Princess nokia

Why is it with females these days that they get immense praise for doing shitty music about empowerment? I mean 90% of her lyrics are about being a woman, being black, being black woman and not having hourglass figure. Is this everything you need to be new rising star and being called ground breaking creative person?

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literally who?

>Jews and liberals run music.

Cucks, fags, women, and Sup Forums listen to it and love it

how have you even heard of this woman you literal reddit hip hop header

Why do mixed race people identify as black?

instead of the music being "shitty", maybe you lack the capacity to empathize with her experiences and therefore are incapable of finding the music enjoyable even though most other people do


>Music is inherently good because X amount of people understand the message
Can't wait till the new Johnny Rebel reissue gets BNM


yeah, no

I don't have a body of John Winkles Booth, yet Clutch plays good music

Because the majority of the US is white and as such more people consider them white
In Africa mixed-race people are considered white

princess nokia is expressing her ideology through her music. i dont really enjoy her music personally, but i understand why people like it.
saw her live, was hype and i enjoyed it alot. also she raps about nerdy stuff and shit which i think is cool for women to look up to, and understand that you can like that kind of shit.

there are lots of forced meme female musicians nowadays because womyn

at least with the mega pop stars like beyonce, taylor swift, katy perry etc. it's just radio music and people aren't pretending they're good

>being Black
>Pricness Nokia
shit b8

katie got bandz is better.

The arrogance and narcissism in her genius lyric breakdown video was pretty appalling desu

ITT: white neo-nazis get triggered because women make music that celebrates their existence

im asian

most black people will say they are white. but most white people will say they are black. i am half mexican but it's the same thing. people really can tell you are mixed race even though they pretend that they don't.

ITT: white neo-nazis and one asian neo-nazi get triggered because women make music that celebrates their existence

Never heard of this chick before this thread but listening to some of her stuff she sounds pretty good, thanks OP

>i cant identify with the content of her music


Feminism hip hop

asians can't be nazi's


Sup Forums isn't white.


I didn't say that people who don't like princess nokia don't have the ability to empathize with anyone else, they just don't empathize with HER


Remind me who Germany was allied with in the war

Most thinkers (not all, but close) of import right now don't do music. Partially because it's vacuum sealed under idpol left's elitism, and partly in spite of it.

Edit: that's not to say "so don't bother" though

she can get the dick tho

baits motel

she's so shit

>also she raps about nerdy stuff and shit which i think is cool for women to look up to, and understand that you can like that kind of shit.

please. women have been appropriating "nerd culture" for years now.

>Look at my Star Wars shirt! I'm not like those other girls you know!
>LOL girls can code too. Get over it!

"I've created feminism again in hip hop"
Fuck me

no it sounds bad