Get chick pregnant
>Begin conversation about possible abortion at the top of the stairs.
>Push down the stairs
>Sit on bottom step while she miscarries, and hemorrhages out little user junior the say
>Now, wouldn't a doctor's appointment have been easier?

Next time she'll know better.

I am a -598 year old pedo and im gonna fuck a child

Get a new girlfriend you moron. She's going to get knocked up "by accident" and by then it's already too late. Worse case scenario you can always try to convince her it's a bad idea for HER, not just for you. But w/e just roll the dice, plenty of kids born unplanned and unwanted but IDGAF anymore.

She sounds like the worst

>Catholic and very anti abortion

Good, she doesn't need a fag nu-male like you

Beautiful user!


fuck you baby killer

she won't change her mind>she won't kill her baby, shes literally insane

and....... you're sane...................?

Wow... You're 66 and a half pregnancies from being born. Your poor mother.

confirmed idiot.

the point of being conceived, it is male or female human, period. stop trying to justify murder asshole.

would you kill your mother in a coma?

>Catholic and very anti abortion.

Poophole loophole is in play.


No but you should kill yourself

This board is 18 and up

>She also hates IUD's because she thinks they are way less reliable than advertised.
Got 2 kids here, missus been on the Mirena IUD for almost 5 years, works ok, she doesn't get any periods and loves that, the strings rubbing your dick takes a while to get used to though

>comparing a woman in a coma who has already had a rich life and can still continue to have a rich life to a clump of cells that has all the probability of turning into a single mom's ruined kid
If you're pro-life, one should only support the creation of life that can bring good into the world. the world doesn't need more misery as is.

Main reason, u both are too stupid to get pregnant cause, u get horny one day!!! If you can afford to pay condoms you can pay a new born needs.


>If you can afford to pay condoms you can pay a new born needs.

I fucking agree.

you can never convince a woman of anything and trying will only make her believe what she already believes more. You gotta let a ho be a ho.

Get her preggo and ruin your life bitch

Abortion isn't OK.

She believes and rightly so that most pregnancies are a gift from God.
Sure if rape? Abortion is OK.
But you are not a rapist. Are you?

Under the old religious ways once you slept together you were married, no ceremony no paperwork no party.

So as far as God is concerned you are married now.
Can you live up to that or are you just a weak willed animal? Look it is simple don't want kids? Stick to hand jobs and blowies.

but if you have unprotected sex say hello daddy. You either take proper precautions or accept the consequences. Ripping out a fetus is NOT proper birth control.

TLDR Keep it in your pants daddy.

>Ripping out a fetus
It's not a fetus until 2 months fella

Regardless, if she is pregnant odds are she is going to conceive. You have to do an invasive medical procedure to prevent what a dollar worth of latex could have prevented.

So either refrain from unprotected sex.

Or promote adoptions.

Alternative is that you have become a murderer, a rubber is a far better moral option.

Settle grettle, don't get your knickers in a twist, if you want to save chillins lives go to Africa and rescue all the babies getting hiv raped into them.

Sorry should have said give birth.

Wrong word.

Would be glad to.

But I have no been empowered to do more than act as YOUR warning sign.

Should any Africans come here and make ignorant comments?
I will be glad to correct them as well.

As an alternative you could simply not post to threads at Sup Forums.
You made your choice live with the consequence.

I've taken giant watery shits that Were more lifelike than a two week old zygote.

>unironically believing a mass of 2,000 cells is a human

You're welcome to post on Sup Forums all you want, you're not going to stop babies being aborted, or change peoples opinions on it.
To be clear, I'm this guy so yeah, I'm living with my consequences but I sure as shit have no problem with other people having abortions.
>this person shouldn't have an abortion an end a life, she should keep drinking/taking drugs and then give birth to a cripple she won't take care of which will live a nightmare on the backs of taxpayers

nah, i took a chick to get an abortion and saw the ultrasound. It legit looked like a cell about 4 or 5 weeks in

abortion early on is literally nothing

punch her if she gets pregnant

Not what I said.

My point was she should use a condom.
Clearly I am not a catholic or I would be saying exactly what you are.

I am saying that she should choose to do what is moral and right to an extent. Use a fucking rubber.

I know that she won;t resist sex.

But I DO want her to feel guilty about having an abortion when she could have had her man wear a rubber.

Abortion for rape or to prevent a birth defect is tolerable.

As birth control?

Well at that point she and her bo should both be neutered at the tax payers expense.

If you can't control yourself enough to use available birth control we should take away your choice.

Now you wanted to see how much of an asshole I could be you got it bubba.

People like you should be forced to have vasectomies.

>falling fot that meme

>But I DO want her to feel guilty about having an abortion when she could have had her man wear a rubber.
Good luck with that
>Now you wanted to see how much of an asshole I could be you got it bubba.
>pic related

>arguing against science with muh feels

you're a disgusting fuck and should be castrated

trying to convince people to change their beliefs is wrong

>premarital sex

Explain to her that you can't just cherrypick the rules that you do/don't want to follow if you are legitimately religious.

good to see another pro-life brother

Take her to an institution for severely retarded people who eat their own shit and bang their heads all day, talk to their families.

Have her meet the kid’s of a crackhead whose mom pimped them out and had 10 kids, but custody of 0.

Letting children who are already living starve by cutting social welfare programs.

You are NOT pro life.You are death incarnate.

I am pro death. Supporter of abortion, the death penalty and assisted suicide. Feels good.

>accusing me for what you are
im not the one who ""accidentaly"" inpregnated a woman and op obviusly have the conditions to take care of the kid or at least sending him to orphanage

>wanting to abort niggers instead of practicing shooting with their heads



Also, contraceptive pills. If you use both, the chance that she'll ever get pregnant are pretty close to zero.

You said what you are.

Pro Life that almost always equal conservative and usually want children born but are unwilling to provide support after they are born.

Hence death incarnate.

I stand by my post.

Channel the butt hurt my lying Sup Forumstard.

>but are unwilling to provide support after they are born.
you dirturbed minds are playing tricks on you

Im not religious, and i still dont think its okay

Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

go scream into a pillow pussy

i want kids, but people should have the option of not having them when they're not ready. I'm saving for a house first. I want my kids to have a good, stable life

have fun crying about abortion. the way republicucks are failing right nowthey'll be out in 18 when the rino faggots get purged. america first and that means no babies to young retards

if retards like you have your way the black birth rate will explode. you're cancer

Lots of lavender. She'll miscarry