ITT we trigger americans

Let me start

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KEK wills it! Praise KEK!


Silly OP, Lord KEK has willed the wall to be built.

go back to making tacos

Owning any guns should be illegal, murricunts.

Not triggered, they look like the guys I used to roof houses and drink with. That said BUILD Wall and come legally.

Why the fuck are there so many Ethiopians in South Da-
>sees flag

Selling drugs and entering another country illegally should also be illegal you stupid taco nigger

These people are probably DOCUMENTED workers, they come here to do shit jobs because of the totally legal green card program

I don't think any of that shit should change

>Cholos of the corn




I cant wait until we nuke Mexico


The map is legit i'm also wtf at Ethiopia



Nothing I could say could insult you more than the reality of living in Mexico. Your countries entire shtick is escaping to America.

So Micheal Moore is saying white genocide is real?

Mexicans are actually white FYI

if you were a starvin marvin you would even move to fucking SD if you had too



Then stop financing drug cartels and sending them guns burger nigger


I don't mind Mexicans, growing up I had Mexican neighbors. I just don't like illegals.

t. Texan


m8, that's offensive, plz delete it


>Mexicans with their heads still attached to their bodies.

Very rare.

Not as rare as an american without a submachine gun bought in walmart

was that supposed to be banter

u fucked up there Juan

Why's that Pedro?

because americans love guns as if they were toys


come on. they all already have guns.
> It should have been a magazine dispenser.

carlos sat back, finishing off another cheep beer. He rose off his shitstained recliner and went to the window to relieve himself, dreaming of they day that he might make the treacherous journey to the land of freedom himself. alas, this life of debauchery was better suited to him, and he cracked open another beer and rolled himself back into the recliner. If he was fortunate, he reckoned, he might be able to experience a little of their culture for himself by trying to participate in their banter.

Wouldn't the wall be beneficial to Mexico?

Less drugs in US means less power and money for the cartels

>he thinks trump will stop having deals with drug cartels


>implying there won't be a tunnel detection system

Landmines and drones are also on the table

Whites created the country and its laws, so that doesn't apply to them.

Sorry OP, I'm untriggerable. My ex was Mexican. My roommate is Mexican. There's really no point in having separate countries. In one or two generations you guys act 100% American.

But the real indicator that we've passed the point of no return: Tapatio has replaced Tobasco on restaurant tables. It's over. We might as well make a new flag for the Union of the Americas.

I don't blame Mexico for the cartels.The drug war is nothing but prohibition 2.0, which empowered the mobs which enabled the creation of three-letter-organizations to deal with them (government power grab.) And the whole thing made possible under the "how could you possibly be against suffrage" ploy. Which then became the "tough on crime" ploy. Illegality creates demand. Demand creates supply. I'm sure they've got their dirty fingers in it anyway.

ur country has been overrun by niggers hahaha


Tapatio vs sriracha the culture war is on.


HAHAHA, thanks fir picking my berries Juan. I couldn't enjoy dem strawberreeez without that hard hispanic labor.

I don't know if
1.) You are a proxy dude just getting some good material about mexican jokes

2.) You are truly a mexican that is being ironic

I3.) You are truly trying to piss of people buy posting your countrymen doing farm work in hopes to trigger some weird dude who has a problem with it

You post the same thing all the time, whats your end game dude?

Africa and Dharavi is not Mexico, again fucking nigger.


How to trigger burguer niggers?

even if trump wins, they would not be gone haha

I am not triggered more than I feel pity for the Mexifats I see on the streets. There is nothing more shameful than living in rampant poverty and knowing you aren't worth than min wage and EBT to anyone.

Why you Mexis settle for destitution is beyond me

That's actually a bad stadistic for Mexico, not USA. That mean that countries in Central America and Mexico live in shitholes and need to go to America.

We, Argies or Chileans, etc. prefer to live in our country.

Drumpf wont win, Hilary has the presidency in her pocket before the stupid nazi showman puked her stupidity.


Screencap't for meme magic.


it was sice our economic crisis in 1994, but now Mexicans are not going there like in the past years.

Argies fled to Mexico since 2001, and Chileans for Pinochet.

First combo, best combo

>Argies fled to Mexico
Mexicans actually believe that. The only Argies who go to Mexico are waitress AKA people who don't study or have a real work.

Mi vecina es argentina y esta casado con Mexicano y no es mesera. Tiene 20 años viviendo aquí.

... dare you canada

No you don't, you go either to Spain or here

we wuz all from Africa user

but he's from Africa.

>Los inmigrantes argentinos en México se estima que cuenta entre 40 000 y 30 000 integrantes
And that's only a estimation, oficial data say's 13.000. Remember we have 41m population so that mean no one here want to go to Mexico.

Again, that's a lie Mexican tell to feel like a first-world country.

it's not that there's lots, it's just that SD has so few immigrants. hell, if 3 people went to each state, and 2 were mexican, the map would be all mexicans, but it would only total 100 of them

inb4 an american non ironically asks what this is.

Could've fooled me.

what the fuck does this goy know about dinosaurs?




But we also have manual transmissions?

More argentinians are in Mexico than vice versa, so it's no lie. And remember that we have almost 3 times more population than you so, with proportion you would be higher. We don't feel like a first world country because of this tho.


it's also nonsense because you can't actually "drive" in europe without hitting a light or intersection every few seconds

Its funny because compared to the rest of the world america is a literal, biblical, eden.

>michael moore
why hasnt this fat piece of shit killed himself yet?

Check your privilege, CIS scum!

why would Mexicans move to Argentina when they can just hop to the other side of the border and live in USA?

Whites weren't immigrants to the USA. They were discoverers and they paid a few pretty pebbles for that land of the casinoniggers. Not white man's fault hey can't handle a bit of typhoid in their blankets. Stupid indians

Oh dear

Sriracha destroys my insides on the way out.

> North Dakota
> Bhutan

I bet theres like, 1 family of immigrants from Bhutan living there or something.

1st generation American of Mexican decent here

The U.S. took away Mexican lands, our cultures will forever coalesce because of that unless we get scapegoated and purged like a lot of the stormfags on this board fantasize about.

Face it when the U.S. took over California, Texas, etc., it also took the peoples in it.

You wanna split up families with some bullshit wall and become North Korea? You know how many wetbacks will find ways to get through that? Get over it this land is our land both Cletus and Juan.

You should practice what you preach and see how long you last in San Juan, spic.


Was Eden violent and full of niggers? Missed that passage in the bible

I live in eastern north Dakota. All I see are fucking Somali and other African immigrants causing shit. Only Asians I see are the ones who come here for the universities.

That being said, each city here is unique and pretty separate, being as the biggest city has about 100,000 population and the whole state is like half a million. Maybe the western cities have more Bhutanese people but I have personally never seen one



Note on this is that there are a lot of Somalians. Like they're very common and cause lots of shit. Every time a crime happens that makes the news, half the comments are "damn immigrants," and the other half are "just because this ONE crime was an immigrant..."

All these damn Somalians coming in from cucked Minnesota...