My right testicle is 2x normal size

>my right testicle is 2x normal size
>dull pain in groin and lower abdomen
>very likely ball cancer, not going to the doctors until the pain is unbearable and only to lop the ball off and get pain meds

so how are you doing Sup Forums

need more of both

I'd do that sooner rather than later m8, pretty sure cancer is the type of thing you don't leave sitting around

Faggot how old are you? There is a chance that its something else. I forgot the medical term for it. But basically its just one ball that is fucked and not cancer. Sry really forgot the name

what do you mean more of both?

yeah I'm hoping it metastizes(sp?)


its gonne spread faggot
pretty sure spermocitis or some shit

Testicular tortion? Something like that. Either way you're going to lose a nut. Say goodbye to any masculinity you once had. Less testosterone.

yeah pretty much every option that brings me closer to death is desirable

Never happened.

That's the best way to beat certain Mario party mini games

>inb4 didnt timestamp
>inb4 fat fuck

more plz

It is creepy... it's better being a douche and treating them like things, but it's still wrong nonetheless

it doesn't sound like torsion based on it not hurting a lot, but the double the size bit makes me suspicious

if it does end up being a torsion, now would be the time to go if you plan on keeping it

I don't think it's a torsion; the reason I suspect it's cancer is I've had a hard lump on the epididymus for over a year

it could be though; the spongy shit your balls hang off of and the vas deferens are swollen so idk

also no wtf

Its unlikely to be ball cancer (that usually doesnt hurt), and torsion would have you screaming in pain.
It could be an infection, inflammation or a problem with your venous blood supply. Either way go and check with your doctor.

yiff in hell

maybe it's not then idk

Actually it could be that your testicle has rotated too much inside the sack. Happened to me as a kid. You should get it checked out.

Diagnostic test: lift the ball (i.e., remove the pull from gravity) --> does the pain stop? likely epididymitis does the pain remain? torsion is possible

Is your testicle warmer than normal? You could also have an abscess

sorry I'm not really interested in fixing this but for your own curiosity the pain continues (but is lessened slightly) when elevated and it's not warmer than normal (although my balls are usually decently warm)

buffalo soldier, in the heart of americaaaaaa

I had testicular cancer, diagnosed this last Feb., Didn't find out about it until a tumor in my chest stopped me from being able to work due to pain. Couple months of chemo and 3 surgeries later I'm all better except I can't ejaculate anymore.

Did you get your prescription?

pretty much the only downside I can see in my future but I've jacked off enough plus my libido's never been that high to begin with

>lost job few days ago
>dad lost his job too
>family needs money
>might have to sell my property
>kicked against a wall today , might have broken my foot
>fucked cos no insurance cos neet again
>losing hair from meds
Besides that I'm good I guess. Laying in bed and watching animu, atleast I can sleep longer as a neet.

I'm retarded, sorry. what do you mean by prescription?

>the weed

Oh, I should add that my testicle was removed and never hurt, but the left side of my groin region was very tender.

Oh, pfft. I got a lot of things with marijuana extracts but nothing good.

Do you have 1 testicle left? And why can't you ejuculate ever? Also, infertile now?

>can't ejaculate
>all better

Yea I've still got righty.

They had to remove lymph nodes and damaged something so I basically cum into my bladder now (I guess, that's how it was explained to me)

Not technically infertile. They could go in there and extract sperm, just can't get a girl pregnant through sex.

I probably have all over cancer. Ive been feeling progressively weaker for the last year and no matter what I do I cant get better. Probably will die before I go see another jew doctor.

cancer is unlikely to present like this
stop making shit up
illuminate your scrotum from behind with a flashlight. Likely it is hydrocele or epididymitis
unlikely would be more pain

Yea, as in I'm not going to die now because my chest tumors were crushing my lungs. Priorities dude.

.... dad?

Medfag here. Torsion is unlikely it would be more swollen and acute and the pain would be unbearable. It actually Looks and sounds like cancer. Note that this type of cancer often needs Dome Time before it metastazises

Dome time?
Thunderdome time?
The larger testicle fights and kills the weaker in a gladiator style fight to the death?

I have a maglight-type flashlight and it doesn't go through; I could pull my scrotum but it hurts a lot

lol, nope. never had children and never will

yeah I expect torsion to be like unbearable pain. I concede it could be some other form of physical trauma but considering I don't think so

yeah what's dome time?

prob some time
although cancer is pretty low on the differential rn, pretty shit medfag

look up metastasizing cancer.

Why the hell would you not go to a doctor the moment you noticed something is wrong? Could save you from losing your dong.

Does the surrounding area light up? Look at image of scrotal transillumination for what I mean. This would suggest hydrocele, essentially extra fluid around you ball.

When did it start? and is your ball actually bigger or the area near it inflamed?

I _want_ to die, but cancer isn't as hard on my family as suicide. Shit, it practically runs in the family, nobody will be surprised.

yeah the ball is bigger and the area is swollen. Like I said, the spongy shit is also swollen
>pic related

it started about 3 weeks ago. I noticed the hard lump on that ball over a year ago, but it didn't hurt or anything

forgot the pic

This is what you get for wishing to die. Lady cancers gonna take one or both of your nads and youll live the rest of your life as a bitch.

meh, wasn't gonna use em anyway. if that does happen, plan B
>pic related

If you want I can kill you painlessly easy peasy.

btw I started the thread a little dramatically but I did ask how Sup Forums was doing so feel free to just lay it on me

hard painless lump? could be a spermatocele; if you want to go the cancer route, this presentation sounds like a seminoma

yeah, it's called an exit bag but thanks for the offer my dude

95% survival rate if caught in the early stages; how much longer until I'm out of the early stages or am I good?

You should go to the dr. Sorry for your troubles it gets way worse if you out it off. Good luck user.

hopefully I can keep it attached long enough for it to do some real damage but thanks

No I was gonna get real high with you, like do every single drug we can find, then shoot you in the back of the head when you least expect it. Really go out with a bang.

Cant really know without going to see a dr. They wont make you do anything, after their evaluation they will let you know where you are at and what they believe your best options are. You are free to take or leave any advice at that point. Pretty much saying it doesnt hurt to check it out

I think if I went that route I'd OD on heroin or some other drug that suppressed my respiratory system enough and had a nice presentation

thanks for the tips and info, dr user

Op i had the same symptoms - turned out to just be a varicose ulcer -still hurt but i got it fixed - got meds too

Yeah I mean whatever you want. Lets get high nigga

i've always wanted to do ecstasy and shrooms?

Fuuck yeah dude, shrooms are the best. Ecstasy is whatever, it will definitely be enhanced by doing shrooms though. Thats sorta like candy flipping.

Hey boss, sorry bout your ball troubles. Hope I'll get knocked off like you by the lung troubles or the old liver given out. Been drinking and workin hard yo make sure. QT3.14gf is a major hypochondriac and has been hashing my mellow lately, like, bitch, accept that life is a curse already and start drinking about it.

lol I like the cut of your jib dude

I like that you said cut of your jib, pal.

did you know that refers to a specific part of a sailboat? certain groups would "cut their jib" differently, so sometimes you could tell some things about the ship depending on how the jib was cut

>pic related





It sounds like you have a hernia, caused by heavy lifting, or other means.

ok thanks

Your welcome.
