So I'm about to take 2-300 mg of DPH and maybe smoke half a kief bowl, what am I in for?

So I'm about to take 2-300 mg of DPH and maybe smoke half a kief bowl, what am I in for?


A horrible night. You are going to see bugs and shit

sketchy hallucinations

That shit bomb if you like creepy shit
Have fun

Even with as low a dose as 300? Hell I might only start at half that, real nervous about it honestly.

I think 300 is fine prob for first time, would not push it past 500... ever
Also the THC is gonna help

Also you're gonna have crazy dreams, best part in my opinion

Playing a game of CS in the meantime, might pop more after the game.
Will update if anybody is interested.

I take 150mg nightly to fall asleep, pussy. more than that and everything aches. I can't imagine getting high off this

Wut? What do you mean everything aches? lol that's not normal

Well hell man, I've only smoked weed and done shrooms twice, excuse my level of caution when approaching a powerful deliriant.

Low and slow bro, low and slooowwww

one time I hated myself an extra high amount and wanted to down a bottle of unisom. my suitemate found me with my fist clenched around a bunch of pills so I settled on only taking 5 of them. I wasn't sleepy and everything ached. couldn't fall asleep. same thing happens if I take 4 of my 50mg no name diphenhydramine pills
get on my level

200-300 mg pretty much does jack shit. Maybe a slightly elevated feeling and a change of mood, but it also depends on body weight. How much you weigh OP?

I've taken up to 800mg before and while it was not a fun trip in the slightest, I guess it was better than being bored.

177ish. 18 years old if that matters.

>powerful deliriant
>pills for allergies

300mg might be a decent dose for a light trip, but you'd probably want more like 550mg if you're looking for an actual trip.

And by trip I don't mean like acid or shrooms. A diphenhydramine trip is like delirium. When I took 800mg I watched spiders crawl out from every doorway in my house, had full conversation with people who were nowhere near me yet for me they were there in person, and thought that the hairs on my arms were the antennae of bugs trying to burrow out of my skin.

Plus, afterward, you'll sleep for like 18 hours or so and wake up extremely dehydrated.

Not a great recreational value, at least for me, but hey, I've been there before. Bored as fuck and no sources for real drugs. DXM is worth a shot though.

Feeling sick lol

What do you think 300 would be like then?

Fug off you ain't me.
Still just feeling nervous, nothing else really. Some placebo.

You'll most likely get really fucking tired, and maybe you'll see some things from the corner of your eye and things like that. Trick to a diphenhydramine high is that you have to stay awake long enough for it to really hit you.

I'd compare 200-400mg of it to be sort of like a shitty weed high combined with a very, very light opiate/benzo buzz. Most likely you'll start seeing shadows move and little black dots at the corner of your peripheral vision.

Although, that's assuming it affects you like it did me. Your mileage may vary Sup Forumsrother but that's the experience I had with it.

Well depending how late I want to stay up I might up it as I go but I'm not totally sure I want to go beyond just getting a feel. I have a 20 pack so I could go up to 500 if I wanted

I worked up a huge Benadryl tolerance over the past two years of nightly use for sleep.
At one point I'd have to take 45 pills for fall asleep, which is about 1000 mg I think.

Started developing a rash though and my handles would tremble so I stopped for a while.

Currently back to up 15 pills nightly.

At your bodyweight, I'd recommend 600mg as your limit. Anything more than that could get kind of sketchy. Diphenhydramine can be sketchy at times, especially if you mix it with alcohol.

Also, when it doubt as far as substances go, recreational or otherwise, go to Erowid. It is seriously the best resource on any kind of mind-altering substance.

Funfact though, if you mix Benadryl with any opiate, it potentiates opiates fairly well.

Christ Sup Forumsro, you tried getting a script for sleep meds?

And have you tried doxylamine succinate? It's the active sleep ingredient in Nyquil but they also sell it in tablets by itself. Worked wonders for me.

I took ambien a couple times but I always end up doing weird stupid shit and not remembering a lot.

One time I bought 130$ worth of caramels because I thought my mom would want 20 pounds of them.

She doesn't even like caramels.

I'm on trazodone right now and it seems to be doing the trick for my sleep problems. Not so much for my depression but that's what the other pills are for.

Bout 50 minutes, nothing yet. Maybe a little high, but hardly noticeable.Gonna take another 100 mg in ten minutes,

Slighltly worse at typing, might jutst be nervous

Glad I'm not the only fag who does this. Have you heard it's linked to dementia though?

diphenhydramine only gives you hallucinations if you are able to stay up faggot.

diphenhydramine + half a kief bowl = flat on you ass sleep

Hardest part is not falling asleep. Shitty high in my opinion. Weird tired state with creepy hallucinations. Always makes me feel like shit the next day.

your mother makes me shit the next day

As a former delver I'm Guna warm you that you're Guna feel like you're a empty husk for a few day and you're probs going to hear a lot of whispering and have trouble sleeping and breathing but you'll be fine at 300mg just uncomfortable especially for your first time. Also you'll have a bit of nausea and anxiety

T- 1:20 and I'm feeling pretty high.

enjoy the spiders

Feeling very high, easy to zone out, sluggish movement, wonky walking, etcetera. Also have had to go to the bathroom like 5 times in this hour and a half.

tired AF all of the sudden

Nobody's interested. are they?

I am slightly

Very slugish, everything I do is way the hell slower and clumsier than normal.

T- 1:50
My body is inccredibly tired and I feel like I weigh 600 pounds.
Might drop 100 more after 2 though. That will probably be more than enough.

I did that once and hated it. All it did was make me feel paranoid and I started seeing shadows move and things crawling out of the shadows.

The Outsiders