Name our band, Sup Forums

Name our band, Sup Forums.

The Pubes

"One-Thousand Twenty-Three Megabytes" because you'll never get a gig.

You could be sniffing.

All of their clavicles are short as fuck except the guy on the far left. Genetics fucked these guys.

No shirts no talent

The Four Skins

The 8 Balls

Erection Rejection Connection

The Pink Bellies

Rig Time!
Just decide who's Mark Trueman and whose Rebecca

The Primitives

The betas

Whole Wheat Shreddies

4 boys 1 cup

The Virgins

The Chestlets

Music to DYEL for

The Extra Chromosome Quartet

The Bra Burners

Four Fucking Faggots #FFF

4 puffs and a piano.



The "let's all stand together with our shirts off" band, or perhaps the omegas

The Breastie Boys

Pokey Gumbys

Shoulder sniffer and the shirtless wannabes

REO Speedfagon


Future Cucks of America


The Dotards

The White Knights

The white nights

The flexing losers

is the right guys abs fake because i cant tell

Dendi's four new teamates

Op who posts picture of groups of people to make himself feel better about their shitty life. Or faggot for short

The subordinates

The shitbag crew of shitbag ln. Located in the town of shitbag


chahar nefar laaghar

Rahgaal rafen rahahc

Backstreet gays

The Faggots

UN' sync

Syndrome of a down

The faggy faggots of faggerton...ville

Gay Auschwitz Quartet

the fuck boys

Rub-a-dub and the chubs

I am number four *sniff*

The Circle Jerks


The soft flex four


the beetles

Tender Man & the Tough Chickens

meant betals, -autocorrected

Tendies for good boys...

Andy and the Fagtones
They're a nu-metal doowop crossover.

Rage Quit
Rage Quitters

The Good Boy Points
(eight of them)

Who Took The Photo

Lack of Guns & Roses

"we're all singers"
Too weak to actually lift an instrument



Skipping Leg Day

Cool Ripped Guys Who Get Lots Of Sex, No Seriously We Get Laid All The Time Look At Us

Already a great band

The Cosby kids

Fruit Ass Guys

Motherfucker legit made me laugh.

Premature Ejaculation Nation



Big Black Titty Fuckers

Bread sticks and purple cheese

Walmart Late Shift

call yourselves The Chromosomes and bill yourselves as a trio

The Backdoor Boys

No future