Has 2 children

>has 2 children
>is always traveling the world and is seen with his kids once every couple months
is this how Americans ""raise"" their children?

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More impressive is that thing got a women to breed with him.

literally who


I dunno who that is.

now tell me why I should give a flying fuck what that cuck does?

is that a real nose ?!

>The nose

Is his last name Kikelberg?

The world is not headed toward a good place. Do you notice this trend of how the people who shouldn't have kids do, and the people who should have kids don't?

It's not going to end well

This. Jesus Christ, dude is ugly as fuck.

Hubba dubba and yes, I also want to know if that's his real schnozzola.

Some rich over the hill hipster. For some reason he gets a lot of views on youtube.

I don't watch his videos often, so I may be completely wrong, but the guy seems totally based. He spends his life doing cool shit without being a vapid, self-absorbed cunt like other big youtubers. He produces short, high production value clips of interesting stuff, which is a lot more than what the hordes of other "famous" youtubers do

Casey Neistat. Rich Jewish youtuber

dude actually puts out some quality videos tbqh

I dunno OP, is every Canadian a homosexual that questions the lives of every American based on one fucking douche bag on an image board for Chinese cartoons?

did he used to smoke crack?

Jesus that fucking kike is ugly as fuck

Yea, he was a bicycle delivery guy sleeping on people's couches for years. Started making money on YT producing good content.

it's cause his videos are well directed

He made this video

>there are actually people who follow youtube "content providers" and look forward to their videos

Hes a cuck tho,
His wife barely touches him in any vlogs they keep saying "they are not this kind of couple"

>dude is providing for his family and having fun while it

anyone of you motherfuckers would love to be in his situation, and he really does make good videos

>watches game of thrones every sunday

is it legal to be that ugly?

literally, LITERALLY who

Jews don't have recreational sex, it is strictly for producing more jews, it's why they cut off all the nerve ending in their dicks.

This ugly motherfucker looks like Quentin Tarentino.