How do guys feel about Twitch streamers vs lets play videos

How do guys feel about Twitch streamers vs lets play videos.

If you prefer YouTube lets plays, what makes a good video?

If you prefer watching someone stream over lets plays, why?

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i prefer YouTube short and to the point.
begin with map location or minimum progress required to begin and then the "how to".
we don't care how many hours you played the game or how cool your base is etc. just get straight to the point

Don't watch streams because they're gay. Youtube videos enable skipping boring parts.

It depends on the genre and the creator and the a unfunny lets player is normally boring.....while a unfunny twitch streamer can be bearable if the person has skill....another example is watching someone play an rpg like is basically a collectaton...which is painful to watch without some level of editing to take up the dull moments

So for you it's more about the game than the youtuber's personality?

Streams tend to be rather boring. LPs can be more intersting and I usually don't feel like watching more than 10-20 minutes of it at a time. It's nice to let run in the background while eating or doing menial tasks.

do people still watch these things?
I feel you should grow up.
I feel like you could spend your time doing something more productive.

productivity is pointless...everything dies....what you think is productive is basically changes less then .0000000000001% of the universe....let people do what they want

what the fuck do I care about the rest of the universe? Better yourself for yourself. Sitting around watching someone play a game all day is probably the closest thing to the mundanity of actual death you can experience while being alive.

You said productive....productivity relates to the universe....and what is alive 20-70+ years working 40 hours a week doing thing over and over again? working out your body over and over again? trying to fuck as many girls as possible? It is all the same you follow a pattern you do the same thing over and over. everything is mundane. if you think video games are boring don't play..telling people that is unproductive is like saying that your actions are somewhat more important...even though they really change nothing at the end.

Metroid is NOT an RPG. It's also NOT a collectathon.

>productivity relates to the universe.
you're so lost, just fucking kill yourself. You're literally a waste of life.

how do you get 100% in metriod if you don't get all the power ups? if I recall in metriod prime you need to scan eveything


>waste of life

You are on /b , my un-self aware retarded friend

Chuggaconroy, super replay, early avgn and pre-2014 game grumps are the best as far as let's plays are concerned. I don't watch too many twitch streams but IG are my personal favorite.

To be honest, I find myself listening to podcasts more and more as time goes on. The people hosting them tend to be kinda bland but the topics they cover are usually far more interesting than any gaming video.

*in / somniac gamers

Span detection is being a faggot.

i rather not kill my self. does not sound fun. it is interesting that you wanted to focus on that one point though. like you agree with everything else almost. it was fun trolling you though...Thank you for making my morning breakfast more enjoyable..think of better arguments how that .0000000000001% even though it is small can change the universe for the better. moving everyone forward it the key to perfection in the universe.

Your entire point collapses when you realise that isn't how people watch streams or lets plays. It's usually something that is just playing in the background while doing other things.
If you think people just sit there and glare into the Let's Play with full attention as if they are complexly u captivated by what's going on for hours at a time you are delusional.

Cont example I might have a stream or something playing on the background while I play a MMO or RPG or casual Overwatch or whatever. When the steamer or chat starts talking about something interesting I can jump in until the topic dies

youtube is WAYYYYY better than twitch in my opinion , but only because twitch turns most lets players into money grubbing whores not because of any merit on you tubes part

Collectathons have you going around picking up items to fill an inventory screen. Games like Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Donkey Kong 64, Jet Set Radio Future, Psychonauts, and Yooka-Laylee. Metroid has you going around getting missile, health, and bomb upgrades. Things that impact how you actually play the game.

Let's plays are cool because you can watch from beginning to end and know how long the video is

The only streamer I watch is vinesauce vinny on YouTube, fuck twitch and it's 12 year old chat bullshit

Yeah, because you never hear anyone on YouTube talk about super chats, patreons, sponsorships, or direct donations.

I do apologize I should of picked a better example to better fit my statement(even though it really does not change the message). I view any game that has items that are optional as collectatons.

So, do you consider the Zelda series of games collectathons?


you hate on twitch for 12 yr olds but is on Sup Forums...

again i wasent praising youtube i just think for twitch this is a bigger problem

Interesting. I disagree but do kind of see your point.

Sepends on the person, I wouldn't be able to sit through 10 minutes of the unfunny markiplier videos, but I'm all set when a vinesauce stream is on.

That is fair. granted I do want to say metroid is a good game because what you gather is useful....unlike arkham knight's riddler trophies, which is to gather items that take up more then half the game for maybe a minute for extra cut scene.

i hope markiplier dies in a fire , i hate his voice... and his face.... and his hair....and everything about him

agreed, he's literally the worst gamer personality on the internet, including pewdiepie

pewds is up there thou

What game is this

The biggest german Let's Player nails the point when it comes to "quality Let's Plays":
- he stfu when characters are talking
- old dude with life experience
- amazing voice
- lil' editing like outros for each game

I think he is if not the best Let's Player I know
> pic related, him

Oh yeah I definitely hate him too and I have no fucking clue why he has like 9 billion subscribers but markiplier is the worst, also darksydephil, pushing up roses, and angry joe

Far cry primal (aka reskinned far cry 4)

yt over stream. I get my shot and go to do my things, instead of being chained to 3h live broadcast. Stream is supposed to allow for audience-maker interactions, but they have like 76456673245678 viewers and they dont read the chat anyway, on top of preferring those, who pay

Twitch is fucking cancer, although nowadays it is mandatory for streamer.

>Talking with chat
>Not playing the game but entertaining the chat
>Missing obvious shit in games, because focused on chat
>Chat spoiling the story

i dont know who angry joe is but you seem like you have good taste

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