>Friday Night
>Not finished with your sixth beer
What are you, Muslim? What are your drinking tonight Sup Forums? I'm working on a Natty pack with a friend, while grilling steaks and hotdogs.
pic related.
>Friday Night
>Not finished with your sixth beer
What are you, Muslim? What are your drinking tonight Sup Forums? I'm working on a Natty pack with a friend, while grilling steaks and hotdogs.
pic related.
Now is not the time for alcohol. We must get strong mentally and physically. Alcohol is a detriment to both.
3 rum and cokes
1 glass of white wine
bout to switch to beer
then going to a college graduation party tomorrow and getting 10x drunker than I am tonight
I already did some dabs, but a beer or drink tonight does sound nice.
Fuck that shit
>You're not an alcoholic!? What are you a fag???
here, but I do agree that mild to moderate consumption of alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco are a sign of a healthy, Christian identity in the face of the oncoming Islamic hordes.
>he counts his beers
probably on 8 or 9 desu family
I started going to parties and drinking a lot of beer, gave me a stomach ulcer. Would not recommend drinking that shit.
Opiates and Polish lager for me
This. Fuck booze and fuck all you goddamn degenerates.
You are apart of the problem.
Speak for yourself. Trump is about to save us on this side of the pond, assuming he's not shot.
I just went to London for a week. Yes, you guys definitely need all the strength you can get. Oh sorry meant to say Allahu Ackbar, praise be to the Prophet.
>No Amount of Alcohol is Safe
>A causal relationship exists between alcohol consumption and cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, colon-rectum, liver, and female breast; a significant relationship also exists between alcohol consumption and pancreatic cancer.
>Understanding the health impact of alcohol dependence
>The psychiatric disorders which are associated with alcoholism include major depression, dysthymia, mania, hypomania, panic disorder, phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia, suicide, neurologic deficits (e.g. impairments of working memory, emotions, executive functions, visuospatial abilities and gait and balance) and brain damage. Alcohol dependence is associated with hypertension, coronary heart disease, and ischemic stroke, cancer of the respiratory system, and also cancers of the digestive system, liver, breast and ovaries. Heavy drinking is associated with liver disease, such as cirrhosis.
On my third Miller light, death to shit skins!
>apart of the problem
doesn't this mean we aren't a cause of the problem
fucking leaf. everything causes depression and impairments of visuospatial abilities
>drinking like a degenerate
>thinks being a muslim is somehow wrong
obvious libtard. go back to your tumblr feminist bullshit.
>drinking six 2% ABV beers
On my first beer of the night
[spoiler]but I already drank a bottle of wine[/spoiler]
>not enjoying a few Steel Reserve tall boys after shift work
It's like y'all don't know how to blue collar
working on a sixpack of this shit
>drinks beer
>Natural Light
>has drank six today
I can't afford beer.
>everything causes depression and impairments of visuospatial abilities
Why don't you go be a retard somewhere else.
Doesn't get much better than this. Kansas beer ftw
>my NJ nigga
Almost bought a sixpack of those tonight but opted for something lighter. They're really good though. Where you at?
>drinking pisswater
come on m8 thats high schooler shit
i'm currently downing a 6 pack of founders all day ipa... it's alright
RIP Green Label
Oh Natty Lite, the beer that will give you a hangover before you finish the first can.
Had an abdominal ultrasound today cause something's wrong with me, so water.
Where I live picrelated is the only Natty I drink. But we usually call it Boh or Natty Boh, not Natty.
Consuming intoxicants of any kind is for degenerates who are too weak to handle life without chemical assistance. Excluding caffeine and prescription medication to control mental disorders, there is no reason you should be consuming anything that alters your mental state.
Shit, I forgot the pic
Why are Americans obsessed with light beer?
Pic related, real man beer.
was suppose to go to my cottage with 5 buddies but fell through sucks m8. now i'm drinking alone oh welll be awhile since i done that
I was at my old friend's boyfriend's house and the only other people drinking were the boyfriend's parents.
I had to drive home so I only had two anyways.
2 Kiltlifters and a glass of Port Charlotte
Whiskey comes in radiator coolant containers now?
>Premium Quality
You alcoholic fuck
What kind of feelsguy is this?
80s street thug?
I'm actually allergic to alcohol. The only thing I drink is water.
