Hey, good evening, Anonymous! You may or may not have seen me before, but hello none the less, I am Rock

Hey, good evening, Anonymous! You may or may not have seen me before, but hello none the less, I am Rock.

Has life been getting to you? Did you just need someone to just listen?

Maybe you just want a hug, or the closest thing to it here. I'd be more than happy to do that too!

If all you need is a place to get away from a bit, some advice on the ways of life, or just a friendly smile and some words, you can find it here.

Like my friends before have showed me, I'll show the same kindness to you.

Use this if you'd like me and/or someone else to give a tidbit of advice


This, if you just want a hug and something nice, I'd be glad to provide both.

This world... It can be cruel, heartbreaking, and just plain tough, Anonymous... I'd just like to provide something, something that can make your day just a bit less bad.

So, all of you, all I ask is that you help me, and each other. To provide and encourage an atmosphere that's most pleasant and just be the best person you can be, okay?

sauce on this?

Sauce on what, user?

here you go, now in hello kitty flavor

>when you ask for a bit of mustard on your hotdog

Ah, mustard? I prefer chili and cheese~

Heya, rocky!

Hiya Bunny :3

Thanks for droppin' by~

Hey friend, just dropping by

Heya, user!

How're you doing?

Shh... I'm undercover... not much time A'll have to go eat soon

Sneaky Breeki, brother :v

you a good guy

How's it going in here?

I don't believe in any spiritual/para crap but I seem to have what feels a hell of a lot like a soulmate connection, to the point we dream of each other at the same times and stuff like that. It should be beautiful but I'm terrified.

Ah? Heh... Thank you, user. What makes you say that though?

And how are you?

Heya! Things are going all right. How're you , it's been a while.

Hmm... Who's the other person, do you know?

>Who's the other person, do you know?
Yeah. She's an ex, we're on good terms though. Been pretending this isn't happening for 7 years. And no, I don't want to reform our relationship (in fact, I'm in a great one).

first time in a Rocky thread!
too much stuff going round, but I won't bother you!
a hug is what I'd use though!

My handwriting has gotten worse B'(

Hmm... This is quite something then... Tell me, are there any things that were left unresolved? Like, unfinished business?

Could possibly be that there needs to be some closure somewhere


Hiya! What might be you name, user?

It's okay, mine is pretty bad too ;-;
But thank you though!

Might as well stay here for some time.
How's the day been and what is your drink tonight


Not anymore. Our relationship kinda fell apart rather than either of us ending it, but since then we've talk it all over, forgiven each other, and moved one. This intensity began the moment we met. I finally believed it this year when she mentioned how she felt when we met and it was the same stuff I'd convinced myself I imagined.

We love you too, user.

Day's been all right user. I got this tasty af juice here though, I like it alot.

How're you though?

Hmm... I see. That's good though, I'm glad to hear that. Why do the feelings scare you though?


you know me and I know you. but lets leave it at that for now...

It's been alright I guess?
I didn't collapse tonight so that's something.
Can ya tell me the name of said juice?

They scare me because it's a huge leap into the unknown. Also she's quite unstable, very few friends and NO support like she gets from me; it's very obvious a part of her still wants to be with me.

That will end when she finds herself a new lover but until then she could try and abuse our link to force it. I do trust her not to, she never has the whole time. But the idea somebody CAN is frightening.

Also, have you ever heard of Sabina and Ursula Ericksson? (idk how to spell those). If not look them up and see what I mean. Madness in the Fast Lane is a documentary about it.

I never intended to make you read walls of text, sorry :P On Thursday I told somebody irl for the first time which felt great but also I didn't realise how much it was upsetting me until I said it out loud.

Oooo, can I get a hint?

Ah... Why would you have collapsed?

and it's called Ceres Secrets of the Valley.

It has pear, apple, cherry, and blackcurrant juice. It's really tasty~

And how would i go about getting this "hug" if i wanted one, But not that i want one just asking.

by asking!

