Did you ever see a real rape video?

Did you ever see a real rape video?

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I saw a video one time where a monkey used a frog's mouth as a living fleshlight.

so a black guy raped a french girl?

i saw a real fake video once

oh Sup Forums... don't ever change. :)

There is also a pug rapes a duck.

Oh fuck.. That was great.

I wouldn't want to watch one that;s fucked

There used to be a webm going around of a guy trying to rape a girl on a beach with a go pro on his head. No idea if real or fake but it had my dick convinced

Onc here someone posted a video of a couple sex tape.
>Dude forced himself into girls Ass
> girls ask fude to stop.
> dude no fucks gives.
> violently thrusting into girls ass.
> pain and discomfort sounds from girls
> dude finishes in ass.
> girls gets up crying
> walks away
Sadly no link