Does anyone else get extremely depressed when they go out and they have to face the fruits of multiculturalism

Does anyone else get extremely depressed when they go out and they have to face the fruits of multiculturalism.

Seeing almost as much non- whites as whites just makes me sick to my stomach, the replacement of native whites went so fast in the last 20 years I cant even get myself to think about the world anither 20 years from now.

I generally avoid public transport or large cities and I'm looking for an affordable house in a homogeneous part of my country.

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Yeah, but I'm antisocial so I'm not 100% comfortable around whites either. If anything I'm more comfortable around coloureds because I hate them and don't mind what they think of me.

It still makes me angry though.

You really showed him.


Its not NatSoc to wish for a normal homogeneus society Burger.

>National holiday earlier this week
>Walking through main street in capital with girlfriend
>It's fucking packed
>About 80% of the people there were immigrants

First time in about 7 years that I went into the city for national holiday. It wasn't this bad before..

Nope, I don't give a damn. Let the fools burn in the hell they created.

Ive been outnumbered by non-whites for the first time a week ago and I've been feeling bad ever since.
Me and my girlfriend were the only whites in this huge market plaza that looked extremely poor, we both had been there not even 10 years ago and it was beautiful back then.
People called us racial slurs, we got angry stares and some muslim teens called my girlfriend a distgusting whore for having her hair uncovered.

My grandparents both paid a high price to help keep this country a good place for u to live in but I dont think I can even manage anymore.

I go to a large public university, one of the most renowned party schools in the US, and yeah, it really saddens me. The Marxism pervasive on campus is pretty astounding, to the point where leftism is so hegemonic that merely expressing uncontroversial facts is enough to be ostracized, threatened, expelled, etc. I hate being a cuck in that I'm hiding my political views, but I really do keep my mouth shut.

I also sound like a vehemently convicted Maoist in my papers, because lefty professors will grade down if otherwise. Yesterday I met a white girl who gave me the mantra about how people of color can't be racist -- she of course seemingly has a new brown guy around her arm every week.

I don't know. I'm not as convinced as Sup Forums that white people as a whole need a group identity and miscegenation is evil or whatever, but I do think that there's a case for white identity. I just think that it's best we don't bar people from marrying whom they love; I feel that only bad things will happen if such is the case. Maybe encourage white identity through culture and encourage white children that way.

But yeah. Kind of sucks to be here now. The only conservatives here are the milquetoast country club variety, but they're more concerned with frat things.

nice blog bro
why don't you focus on getting laid instead of this bullshit

I know but I'm black and live around a lot of white chicks so when you attack interracial dating you attack me

>I also sound like a vehemently convicted Maoist in my papers, because lefty professors will grade down if otherwise.
You ARE a cuck. Never compromise your beliefs.

Then again, I wrote a paper at my school giving a glowing approval of Fascism and condemnation of Communism, and openly counterargue pro-Communist students (who are mostly Chinese, rather than nu-males, but still).

If your academic culture doesn't allow you the freedom to debate ideas, then you've already entered a state of tyranny.

Getting laid is so easy and I really don't care about it anymore. Try fucking vapid leftist whores over and over, its sucky because NONE of them have personalities worth a damn.

I'll probably just wait to find the right one at this point because getting laid is boring.

I want to go to a T25 LS so nah, not gonna sacrifice my GPA for some haphazard attempt at sticking it to my professors who've been career leftists for decades

the tragedy of the commons friendo

Whites have only themselves to blame.

Well you're American, America is not a country with a history that is thousands of years old and has always been multicultural.

I'm from West Europe which is taking in millions of Muslims all at once while my country in particular has been mostly homogeneous until the 70s and even then it was limited to a small amount of people.

I dont like seeing black people because they are not of my race, I look after my own and everyone else can die for all I care.
I do not consider non-whites to be natives to my country nor will I ever adress them that way.


Quite the opposite. Getting more belligerent by the day.

>7:30 Go to work
>7:40 having seen at least 30 shitskins of all age and form not even at the train station
>Smell of shit and kebab around me
>hearing strange voices I just partly understand
>getting furious by the minut
>7:50 Shitskin begger asks for money,
>Tell him loudly he should jump in front of the train and end it already
>People around nod
>Actually push him a little
>Begger screams
>people start laughing

>mf I should have done it right

The day of the rope is near

its disgusting. i had to go to the local mall today and was only there for 10 min. i dont think i saw one white person. all hispanics, blacks, and carribeans. south florida

>If your academic culture doesn't allow you the freedom to debate ideas, then you've already entered a state of tyranny.
Yes, this is correct. We have already entered that state.

How about when you impregnate one you try to break the overwhelming odds and actually stay with the mother and raise the child.

Dont go out. / thread

There are areas here that make me feel the same feeling. It has happened so quickly.

Is this phenomenon confined to American universities; i.e. not being able to articulate your genuine positions and having to appease the ideological beliefs of your professors? I went to university in Britain and I never experienced this whatsoever, although, I suspect it has something to do with the fact that we only have one set of exams at the end of the year instead of constant testing throughout the entirety of the college calendar. So grading is more formal and less subjective, I suppose.

Even still, though, I doubt I could cuck myself to the point where I was openly expressing and arguing in favor of views which are the complete antithesis of what I stand for.

Have some intellectual integrity, dude. You should be judged on the merit of your argument, not the beliefs you happen to hold.

>You should be judged on the merit of your argument, not the beliefs you happen to hold.

Well tell that to professor Goldbergstein for me and I'll be sure to get right on your requests. Until then, I care very dearly about my future success and if that means writing a few papers wherein I pontificate like Lenin then so be it.

Pretty much.