Whats the best martial art for self defense?

Whats the best martial art for self defense?
I'm pretty new, anyone home in these things?


Krav Maga, Kempo, Ju Jitsu, Hapkido, are all excellent. The practitioner matters more than the style, in most cases.

It all depends on your intentions really. Realistically if you're talking defending yourself on the street from muggings / robberies / carjacking / rape / other niggerisms, the answer is to legally purchase a gun.

Are you being serious?

I would not recommend any traditional martial art like hapkido or kempo - he stated for self defence.

Go to an MMA class, boxing and muay thai are also great for self defence in real life situations.

Traditional martial arts focus on the technique and getting advantage even if your opponent its apparently stronger.
What you recommend is no better than telling him to get big at the gym.

Nice trips,
I'll look after these ty
Honestly I thought about it, but im an eurofag so its not easy, nor cheap to get guns here, and if I go to almost any place at night in my town they look you through for guns n knives

I find self defence to be like antivirus software

Nothing is perfect
Everything has its positives and negatives
Sometimes having two is better than one
its always worth looking around and studying to find the best

But most important is common sense. too many people think "ive got an antivirus and so now my computer is immune to everything!"
and martial arts is the same. its only as good as the user, and the best self preservation tactic is common sense, and trying to avoid fights at all cost.

Trips checked.
He's not entirely wrong tho. Having a good coach is probably the most important thing. Lots of people poopoo karate for instance, but lyoto and conor have both incorporated them into their game with good success.
Second most important is probably live training. If you can't practice it, you cant rely on it. I think thats why arts like boxing, muay Thai, judo, and bjj do so well.

whats the best martial art for picking on nerds and beating them up?

Don't listen to this faggotry. Krav maga is the only realistic answer here, because as you would learn in day 1, it's not a martial art, it's a self defense system. Krav maga is about mindset and tactics before anything else, ie win the fight before it begins. Don't get into losing battles, run away if possible.

I think even "Krav Maga practitioners" would agree with
but if getting a gun isn't possible then MMA is the solution. You're not gonna instantly be able to beat up gangs of bullies like in the movies, but if you dedicate yourself you'll build some skills and conditioning, and maybe the balls/toughness/mindset will come later on.

My 2 cents - whatever you choose, don't focus on perfecting finishing moves first.. First, get your ass beat until you can see straight even after getting punched/kicked in the face 15-20 times... THEN work on the moves. If you can stand up straight after that, chances are you'll be the last one standing, regardless (for the average street thug).

As for which style, muay thai will fuck anyone's week up if executed correctly.

Krav Maga

It's the only real modern self defense system.

Forget about all those eastern martial arts. They are centuries old, which means they will 1. not tell you how to defend yourself against weapons someone would threaten you with in the 21st century and 2. annoy you with spiritual bullshit about finding your inner chi and making the correct bow in front of your master instead of actually teaching you what's relevant in a real fight.

Gun-fu. Most encounters end with just a couple pulls of the finger.

The mind set won't be problem, I can measure situations well and will learn more about it in near future, the problem is that im skinny af and just about 55kg but I have a six pack,I mean I work out alot but what I realized is that it's only good for your look, I need something that teach me how to evade hits well
Yea I should defenetly have more experience in fighting on streets, but I'm the kinda person who handles people well so I didn't really have much chance to get in a fight to be honest

Doesn't matter, go to a good academy and look at the instructors and the most graduate students if they are able to destroy a person with their hands, you are in the right place.

gun fu

I wouldn't pick one I would join a local MMA gym and train.

fuckin keyboard warriors. Dont do krav maga or any of that no sparring bullshit. You want to get good at fighting? Do a sport that actually practices non-compliant fighting. Boxing, muay thai, bjj, judo, even kickboxing or kyokushin karate is better than some self-defense bullshit, or, even worse, some mystic fuckin ancient ""martial art""

This is the only thing here that makes sense.

Gracie jiu jitsu ... Not that day faggot sports jits for points. Good ol fashioned Gracie BJJ is king

Yeah rolling around in the street with someone is a great idea. Let me just stab you with this knife, or push your head into the curb. Fucking idiots.

I don't know shit about martial arts..but my mate's gf is a badass judo chick..she's even worked as a bouncer. I asked her same thing and she recommended bjj..bc 90 per cent of fights go to ground irl

Benis hammerman, it's swedish nd rocks hard ass


Carrying a fucking gun is the best martial arts for self defense

MMA is probably the best for self defense. The only problem I see with it is that some things are not allowed (i.e. small joint manipulation, poking eyes or genitals). You also don't train how to defend yourself against weapons (knives, guns). In Krav Maga everything is allowed but you can't practice many of the techniques truly because no one is willing to lose their eyes for a practice lesson. Krav Maga, MMA, BJJ, Muay Thai and western kickboxing are all excellent choices. Judo can be great but it's so popular now that a lot of dojos have popped up that are utter shit so be aware of that. It's more important to truly learn a martial art and have good classes and teachers than what martial art you choose.

no lol traditional martial arts are shit period take it from someone who does mma and fights black belts often enough to see the flaws in their sport

Please don't be that guy, we have literally decades of proof since Pride No holds bar fights, the Gracie Chronicles where he travels the world fighting literally ANYONE in ANY Dojo, and the OLD UFC's where there was no rules besides EYE gouging.

Damn it, who is this? I forgot her name

unless your willing to invest years of your life into them, none. All martial arts only get into the applicable fighting stuff in the late belts/black belt.

if you dont invest your just gonna look like some autist getting his ass kicked cause he thinks he is Naruto

LOL please dont be THAT guy what a retard

BJJ. No contest.

>a gun is his firat line of defense
fucking pussy

i lold

Depends on where you are. In many places you go to prison when you shoot someone unarmed, even if he attacked you first.


Is she still a bouncer? Could be a bouncer I work with. Where you from user?

But for OP, Jiu Jitsu or a form of it, krav maga is useful, i've never trained in it personally but i know guys who have

>if I go to almost any place at night in my town they look you through for guns n knives
Wow, you europoors sure have things different.

In the states, I have a couple handguns, but rarely see the need to carry them with me for protection. I wouldn't get out of my car in a dangerous area, and if someone fucks with me in my car, they get run over.

If someone is REALLY trying to hurt or rob you, just fight as dirty as possible. Knee or foot the the groin. Grab any blunt heavy thing around for a weapon. Sweep the outside of an opponent's knee with any limb you have available, then help them fall backwards to hit the back of their head as hard as possible on the ground. If you get hit and go down, this is an even better position to do this. Good luck, OP.


The best way to handle a gun is blunt force trauma over the head.
A: it's a good heavy piece of steel
B: they will be pretty unwilling to fight back once they know it's a gun and you could use it the other way

i prefer the 'grab a brick then let the whiskey guide me' approach, personally