story time faggets
>be me
>in highschool
>share physics class with a 9/10 girl
>obviously a slut
>the type of girl that buys really flashy clothing and giggles with her shit friends just to torture guys
>find out she's locked onto me and fired her missiles
>apparently she's been spreading a rumor that i'm retarded and can't think logically
>a lot of the students stop taking me seriously
>long for revenge
>few weeks later
>off to pick up some chemicals from the lab for a science project
>find her in the store room fapping
>whip out phone at mach 4 and snap a few dozen pics
>she runs out of the storeroom crying
>I get my chemicals and leave the lab giggling like a little girl
>she approaches me while I getting books from locker
>"user...please delete those..."
>stare at her for a solid 6 seconds with the look of utter disgust and disappointment then leave for class
>fast forward a few days
>i decide to put those pics to good use
>i blackmail her into sucking my cock
>mfw I blackmailed a chick into sucking my dick
>mfw I sent it to all my friends and it spread throughout the school like wildfire
>find her by her locker crying like the little bitch she is and her shitty friends trying to comfort her
>approach her and yell so that the whole hallway can hear me
>mfw the whole school is fucking terrified of me until graduation