You sure are edgy tonight!
You could ask for one~

Well that's what happened yesterday, but that was because I was too exhausted I guess.
I'll try to see if they sell it here, might be a good replacement for coffee

It has, I'm rarely awake late enough for the threads. I made an espresso at midnight though, so now I'm stuck awake.

How are you doing Rock?

There's always fear of misuse in relationships. Which is half the reason so many people start one then try their hardest to build emotional barriers. Given that the connection is already there, why not take the steps of forming a structured relationship; that should help give her some stability.

Yes but how would i receive this "hug" by mail owl hours back.

Hmm.. Good question. Rocky?

maybe next time~

I genuinely don't believe we can work as a couple; I no longer love her romantically, and I have a partner I do love deeply.

I do try and provide her stability by being there for her which sounds simple but nobody else really has been her whole life so I know it means a lot to her.

why are there four of these threads?

are you guys on overtime or trying to meet a quota?

How is everyone?
I'm rather tired due to work

Yes, Ye it is. I just want to know what to keep watch for if a "hug" is sent my way.
But i'm not rocky, I'm user.

Kermit pls go

(hug) like that, silly.

what a shit taste

Now close your eyes and pretend~

Cus we like to circlejerk through multiple threads

Ah, I'd missed that you already had a partner. Well soulmates don't have to be romantic, and if you can maintain that lasting friendship it can be a core part of your life. It doesn't sound like there's much reciprocation though, more like you're always out on a limb for her?

WOW now, I never said i wanted one, I just wasn't sure about your delivery policy's.

im asking a legit question


*hugs tighter*

E> bumps...
you know the kind you get when your pet is waaaaaaaaaaaaay to excited to see you!

To some extent; her mental health is awful, and so I try to help her. She does listen to my shit too though.

I know it'll probably be fine, just wanted to vent a bit :) Thanks, sorry I've taken up so much of your thread.

There needn't be a reason. But you realize that third one is unlike the others, right?

Well by asking of course! *Huuuugs*

How are you, dear?

Mm.. I see, that is quite scary... But I think that it should be okay, and if it ever gets to be too much, you need to find a way to tell her to kinda lay off a bit. I'm not sure *how* in this situation though.

I'll look them up user, they seem interesting, and no worries for the long text :)

Though, it is pretty nice to get things off your chest like that, huh? Sayin things out loud can really help us think about things more clearly.

Heya, I'm doing good~ Whatcha up to?

You get one too, Jilly~


And one for you, Bunny~

Ah man, an espresso, so late, that sucks...

I'm doing all right though, it's been a little busy lately, but I'm doing well. How about you though?

See, you have to fill out form TX35-MG for 1 (one) hug, and it should come to you soon!

Though shipping might cost extra!

Same way you get hugs! By filling out the forms above!

Awww.... Oki, I hope to see you soon then.

You said that too much stuff is going around though, did you want to talk about it?

Ah, what happened yesterday? And yeah, I hope you find some! This shit's like, the best juice ever.

Anytime, happy to listen user.

I do not accept this hug and i find your actions aggressive, I will defend myself.

You'll try, clearly~

Nothing really, just really sleep deprived I guess.
Is it sweet?
Because I mostly drink sweet drinks

I'll try and i will succeed.
>you have to fill out form TX35-MG
Oh i see what's going on now. Sign this form then we harass me with phone calls trying to get me to buy some funny product.
No thanks.

I'm doing well thanks. Secured another year of funding for my main research, which I don't think I'll need all of, but it's always good to have the slack. You can always withhold a few things and use the last months to set up something new.

Friend of mine got married on Friday, the reception was nice. Starting to note that more and more of my old pals are married, and sooner or later I'll be the last not to be. It just seems too early in life for children though, I don't think I want that until my early 40s.

Dang I did it again, no picture :v

Mmhm, it's pretty sweet~

Hello Rock.

Quite a few threads tonight, eh? Was that intentional?

Well fuck I'll need to get my hands on that drink then. I guess I can buy it from Amazon? I think?

Well thanks for reading my walls of text anyway, and for not thinking I'm crazy :)

Thank you

Pssh, yeah right. My hugs are the best there are. Give it up


Ah... No, it's because I get so many hug requests, that I needed to make a system to sort it out~

I don't want anyone to feel left out.

