Hey Sup Forumsros with insomnia, how do you manage...

Hey Sup Forumsros with insomnia, how do you manage? Any tips or tricks so I don't feel like a hollow husk of a man anymore? Got any stories? How has it affected your life?

Today I slept for 12 hours
1.30 to 13.30

Sounds nice, what helps you go to sleep user?


Have you tried any medications?

I've had insomnia for as long as I can remember. In my case I'm pretty sure it's that my sleep cycle is not set the same as everyone else's. Like if I let myself, I'll fall into a pretty regular schedule of falling asleep around 6 or 7 AM. So avoiding early morning schedules has been key to managing mine.

It can't always be avoided though, and I spent a year working early mornings. By the end of the week I'd be so sleep deprived I couldn't function anymore, and then would sleep for like 12+ hours Friday night and miss most of Saturday. Shit was miserable.

>Sleep is for the weak and We will never sleep
Thanks for reminding me this

I don't have insomnia, I do however have a annoying cat that wakes me every 30 min-1 hour

As dumb as this sounds I take a multivitamin before sleep and when I wake up wash my hair. The multi keeps my body moving and the water wakes up my mental.

I usually sleep around 3:00 AM and wake up at 7:00AM. Exercise helps as well.

If I need to sleep I'll take some combo of painkiller/sleeping pill/weed.

I work the night shift, I get to sleep when and where I like. Also, I have allergies so if I really need to sleep I just take some allergy medication. Other than that if I get to sleep great, if not, well usually I don't...

I've tried just about everything medication in the book and nothing.
I'm in the same boat user, except I rarely get more than 3 hours of sleep when I try
When ever I exercise, it seems to make me more awake rather than tired

I may have misunderstood what you meant by husk of a man.

Is the goal to feel awake and attentive or to ultimately sleep like a peon?

I take kratom daily for pain, and then I take a different strain for sleep. Only downside is that I get constipated but I take fiber for that so I'm pretty ok. Otherwise my insomnia keeps me from sleeping more than four hours. Shit sucks. I haven't had good sleep for a few days because my order of my next batch took longer than expected. Comes today though so yaaaay.

Im on tranquilizers and sedatives, and i STILL have problems sleeping

kratom is the most placebo shit i have ever taken. All it did was give me the runs and a massive headache.
Dont listen to kratom fags

I want to feel alive, not like a zombie. You know when you sleep, thats pretty much it for the day. Then you wake up and start a new day. But for me, its like it the same day just stretched out and there is no fresh start. Just continuing trudging through my day

Pft definitely not placebo, but generally I have to take more than what most people online require. They talk about 3-4 grams, I have to take like 8-10. Just as good as taking Vicodin for me but doesn't cost as much or have Tylenol in it so I don't destroy my liver. Sorry it doesn't work for you user. Maybe try a different supplier or amount?

I started working more, and working out. I come home so exhausted all I can do is eat, shower and go to bed.

>Just as good as taking Vicodin
No, it isn't. If it was it would be scheduled.

Also should point out you should never buy from headshops. That shit will always be out of date and stored improperly. I order online.

I did order online, it was powder not capsules.

Is for me. The issue with kratom is that most people it works mildly well. Some it doesn't work at all, some it works really well. I got lucky for once and am in the third category. Some places have made it illegal for that reason. Its on federal watch at the moment but is still legal in most states. Also depends on how much you take.

Dunno what to tell ya user. Sorry it didn't work for you. It worked for me, no more back pain or migraines. Everyone's different I suppose.

Sorry to break it to you but you need to take a deep sleep to do that. At best you can do things to make you feel awake but the mental millstone your in is real. Every day will bleed into eachother.

The only "tricks" I can think of are what I said before. Not eating at night and eating shortly after waking up as well as creating psudo checkpoints for your daily life.

Or you can stop being a little bitch and enjoy this state of living.

>"stop being a little bitch and enjoy suffering day to day"
I've tried just about everything to fall asleep. From home remedies, to prescription sedatives, meditation, I even work out but none of that seems to make me tired enough to stay asleep. It's gotten so bad that Ive been isolating myself from my friends and girlfriend. You gotta give me something

Yes listen to number muncher.
learn to live with it and find the advantages you gain from it.

That or take up boxing.

>Be me
>spend every day awake for about 24 or more hours
>body wont let me sleep even though I feel tired
>finally force myself into bed and try to sleep
>intense nausea
>stay awake even longer due to horrible feeling of vertigo
>horrible half awake half asleep fever dreams of strange sometimes scary things
>brain is stuck between reality and these dreams and shit is horrible because of it