Choose one to fuck, the other to date

Choose one to fuck, the other to date.

Fuck left, date right

fuck left, date right.

what about these girls?

date right, fuck left
date left, fuck right

fuck left, date right

fuck right, date left

fuck right, date left


Probably date right and fuck left behind her back continuously. Right looks like she'd be loyal but boring as shit so I'd need to fuck her friend or dump her eventually

fuck right, date left



Would have a threesome

Fuck left, date right
Fuck right, date left

fuck right, date left

fuck right, date left

Tough call, they're both cute. I'd have to say date left, fuck right


F right, d left

What if you fucked them both? How would you?



Date right, repeatediy ejaculate in mouth of left.


Date right, fuck left.

Which and why?


Fuck left date right

Date left, cause redheads. Fuck right



I'd date neither of them, but fuck the one on the left.

Date left, fuck right as long as he keeps his dick out of the way.


Right is disgusting


Date right, she's putting a little personality into it. Left is just generic, fuck her


Marry right, make left show off those choker skills.

I literally can't even see right.
