Can we get more lolis in here

Can we get more lolis in here.



I want to have sex with Mari.














When is a loli, "too young"?





I was fucking trying to search for some of this cartoon loli shit on xnxx out of curiosity and guess what I found actual cp videos, several of them.
Opened one because no way it could be's a legit website...nope.

Am I screwed?



A loli is too young when she can't say "This is fun, senpai! Do it more!"

For me, anything under 12 is too young. Obviously I wouldn't actually do this in real life. That's fucked up. I am referring to the age of 2D lolis.


> Am I screwed?
Post the link, and I'll go in to cover your tracks.

Enjoy my sloppy seconds... I've already been there done that.



Prolly not, so long as you prompty left the site when you discovered it


No need to post a link, just go and search "lolicon"/"loli" and see for yourself.

I used several times that website to fap at normal porn, but I didn't expect to see that shit there.


might be

>ened one because no way it could be's a legit website...nope.
>Am I screwed?
Probably not. They were probably planted but unless you're trying to distribute FBI doesn't really care. How bad are you at google that you found legit fucking CP tho.


Whatever you do, do not share it here. If it's actually cp, its illegal and you will probably get banned


Nigga I did the same type of thing thing once. It's fun to go to bing and search for random stuff with safesearch turned off. You would type "the last of us ellie" and like the 5th pic would be porn. Anyway, I was searching "mother daughter". I found a few things, this pic was one of them, but then I saw a pic of a naked girl that was no more that 12 posing with her also naked mother on the beach. I think the image name was "junior nudist pagaent" or something. I noped right the fuck out of there.

pls moar quality pics.

Did. Did you just post cp?



It was on xnxx, it's a legit porn tube but some fuck uploaded CP (actually many of them since some videos seems to be months old) and that was totally unexpected like pornography on youtube.

I wasn't specifically looking for that material neither I was on a cp website, that's why I'm astonished.


iam looking for the site orange xyz something havre the link ?



No. By the looks of it she's in her 20s.