First day at Google

>first day at Google

*blocks your path*
"whare you going, whiteboi?"

wat do

Other urls found in this thread:

>enters the design department

"hello wh*te cis male"

>Google HQ dance party


Horsefuckers like Michelle should be gassed.

Welcome, I am the head of engineering.
Anything do you needs to be approved my me.




>where you going

45% of smart people are Indians!
Bill Clinton was Indian.
Neil Armstrong had Indian Origin.

>a conference in india is attended mostly by indians

Damn user.

I'd rather work as a toilet cleaner in Detroit than work at Google India
At least there would be fucking toilets

"To manage all you fuckers."


This is Google Netherlands. Nobody knows what they do. But I'm sure it's something important, like tax evasion.

"The bathroom."

Then I walk off as they all file out into the street to wait for me.

>28% of IBM employees are indians

I've worked with IBM, maybe 0.5% of that 28% percent are actually helpful.

"I have to return some video tapes."

what's happening to this planet
