I an Indian living in California. Ask me anything. (I voted for Trump btw)

I an Indian living in California. Ask me anything. (I voted for Trump btw).

Did you do a barrel roll?

do you live in california?


do you poop in your soup?


Do you poop on deserted streets?

Do you ask for vegena pics?

Poo in loo?

do you have a programming job

why do you smell like rotten shit?

Bitch lasagna

>I voted for Trump
Pick one.

Yes I do.

How do you know that? Yes I am a programmer.

What about bobs and vegene

Are you an American Indian?

I actually don't. My girlfriend would have told me if I smelled bad.

Do You Poo In The Fucking Loo?

Not if she herself smells worse

I pick both.

I am not an US citizen yet. I wasn't born here.

Are you an Indian American or sjust Indian? Why are you a faggot? And why do you lie about having a girlfriend?


Why'd you move here to California of all places?

He thought he could pass for a spic

She doesn't. But she does have a faint odor of milk.

What is your gf like?

Then how did you vote faggot? I'm out.

Gay thread. Nobody cares. There's tons of worthless indians all around us and their stories are not interesting to anybody.


What do you think of the caste system and what is your caste?

She's beautiful. Best women I've ever met. She's a liberal, I am moderately conservative.

I didn't. I said I voted Trump to keep racists from insulating me. Sup Forums is very pro trump I think.

Best place in US for an immigrant to live

>Sup Forums is very pro trump I think.
That's just Sup Forums, which unfortunately has been leaking out a lot lately into other boards. Sup Forums has no political identity though.

Also you're a fucking pussy.

I did a curry fart in your mothers eye

It's fucking racist. More racist than anything in US.
I am from of one of the lowest ranked castes in India. I've faced the kind of discrimination blacks in america will never face.

India seems to be a safe country, It's surprising how the poor in your country don't kill, rob, and traffic drugs.

What do you make shitty threads? You could at least make a shitted thread. Sage

Because it's extremely hard to get guns in India. Illegal guns are very expensive and 90% people can't afford to buy even a bullet. And people in India are not used to violence as people in Brazil or Mexico are. Hinduism has lot of superstitions and people spend most of the time in doing some religious shit. So they don't have time for doing crimes.

I think it is because of reincarnation in hinduism, the Indian of a low caste accepts his fate with the expectation of having a better life in the next reincarnation, am I correct?

>voting for trump in california
why waste your time

Yep. That's a large factor. People in india are usually very submissive and non-violent. But if you threaten their religion or cows, they will fucking kill you.

>being indian
>vote for trump


Is your festering obscenity of a Nation just as bad as your most fervent devotees claim it to be ? ;

..... or is it really just as worse as the remaining 99.999% of the world's educated population already knows it to be ?

Because I support Trump. He's the only hope of America against muslim invasion.

which street do you shit in?

I'm dating an Indian in California. Are you my boyfriend?

right but california was never gonna vote for trump

gtfo muh country apu

when are you going back?

Legit go fuck yourself, hurr durr Muslim invasion. Why dont you go clean up your shit hole of a country instead of being a leech. Literally garbage, flies and mosquitos everywhere in India.

This is the only thing I don't like about Indians.

The river is sacred and the cows are sacred, but because they are sacred, the Indians have destroyed the river by throwing bodies into them, and they allow the cows to live sick in the cities instead of living in the fields.

The sacred in India is destroyed by the worship of the Indians.

do you understand how elections work?

Surely not. I know my girlfriend doesn't frequent Sup Forums. She'd be hysterical if she saw the stuff that gets posted here.

don't talk about Sup Forums faggot we run all the boards, thew rest of you are useful idiot degenerates

How many licks does it take to reach the center of a tootsie pop?

Not sure about that. I'm here only to earn as much money as I can. I don't plan to settle in this country.

Whats the best Indian food?

bonus round: What's the best Indian desert?

I don't shit in street. That would be illegal in California.

Because it's never gonna be cleaned up. India is a doomed country. It's going to collpse due to huge population one day. I am not interested in going back there. And as a Hindu, I do hate muslims generally.

It's illiterate people doing what they think is right. Obviously they can't see the hypocrisy in their actions. They are ignorant.

I don't know about best. There are literally thousands of dishes in Indian culture. My favorite one is Chicken Biryani.

just claim laws that keep people from shitting in the street are oppressive to poo in loos and get it changed, they will do it they are idiots

You're the worst kind of Indian. A cuck who thinks whites will treat you as equal.

GTFO Sup Forums Prajeet.