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I hope this movie somehow beats Ghostbusters.

>current year
>not having a urine fetish


apparently its doing breddy well so far

oh shit its out??? Is it available for pirates yet without shit quality, or still in theatres?

>tfw the movie was likely animated by far-right extremists

have you seen it

is it actually as red-pilled as that one infographic about it that gets posted around


It's even more redpilled.

I posted this earlier, I'll repost for your benefit:

"Most of you have seen the picture of all of the supposed themes it has, and all of these themes are in the movie. However, there's even more; the opening scene in the movie has our hero (who in my opinion represents the perceived European minority opinion against globalism) working hard to pander to a liberal family (they might not be liberalb but they are afraid of gluten for some reason so I assume so), but ending up having to pay the bill for his own services and put him out of work. This scene ends with our hero LITERALLY cucking the liberal father. I shit you not, this actually happens.

The pigs arrive on their chariot of honeyed words, and the first thing they do (once again I shit you not) is detonate tnt in the town hall/arena place. No-one believes our hero as he proves that there are way more pigs than originally planned, and they procede to take over the minds of the island.

My biggest fear was probably that the movie was going to end on a "friendshippy" note, where the birds and pigs live happily together. Thankfully this is not the case; the birds bomb the shit out of the pigs and rescue their children (obviously a metaphor for the takeover of white children by muslims). Obviously America (the eagle) plays a big role in saving the day. I definitely recommend it, I didn't have to read between the lines nearly as much as I thought I would, so you should be able to see it too"

Hahahaha no fucking way

Oyy lmao

Slight spoilers btw

fantastic 4 could beat ghostbusters


Brb, taking my little brother to the theatres


If only he could appreciate it as a political commentary.

>I-its a bad movie goyim, d-do not watch

the pigs are muslims (HARAM!) and red is a grumpy trump

Sup OP

Thinking about seeing a movie tonight. It's either this or the nice guys. But that isn't until 11.

Wat do?

Support angry birds

I never ever thought I would type out those words




Angry fucking Birds
who would've thought?

nice guys will be a better movie, but if you want red pilling and dirty humor in a kids movie see birds. then again there's always another day for the other.

is this real life

Every time.

I'm seriously considering going with my family.

Literally came out in theaters today.
Don't expect a decent torrent for a couple months.

Is it good tho?

I am always down for a redpilling.


but the eagle is trump

>Surely, The Angry Bird Movie only exists because of deep-seated insecurity

It's the fucking angy birds movie. It exists only as a cheap cash-in.

Do the pigs have a silly catchphrase they repeat every time they detonate TNT?

every time

I've always hated those birds until now. Could a paradigm shift be at hand?

Apparently they say Allahu Porkbar

I'm glad the eagle (America) comes through in the end



As much as my inner Sup Forums wants to see Driver2.0 I think I might go sit in a theater full of kids and watch angry birds.

What have I become?

I'd like to get drunk and watch Game of Thrones with you. No homo.

I seriously could not believe my eyes when the MC cucked another bird. My jaw hit the fucking floor.

Animation was good. Story was decent; a lot of chuckle-worthy jokes. Quite a bit of adult humor, now that I think about it. One of the Pigs had a copy of "50 Shades of Green."

Went early today (1 pm) before work, not crowded. Cheap tix.

His doctor is literally called wingberg, I'm gonna watch it with my friends.

>kids' movie

wew laddy


Lol I'm down

A pedophile.


He has a point though, it is still just a childish movie for iphone obsessed kiddies and Sup Forums wouldn't give a shit if it didn't appeal to their agendas.


I swear to god if Sup Forums memes me into seeing another shitfest I'll never forgive myself.

Hopefully this thread still exists in 95 minutes.

>Angry Birds Movie only exists because of deep-seated insecurity

Oh, so it's ok when you leftist fucks spin a narrative to children, but when the right does, it is foul?

I prefer the term child molester




So can we start angry bird posting as a meme

It's really pissing me off that these same people were praising Frozen for potentially making Elsa a lesbian yet having ONE movie representing the opposite side is wrong? I know their brainwashing requires that absolutely no other information enters the subjects mind lest they realise how fucking idiotic their masters are, but Jesus.

>it is foul?



>movie is about birds

>Sup Forums wouldn't give a shit if it didn't appeal to their agendas.

>the only reason you guys care about a movie is because it appeals to you!!!

