My liver is failing, need to lose weight fast, but cant stop eating every day, hungry all the time for sweets, what do

my liver is failing, need to lose weight fast, but cant stop eating every day, hungry all the time for sweets, what do

Use a hacksaw

You gotta dance ur ass off

Exercise, eat more protein and less carbs, less sugars, eat more slowly, drink a glass of water when you think you're hungry, you might just be thirsty

Riding a bike burns a lot of calories, good weight loss method for me at least. But don't overeat because you think you did a lot that day.

Cut out soda, try not to drink alcohol too much


Switch to a plant based diet. Cut meat out.

I did this 5 years ago and lost 95lbs in 2years
Have my normal weight to this day

bullshit. cutting meat won't help. cutting calories does.


self control

Personally I have found the only thing to make me lose weight is to run more than 5 miles each day.

Go to /fit/ read the fucking sticky, strategy, dedication, hard work.

that means you burn a lot of calories.
you could also ride a bike, go swimming, suck cock...

/fit/ is legit. Unfortunately I found it after I lost weight. Trust the sticky, the infos are real!

Yeah, I was fat once.
Then I took the sugar out of my tea, stopped drinking soda, and only ate food I could see all the ingredients of on the plate.
Then I started dancing my ass off.
No, really, shit gives you mad toned body.

> cut out soda
> start riding bikes

Two excellent pieces of advice. Take a ride around your town, spend maybe a half an hour. Don't even have to take on hlls and shit if you really don't want to, just take the old bike for a ride. And soda is pure sugar, it's horrible for you.

Stop being a fat fuck

If thats really true
And you actually do that
Kill yourself today

i dont even drink sodas or alkohohl just cant getting fatter and fatter with normal food, i only eat like once a day

I also never drink soda and alcohol.
Your calorie income is the problem. YOu have to burn more than you eat.
So either eat less or less calories, or burn them by excersizing

that being said, I like your belly and cock. I'd suck you off real good

Cut out sugar as much as you can. Also no cheese or bread. Its rough going at first but stick with it man.

I lost a shitload of weight eating and much miso, salad wraps as I wanted. Also once a weekend let myself eat a pizza and beer or bag of potato chips just as a reward.

Different things work for different people but I found this has worked for me. Started the year at 202lbs, lost 30lbs so far and have another 20 to go to get the weight I'm aiming for this Christmas.

Good luck OP.

Oh also, no food after 4pm. Nothing, nada, nunca, zilch. I have no scientific basis for that other than helping stomach settle down for the night. Felt the right thing for me to do.

you a girl?

cheese is not necessarily the problem!
bread is. it's high in calories, carbs and white bread has no nutrients.
and then there is light mozarella with low calories.

no food after 4 pm is bullshit. read the /fit/ sticky. it has scientific sources.

sure, if you can live without eating after 4pm, you probably lose a meal. But I can't so that. So I skip breakfast and lunch. still lost weight

no, sorry, but a good cocksucker. I suck you reaaaal good without reciprocation. you don't have to do a thing and get the best service!

I started off at same weight, lost 30 lbs, and an trying to lose 17 more. Such similar situations except I didn't change as drastically as you did and started later.

hey, so idk if this is the solution to everyone's case, but to quit snacking I just started chewing gum all the time. It tastes terrible with anything besides water, and it's satisfying to do.

iam a virgin dont know what to expect from getting sucked

Just fucking go for a walk every day and substitute sweets with dark chocolate which is healthy... But only eat a little of that per day. And make some tee and put honey in it. Stop being a fucking manchild faget

You know the healthy food but it doesn't satisfy like the bad stuff does? Go buy a bag of msg from amazing. Like 8 bucks for 450 servings. That shits why that food is addictive

It's the best feeling :)
Where are you from?

>tfw I tried to work up to 5k like I used to and after 3 months of fighting shin splints I give myself a knee injury that won't go away and now I'm back at square one. It sounds like a simple runners knee, but my right leg/foot has exterior rotation all my life. Is my right linger than my left (it feels that way, as if the rotation was meant to shorten the length of that side) or is it from a muscle weakness problem?

Paleo Diet

Eat filling foods like soups, nuts, meat and avoid sugars, sedentary activity, and whitest of white carbs (specifically white bread)

Go to a fucking chiropractor dude

Good advice!
Especially soups. Even those nutrient-free Instant noodles soups americans call "ramen". Add an egg to it and they taste better and include nutrients.

nuts, especially walnuts and almonds are good, but extreme high in calories!

Ramen is fucking unhealthy unless it's egg noodels. I'd imagine they are a bit healthier than wheat noodles.

that is why they are nutrition-free. And that is why I said ADD AN EGG!
Eggs have everything you need.
So one instant noodle soup (americans call "Ramen") with an egg will have about 450 calories. take your largest bowl and fill it with a lot of soup. You get a huge meal with only 450 calories

>hungry all the time

That's probably because of boredom and physical inactivity.

Each time you feel hungry, go for a walk !
I've lost 40 pounds that way...

The motivation comes from the fact that the longer you stay hungry, the more fat you'll burn.

Sorry I'm not going to a fuckibg quack

Prove 2 me u r real by giving middle finger with left arm and i shall tell u the secret to dieting.

switch to lite beer, problem solved
>i'm a shitty doctor