Its now sexist to watch your husband

Its now sexist to watch your husband

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sounded innocent enough to me.

Holy fuck dude I can't fucking watch this, makes me want to go on a fucking shooting spree. Can't even hold back. Get your shit together americans, motherfucking cuck faggots.

2 0 1 6

>if you put out the fire, the fire wins
you have it worse


Dude your PM beat the shit out of a woman in parliament, you can't talk

>Anyone in the Clinton camp having anything to say about sexism or the treatment of women

That's fucking cute.

If you're going on a shooting spree be sure to do it the right way.

>well first off it's 2016
>bill isn't running

all sorts of >implying

Thats sexist


>this bitch is seriously >implying Bill Clinton is more popular than Donald J. Trump

are you implying he isn't?

Im no clinton supporter but Bubba woud absolutely rape Trump in a debate.

inb5 shiLl

That's exactly what I'm implying, Trump has way more popular appeal (political and non-political) than Slick Willy.

Pretty sure Trump is more popular.

>Before Sup Forums
Haha get that bowtie wearing faggot, Stewart
>After Sup Forums
Huh, that guy is pretty cool and reasonable

pic unrelated

>hating on 2016 BASED HANNITY SHOW

okay, I can't watch this. This host is the biggest fucking faggot I've ever seen. If I were there in his studio, he would not talk over me like that. If you invite someone on your show and ask them a question, you'd better fucking let them answer your question and not talk over them constanly like a faggot. I don't even know what that woman was saying, I can't even concentrate on her because this fucking inbred faggot pig fucker host won't shut hte fuck up for 3 fucking seconds. They say women talk to much. This host yaps more than any woman I've ever met. What a fucking cunt. I'm never watching htis host again.

>a leaf

The people on those shows are professional pundits. They get paid a lot of money to come on that show and provide a sound board for Fox (or MSNBC) to bounce talking points off of.

If you interrupted him, you'd never be invited back, which means you wouln't get the $20,000 per appearance this fucktards make.

maybe next time you want to have a political debate you should dial down the hyperfaggotry. I cannot stand hyperniggers that talk over other people. I am in no way defending tha twoman's position, I'm not saying anything about the politics discussed, I'm talking about fucking manners. You americans are becoming more like savage niggers by the day. Real white men who discuss ideas don't blub blub blub talking over each other. Fucking animals.

Then I wouldn't ever agree to an interview on Fox. If I wanted to actually discuss politics I would discuss it like a civilized white man. If I want to get into a baboon screaming match I can do that with Jamal, the homeless nigger on the corner.

>give me one ***specific*** achievement by shillary

>well you know she you know was secretary of state you know and she was you know a senator in new york state and you know like she did A LOT for like children and women and hey remember Bill Clinton?
I swear to God if this bitch gets the presidency I will have lost all hope in democracy, whatever little hope there is still left that is.

She makes a really good point there

Funniest part of that was the lady in the middle after hearing that liberal say "She's done many things for women and children" and the lady saying with a smug fucking look on her face, "...Like?"


>I wouldn't agree to pretend to be something I'm not for 10 minutes in exchange for $20,000

You're retarded.

this dude is savage af I thought Fox was shit?

Missing out user. Fox has been Pro Trump this 2 weeks. Another Hillary supporter BTFO.


>that face
Is that John miller?

Interesting clip, thanks.

Those numbers are quite interesting, without knowing much about their past numbers I would assume Trump has gone up while Hillary has always stayed pretty stagnant.

Jesus christ how do these people manage to breath automatically.

>plz don't talk about Bill's sex scandals

This woman also looks like she's about to start crying.

>Define how it is sexist
>uh uuh well
>Oh its not? oh okay.

what a qt democrat cunt

>She's almost a Kardashian


The tranny on the left needs to be gassed.

>brain.exe has stopped working

My god

Then you don't make the money and they'll invite someone who will go on. It's implied that a show will be spun in the direction of the pundit hosting it. MSNBC does it, CNN does it, Fox does it...

Is it really 20k to talk for five min?

Single mom child detected, he was a shit president that was only really popular with mothers and he got the female vote even though he was a rapist and black mailed women into giving him sexual favors only to have it covered up.

But since you were most likely just a child in the 90s and never knew about his years before presidency your opinion guess doesn't mean SHIT.

Kek, under rated post


It's showbiz, they get paid.

Tucker is one of the only talking heads on Faux that has any credibility.

Thats alot.

i thought she was going to cry i almost felt bad for her

According to wikipedia, that woman claiming Trump is a sexist(Leslie Marshall) is a liberal and a jew. Why is Sup Forums always right?

She has her own radio show lol.

fucking kek

I genuinely fell off of my chair laughing.
This election is going to be a landslide!


Remember when they brought out Bill earlier in the primaries? And everyone was like "Look out Bill will wipe the floor with Trump" or "Trump days are numbered now they've brought out Bill'
Then Trump said "Why should i be scared of a rapist?" Then Bill disappeared.


I always thought of USA like this huge bastion of freedom of speech where nobody gave one single fuck and premium-cucks were laughed off on a daily basis

I remember when the Turtle Ninjas were funny nyorkers with some italian touch.
Now they are fucking niggers and is fucking disgusting.


Your maple syrup is shit by the way

>irrelevant current year meme

How did this even come to be? People are arguing about who gets to use what bathroom and going topless in public. How can anyone consider what we have become in the year 2016 human progression?


>carlito el cuckito
I dunno why but I laughed like hell

>Carlito El Cuckito

Wow. I've never heard the 2016 meme actually be used unironically.

"Well, first of all, it's 2016!" What the fuck? How is that an argument? What does that have to do with Bill assaulting women left and right? Hahahaha. Dumb bitch.

Why should anyone not be scared of a rapist?


Absolutely destroyed his argument.