Anytime user, it's all right to talk~

If you're heading out, take care!

Ah, that sounds pretty cool! Could you tell me what the project is about? It sounds interesting~

Also, that's nice man, hope it goes well with them. Though do you have a special someone?

Hi. There doesn't really need to be a reason that there's so many tonight.

Um, maybe... I got mine from a discount grocery store :v

Hey man, no problem. I'm actually pretty open to stuff.

She's telling the truth! They're the bestiest best!

thirding this.

It's from the US, right?
That'll mean I have to buy it online or from the UK I guess


Mmhm, it's from the US, and maybe you could find it on Amazon. I should check myself.

Please did you not see my double dubs, I already got out and you never realized.

Bunnies are faster than Cirno tho, she'll get you soon!

And you still haven't noticed that I'm hugging the entire sky you're inhabiting! Using a mecha from the moon larger than the planet! Get on my level.

Too bad i'm all fired up and you funny bunny can't catch this hot fairy.

Well I found some for $43.08
Is it worth it?

Well good thing i got a drill to pierce the heavens them self.
Get on my level.

But look, she's already got you!

O-Oh, jeez... How many for that price?

12 of them, not sure what the shipping time is

Hahaha.. Maybe... Maybe... But you know what's above the heavens? The moon! Which is secretly a hug cannon in disguise, primed to fire the warmest hugs ever conceived directly at you!

Without going into details, the project focusses on analysing reliability requirements for deployable systems based on fully quantum technologies, which are far wider than quantum computers; in particular including very accurate sensors, leading to interesting things such as fully terrestrial navigation (GPS denied), accurate detection of masked voids (so, if you have a hole in the ground that you want to keep secret, you just put a big layer of metal on top of it, so that it is indistinguishable from surface measurements of gravity from the surrounding terrain - this is also how you disguise submarines - if instead of measuring the field strength you look at the curvature of gravity you can detect these masked masses, and non-invasive imaging (how do you look at a photon-triggered bomb?).

So parts of it involve ground-up modelling of quantum systems, parts are looking at systems engineering paradigms that are transferable to quantum tech, and parts looking at novel complexity (for example quantum entanglement, popularly known as spooky action at a distance, needs to be controllable, if it's not you get something analogous to crosstalk but much worse to deal with - now can you model the impact of this in terms of device reliability as you would crosstalk, or do you need to develop new tools?).

I say time and time again that I hate working with academe, and I swear this is the last project I'll do has involvement with universities, but at least the topic is fascinating.

Regarding the reception and all, I'm sure their marriage will go well - they've known each other since they were undergrads. I have categorically nobody at the moment, I go through phases where I have relationships, but generally speaking they don't last long (the longer ones a year or so). I'm fairly domineering, and I have a vision of what I want personally, and it always ends with my girlfriend at the time finding it too hard to meet the requirements of that. ONSs for now.

you guys are funny

Please you can't catch ice it just slips out your hands.
You can't shoot your cannon if you have to close you're eyes from me flashing you.

so y'all have an oddball in your group?

Hmm... I mean, I got mine at $2 a carton... Though it was at a discount super market.

Mm, it's really tasty, but if you need to money towards something more important, that's a better idea, user.

Jeez, have you been holding out on these super hugs?

Heh... I know, right?

But I thought you were red hot! With a mecha, she can catch you!

Funny, Are you making a slight at my intelligence, Because i'll warn you i'll bite.

We love you too, dear.
Maybe, but we'll enjoy the flashing, and the affection generated by that will be recognized by the cannon, triggering an automatic defense mechanism to fire the cannon!
You think you're the first one to have tried such a mundane tactic as this on us, the mooninit- I mean moon rabbits!?
No, that person has nothing to do with us, of course.



Yea, Pathetic isn't it?







You never asked for ultra-hyper-god-hugs.


Hm, I'll see
For now I'll drown myself in coffee I guess
Also, , haven't seen you for some time
