Why is it impossible for women to be funny?

Why is it impossible for women to be funny?

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I'm a 6'4" chef at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock making over $130,000 per year.

Because they're stupid.

There's no biological imperative that they be funny. Men will still fuck them.

Rebel Wilson can be funny when she is talking about her weight. That's about it though.


Fuck you now I want wendys

Maria Bamford has her moments.



Christopher Hitchens sums it up nicely

Nothing's stopping them from being funny, they just never have been.

>Comedy is subjective
>women can't be funny

Pick one.


It's not that it's impossible, it's just far less likely. "Women aren't funny" is not the same as "No women are funny"


Samantha Bee IS funny, you just don't like her because she trashes your backwards, ignorant, racist rethuglican politcians.

Update: I am now walking to wendys. It's gonna take me close to an hour.
This is all your fault

There are plenty of funny women, you just don't understand comedy.

Case and point:



Be sure to give compliments to the chef!

>walking an hour for a sudden desire
Iktf bro

Lisa Lampanelli is about the only female comedian I find funny. She's a coal burner but probably because no white guy would fuck her but she makes fun of everyone.

How long did she suck your dick to convince you to say that?

Women that do satirical or political humour also always have that smug over confident "im being so witty and clever right now" attitude which magnifies how unfunny they are. This chick is the worst for it.

Also a lot of female stand up seems to be the sort of shit youd just throw out with friends. Example being this one female stand up who went to mexico and had to wonder if the salt shaker at a restaurant was actually full of cocaine. You would literally half heartedly say that to a friend like heh.

Chicks always seem to think banter is about saying nasty hurtful shit to friends and not just the light stuff that makes you say "hey fuck you bro haha"

Oh wow, I'd never actually read Hitch's original 'women aren't funny' article, only the 'women still aren't funny' rebuttal. That shit is off the chain

That video gave me terminal cancer.


No evolutionary need for them to be funny when they can just spread their legs to get seed