You normally spend money and waste 2 hours on things you don't like? is your life so empty?

Don't you mean "fowl" user?

I was going to use the term "Evil" but I decided to use a lesser perjorative term.

Never even considered that.

Should have though, leftists are known hypocrites.

Also, checked.

He didn't even mention the agenda though. If he did and made that the reason he didn't like it, it would be a reasonable review.

oh shit
I'm still skeptical, but I'm definitely going to go see this now

Sup Forums btfo

That's pretty much the cornerstone of left wing political thought.


Nice Guys was kinda bad, sadly. I wanted it to be better than it was.

>Almost trips

That's enough for me

The Angry Birds Movie, to its credit, is decidedly in the former camp. It functions, ultimately, in its human-less, broadly reaching storyline, as a parable (or, more precisely, several of them): It has things to say about colonialism (no, seriously!) and about the seductions of consumer culture, and about the compromises that must be made, in a civil society, between the individual interest and the common good. It’s a meditation on family values, and on soft power versus hard, and possibly even—via a leader who ends up being all bluster—on the political rise of Donald J. Trump.

>only 16%
Animated film of the decade, coming through.


Just because the pigs were green in the original game doesn't mean that the animators/writers couldn't insert their own themes based on that.

See: Starship troopers book vs. movie

My other thought was that it was a metaphor for British colonialism in Native America, but the bald eagle being on the side of the birds shatters that mentality. The eagle would not be present at all in the movie if that was the case.

I was going to argue he was using cherry picked examples and barely could argue without "muh racism" bit then I realized



To be fair, it's more like a round peg in a square hole with the gaps being filled with semen and tin foil.

I love how Starship Troopers the movie started as a parody of the right-wing ideal but ended up being an excellent advertisement for it.

exactly my point. Just because the source material says one thing doesn't mean the adaptation can't spin it in a different way.

sent him a nasty tweet, my public service for the day is done

just watched the preview. i'm going to good goyim it and see it sunday.

thx, Sup Forums

from what i've heard on Sup Forums, this movie is somewhere between american history x and straight footage of a hitler speech

I want to go see it but I'm too embarrassed to go see a kids movie in the theater by myself. Guess I'll have to wait for it to come to Netflix


What did he even mean? Haha what insecurity?

>no writers or directors are Jewish
>Literally based

Saw it this afternoon. If you want to, go early in the afternoon (before school gets out). Literally 3 other people in the theater with me

Well "round" doesn't necessarily mean it's a circle. The square pegs could have rounded edges for one. Ironically it seems like he was the one trying to force some witty quip at the end there.

i haven't read starship troopers in like 14 years but wasn't the book a huge "look if humans were fascists" jerk off by Heinlein. I mean he was doing it ironically too but they kept the spirit there

>At the center of the film is the idea that anger is the emotion most worth feeling, because life is unjust, and people are coming from a far-off land to steal your stuff. If you think you're angry, Angry Birds says, well, you're not angry enough. Somewhere within it is a weirdo parable about how immigrants will rob you and wreck your life, and then head back to their native land, and the movie seems blissfully unaware of this reading.


what is Driver 2.0?

If you're really that concerned just dress semi decent, and if anyone asks you're an aspiring film critic.

I'm no SJW but the movie is better imo. I honestly think it's pretty moderate by today's standards. desu Trump would agree with a lot of it I feel.

Holy crap I want to see it so badly.

Well, that's not really what I meant, and I don't think it's an accurate comparison, because ST the book was serious, while the movie was satirical. It was the movie's intended meaning that was subverted.
With AB, the game was apolitical, and this movie made its own message, which didn't work as an allegorical argument for multiculturalism.

Top fucking kek.


soumi pls invade

Let's dispel the notion that angry birds doesn't know what it's doing. It knows exactly what it's doing.

It can only go so far without alienating the target audience. I thought the amount it gave was perfect.

It was an imperfect comparison. Couldn't think of a better one lol. All I meant is that the book took one side and the movie took the other.


That just means "shit", tell them you write for the [CITY NAME] Herald and you resent being sent to review children films. This isn't why you went to film school. It's only temporary though, once Spielberg replies to your emails you'll get your biopic of Augusto Pinochet off the ground. Any day now. At least that's what you tell yourself in the morning.

>americans playing a big role in saving birbs
>implying americans (nato) and europeans aren't the reason europe is filled with muslims "refugees"

Heyy what happened to your eagle?