til white people come from the Caucasus Mountains
Til white people come from the Caucasus Mountains
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Well at least he just wants the racists to go.
That is hardly unreasonable.
Come home white man.
no only Caucasian people come from the Caucasus
>Caucasus Mountains
Pretty sure they said to go back to the Caucuses though. So I guess Nevada and Idaho and shit?
Fuck you dutch bastard.
But I loled anyway.
Can we pit the native americans against the blacks for cultural appropriation or something?
Also >we always was american
I have visited Africa and America and American nigs are always a hundred times more nig than Africans. I actually have some measure of respect for hardworking Africans that have a steady workschedule or walk 2 hours every day to go to school because they want to study (1% or less of the population but still) while these niggers in America get civilized society thrown in their lap, complete with affirmative action, and they are still fucking retarded.
I can name 5 Africans who live in villages that don't even have running water that are able to speak and write English better than these guys.
just realized, georgia/armenia is probably the best place for white flight. as long as russia does not invade again.
african americans were bred to be the most strongest and niggerish people to be good hard working slaves
Dude you just fucking triggered me.
That's because they are descendants of the weakest of their society. If I understand correctly, Africans don't even like American nigs.
That doesn't look very appealing. The Caucasus is no place for Anglo-Saxon Man. I need flatness and dreariness.
But there are no White People in Caucasus Mountains long ago.
Western coastal regions are lowlands.
I (black) think Africans see American blacks the same way everyone else does, only with the added association to deny, like the Irish with white Americans. Both were slaves and bred to be nothing more, only the Irish decided they weren't going to keep being niggers and instead invented JFK and Boston. We invented Al Sharpton and Chimpcago in the pursuit of being even more niggerish. Two different paths, two different outcomes. I can't apologize for other blacks since I'm not a self-loathing bitch, but I will say that I get it, and everyone should give a non-angry black person the benefit of the doubt every now and then.
We wasn't all kangs.
Everytime I see a post like this I imagine replacing all the little black person profile pics with images of warhammer 40k orks and replace every instance of "black" with "green". It works every time.
thank you for saying that based black man
I do, I am only a rabid yuro racist on Sup Forums user and I get pissed off by retarded whites too. Blacks saying the shit in OP's picture just irritate me more because people listen to them instead of calling them retards.
What? No, I hate them and their shitty land too. Nigga said Caucasus, not fake """""Caucasus""""".
Looks comfy until a T90 full of slav snowniggers shows up to do some cheeky breeky.
How is it fake?
Damn friend your country really is do be beautiful
With enough white man we can defend it. Also Russians don't rape that much anymore, I didn't hear of any instances of that happening.
Your fucking puerto rican what are you talking about
Because their mountains can't compares to our and Cherkess mountains and Azeris are Persian rape babies with personality disorder, they think they are Turks, Armenians also are closer to Assyrians than to us.
>native americans
Essentially extinct due to being bred out, it's why some tribes only ask you to name an ancestor on the rolls in order to join. Sure, some are way more pure than others, but any natives you find off the reservations are mixed well enough that you'd never be able to tell us apart from whites or mexicans unless you were familiar enough with native phenotypes to pick them out.
Why do you hate us Armenians so much? Why cant we be Caucasus bros?
Today I learned. It's a reddit thing.
t. used to go on reddit
come to armenia bring your money and family :)
>America belongs to the niggers
>Black foot indian
Can you really truly hate black people when they entertain us so much? Cant live with em, cant live without em. niggerlogic is best kek of all
I wonder if that niggers Caucus mountains are anywhere near the Primary mountains?
Because of how Armenians act. you aren't even real Armenian, armerifat cunt, go back to your country or fuck off.
>Because of how Armenians act
what do we do
So Sup Forums is cool with reddit now?
not that i know of
Hard working?
Looks like they failed.
Fucking WHAT does that nog literally believe that the Blackfoot Indian tribe is evidence that Africans found the Americas?
Armenians are literally worst than Jews. Fuck off. Disgusting fat nose. A shame the turks could not finish your garbage race off.