Speaking of drinking water, I think people who don't like the "taste" of water are bonkers. Water doesn't have a taste, unless you're drinking shitty tapwater from Flint or your pipes are so corroded that they're leaking.
You white trash fuck lmao
>Natty light
What are you, a frat boy?
>there is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation
hey hon how bout them O's?
Ryan-Gosling-in-Drive kind of feelsguy
duuno i don't drink light beer
>tfw you'll never get to drink the beer of shitpost kings
Minerals and shit have taste. Hard water taste like shit. Water in flordia taste like shit. Well water can be amazing.
I think I have a stomach ulcer right now from drinking beer every night. What were your symptoms and what was the treatment user?
Do you use hand sanitizer?
sippin on this atm
Good post burger
Well fugged up atm
hey fag I heard being alive is the #1 cause of eventual death so we should just off ourselves now anyway
Rolling Rock. Premium beer.
No. I just wash my hands thoroughly and use napkins. I CAN use it (I only really get a severe reaction when I ingest alcohol), but depending on how much I use my hands end up really itchy.
Besides, hand sanitizer contributes to the spread of resistant bacteria, which is bad news all around.
yea but what if you already have those things wrong with you?
ill tell you....
> they cancel each other out!
i feel bretty good and normal when i drink
Also I pity those who haven't been far enough south to taste some of pic related. We have great microbreweries down here. The best microbrews.
>impyling there's something wrong with hammering down a six pack of boston lager
Does everybody love your microbrews
>not drinking
>calling us degenerates
Yeah I bet your social life is awesome. I understand not smoking, I dont anymore. Drinking is essential and if you don't for any reason you are negatively affecting your social life.
blue label is so fucking good....
Killin dem angels atm, dug.
Lots of people get pretentious when it comes to drinking. Those people are called "faggots".
let me get that for you jacko
That shit looks vomit inducing
Interesting. Thanks. Have a tit.
I'm half way through my Cuervo Cosmotinian
Also want to add I've been drinking a lot of Munich helles and Belgian whites tn
But desu fuck the eternal krauts and duck the eternal Anglos while your at it
#eternal Slavs 4 life fuck the memes that hey hold any weight in superiority lmfaoooo germa/Anglo boos kill yourselves
drinking this crap
Weakling. I've blacked out for 2 weeks and felt fine
Well you're a pussy little faggot. I'll wake up tomorrow and not be drunk, but you're still be a limp wristed little baby boy with no social skills.
Anyone else love beer but hate trying to get drunk off it? It makes me need to piss too much. Might just switch to absinthe or jager.
>tfw muslim
>tfw drinking a sleeman's
>tfw white gf waiting for me to come fuug her
well yea, like at 6-8pm as a starter or a weekday drink
dude its midnight on a friday night, its time for some stronger stuff.
Maybe that's the problem then. I've never had a problem with drinking water. The people who drink soda like it's water just make me cringe.
I finished my 6th beer.
Off to bed.
6 am alarm so i can go fishing in the morning
I never got why drinking is a social thing. Like you don't associate socializing with any other type of beverage or food, so why beer?
And not that user, but I don't drink and have no social life. I don't think drinking would solve that problem entirely though.
God wants you to love him with all your strength.
>consuming empty, shitty-tasting calories to escape a shitty life rather than saving your money and working to better yourself
I see you got out of your cuckshed and managed to log onto mommy's computer. One day when you are big and not a faggot, you will understand the historical and current importance of alcohol.
Been drinking jack all day.
I don't drink like a monster anymore man, I 'm 24 and out of college lol.
That might be the shit they are calling beer but it isn't beer.
here's to hoping this is bait.
I had 4 then drove home from work. That's enough to keep me going for a while.
Knew a fat dude in college who drank a lot of soda, no idea how much but his desk was littered with cans.
In the past few years he quit soda and lost like 50 pounds, it's amazing really.
Got a bunch of Miller Lite and some hard root beer
Watching Drawn Together
>blended and packaged in Sierra Leone
let me get that for you jacko
t. alcoholic with no self control in denial
Just how meaty is your vulva?
I'm arab
Seriously? It lowers your inhibitions. Makes talking easier. Tacos don't do that.
I work nights fuck you op
Why do Americans drink so much light beer? Do you want to be able to brag about how much you drank without actually drinking much?
is it like fermented nigger piss or something?
Lol I've been an alcoholic before bitchnigga, I've learned moderation. Something you are too afraid of learning.