Did you all see the new IT

Did you all see the new IT

Yea its pretty good. Too bad the sequal wont really be as good as this

yeah it fucking sucked

I wanna young bev

Yes, its pretty good

I'm upset they cut out the orgy scene

when did this become a samefag thread

it's not you faggot

Torrented it, glad i did. Would have had negitive emotions if i had paid to see it.

it sure seems like there's a samefag in her though

that's because your'e being a samefag

what's your'e

it stands for you are
shit bait
made me reply though

No I'm not allowed to

I liked it.

show me you penis babe

Here ya go it yuuuuuge



>Mom, come quick! I did the joke everyone on the internet has been doing!

Loved it
If only for the corny inappropriate jokes

Saw the mini series as a kid. Scared the shit out of me. 31 now, saw mini series again and its pretty bad aside from tim currys performance.

Read the book. Was great until the ending. Didnt like the turtle.

Maybe i just have really high standards but i didnt think thr new one was that great. Mostly jump scares and pennywise running at someone. No real background or much depth to thr characters. But they only had two hours, that i understand. Kids were funny but there was way too much slapstick. It felt more like a comedy movie at times. Pennywise looked scary as fuck. But he sounds like snarf and it killed it for me. I didnt like that people actually floated. When bev gets kissed while she was floating.... that was thr gayest thing ive ever seen.

Overall. Decent adaptaion for being only 2 hours. Better than the mini series. Ill still watch the sequel.

that weird jerking motion he did, to chase the kids, was probably the most disturbing to me

I have an insatiable urge to hang this in my hallway

The shitty cgi ruined all of the parts that were supposed to be scary.


dont give a shit about it.

step 1: get clown faggot
step 2: have clown faggot look at the ground
step 3: have clown faggot glare upwards towards the camera

seriously. that's literally all this shit is. it's a fucking retarded clown thats glaring upwards at the camera. OHHHHHHHHHHH.

same thing with that fucking show that is plastered across Netflix right now in a banner ad. that's just like some 'evil' kid that is face down, scowling up at the camera. THATS THE MARK THAT SOMEONE IS EVIL RIGHT. THATS ALL YOU NEED IN ORDER TO CONVEY THAT. just have them scowl upwards at the camera.

fuck this shit, and fuck you if you're afraid of this shit.

also lol@jump scares.



every fucking shot is the same angle.

Streamed last night, enjoyed it for the most part, just the ending where they have him in a circle jerk was beyond belief.

Someone post the dance scene

>autisticly screeches about how if I dont get scared by something, nobody can be scared by it.
>autisticly screeches about how a menacing looking stance is menacing
>misses entire point of the movie that everyone is scared by different things

wasnt really scary, a bit creepy but overall its was a pretty fun movie

I bet you're afraid of this little faggot too, aren't you, because it's the same shit.

>you can tell he's evil because reasons. just look at the way he scowls upwards at the camera.

It would of been much scarier if it killed a least a few of the losers, even if rhat wouldnt follow the book( which it loosely did anyways)

went to see it with friends so it turned into a comedy


just saw it last night. if the actor who played pennywise was better and the kids weren't making dick jokes every other second id have enjoyed it. but as it stands the movie was kind of ass compared to the older one.

I love when Han Solo dies!

Why would you ask this here? Take it to Sup Forums Get actual feedback from a movie thread instead of a bunch of halfwits saying it sucked simply to be above it all. It's good, as an adaptation and set up to part II. The acting, casting, sets design and cinematography were top noch . Far exceeding what makes a good Horror film.

I liked the part where he said fucking magnets , how do they work and then cried because the gubment said he was a gang member.
