Boycott the NFL

Boycott the NFL

Trump is literally destroying your country. It's hilarious.

>left wing retards acting like babies
>protesting, rioting
>somehow it's Trumps fault
top lel

Nobody gives a fuck if a bunch of overpaid niggers don’t respect murica, if you do care then you need to give your fucking head a shake and realize it means NOTHING.

i could give a fuck about the shitted jokes but could u leave my team out of it

>president says dumb thing
>pisses off half the country
>'lol nah not trumps fault'

Yes, and when Trump shits on your job in a twitter rant we'll call you a crybaby commie bitchboy for being mad about it.

.... is this cnn?

NK threatening attack
Countries trading oil in yuan
Billions being wasted on military
Perpetual war
Devastation from hurricanes
Prez turns UN against him
ANOTHER shooting (big surprise)
Healthcare in the shitter

All of this yet you (and idiots like you) care that a bunch of monkeys that get paid obscene amounts of $$ to play a GAME don’t stand for the national anthem...

>right wing retards react to taking a knee like pussies
>defend muh constitution