What did you Vote for?

What did you Vote for?

Fuck off

Afd of course


but the only thing I'm puzzled about, is how many people still vote for the CDU

the AfD results aren't a shock at all - they were the only party to adress some significant issues and pretty much no one ever took them serious. that's incredibly dangerous after a series of fuck ups (especially how much of the immigration crisis went down)

What's the coalition going to be?

Making Germany uber alles again

neither the SPD nor the FDP seems interessted.

that's quite a shock, since black-green isn't enough for a strong coalition

(my guess is that it's going to be black-yellow-green after all anyway)

>Puzzled about how many people still voted for CDU/CSU
>votes SPD


NPD, I'm a party member


SPD. With Afd in the parliament the people will soon see that they are all talk and no substance.



First Vote Die Partei
Second Vote Linke

AFD is great !
Now ist Partytime


wow is this legit?

why doesn't the Unions and AFD link up?

dude, up until this day nobody took the afd serious

now they kind of have to
(or everybody else is going to suffer double next election)

NPD of course

If anyones interested; from good to bad:
1. AfD
2. FDP
3. CSU
4. CDU
5. SPD
6. GrĂ¼ne
7. Linke