"strong" and "independent"

>"strong" and "independent"
>can't do a single thing right without government/male assistance
>needs extra privileges and helping hands in order to be "equal" (and fails to see the irony in that)
>can't have an original thought because too obsessed with status quo
>don't even want to have kids anymore, the only thing that traditionally was their strong point; perform abortions to their own flesh and blood
>votes for insane liberals that consider heterosexual sex rape and bring immigrants to fill the declining population
>asks for more and more money for dem programs to the point where in most countries the taxes are over 50% of income
>most can't even be bothered to lose some weight to look more attractive and healthy, because muh bawdy pride (a thinly veiled disguise to their greedy, lazy, and consumerist nature)
>scientists discovers water on mars, and they complain about a shirt

Meanwhile nobody, aside from a few groups, comes out to talk about how 50% of the population is clinically retarded and benefits from institutionalized leeching.

Can someone explain to me how the fuck did we get to this point? It's like society is suffering from mass schizophrenia and I'm the only sane person left.

Post WWII guilt and the destruction of traditional masculinity.

>tfw there were teenagers falsifying their age to get into wars for their nation
>tfw modern teenagers complain about how war is evil and white men invented it

>triggered by the fact that the baby's gender is specified
>specifies their gender in the same sentence

you're a fucking idiot if you think teenagers dying for lines on a map is a good thing

>Brit education people

>wars are fought on maps
Ur gay

>not willing to fight for your nation against a greater evil
>not being nationalist
you already lost Nigel,

Holy fucking shit does that pic trigger me
how the fuck can they say that about their royal family
degenerate scum..need a good purge tbqh

wtf does ww2 guilt have to do with it?

ww2 guilt can be used as an example for immigration not useless entitled feminists (that existed even before ww1 so that puts your argument to rest)

they should be necked

pretty fucking sad and disgusting
this never happens here
feel really sorry for the west


Solid trolling.

If you can't see that WWII was the catalyst for the closet-communism we're facing today I don't know how to help you. Every argument about keeping a nation for it's own people ends with someone bringing up le moustachioed nazi.

> don't need no man

except for Uncle Sam


> lines on a map

but feminism started before ww2, it started before ww1 even

so that automatically disproves what you're saying

You Greeks also have this problem? I thought it was just an American woman thing.

> automatically

I didn't mention feminism. In fact feminism wasn't an enormous issue until it's third wave.

Then why do you die for a picture of God that looks like a microdick with scrotum Hakim?

Do you let women vote? Then you are also cĪ…cked. It starts from those simple mistakes and then it gets progressively worst with each generation. Women will vote for retards and then retards will bring more retards until everything is dead. You have to kill the disease from its root.

But there's still hope for you third worlders, as long as you learn from our mistakes. The west is gone, finished. I give it no more than 30 years. Remember, do not, for one second, entertain the thought of reasoning with these people...or you end up like pic related.

feminnism only became a problem to society as a whole as it converged with socialist ideas of the government being in charge of making things "fair" for the two sexes.
Prior to that, feminism was merely fighting for the opportunity to make their own decisions.

Yes we do. Especially recently there's been a lot of feminist cunts getting airtime. It's not as bad as bad as the USA, but it will be. Because deep down inside women HATE men. That's why you must never allow them leeway in the first place, or they will ride you to death.

That's a myth. Feminism has been duplicitous ever since its conception. Pic related.

>actually thinks its literally about lines on a map
stay retarded

To be fair, the American wars in the Middle East are about exactly that.

I think the Aussie was referring to wars in general and not specifically WW:Electric Jewaloo.
It's still a retarded opinion to generalize all wars as expansionist, however it is equally retarded to deny there have been some high profile wars about how the pie was cut.


yes, surely nothing else could possibly have happened in that time frame to reduce the average number of children and increase taxes.

Women didn't have high voter turnout for DECADES, and there's almost always a deep dip in birth rate before we get a huge boom.
Birth rates the world over followed similar trends regardless of womens suffrage.

I thought it was about all those people being blown up by religious extremists?
cause my friend whos base got blown up by religious extremists in iraq seems pretty convinced that's what they were there to fight.

What's retarded is that you think he thinks its literally about lines on a map

>oy vey it's just a coincidence!

>this absolute absence of nationality

Suddenly the London Caliphate makes sense to me.

>I thought it was about all those people being blown up by religious extremists
>My friend whose base was blown up
Lol yeah, i'm sure they chose his base to blow up because of his religious convictions.

You need to get redpilled about geopolitics and spend less time in these threads, they are for shitposting fun times.

war is a necessary part of human nature you cucked brit.

if there is no war, there must be some other form of conquest, whether that be discovery or exploration.
Why the fuck do you think suicide rates are so high, and people are so addicted to escapism?
Science has stagnated. There are few great causes. Exploration is dead.


I go to a liberal school and I see early stages of degeneracy here
but thankfully they are a tiny and insignificant, we are still religious and conservative, we have hope for the future still