There are a lot of things I like about the (real) KKK and those are things like not allowing degenerates with tattoos or piercings or criminal records in and denouncing neo-nazis and thugs as ruining the white nationalist movement. I don't know of any other groups which have such a good vetting process. But why would they be opposed to catholics?
Can somebody explain why the Klan is anti-catholic?
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You might as well ask why the Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants hate each other
that's how things are.
Because Catholics tend to be non-white democrats etc.
Catholicism is a Satanic Cult and most Catholics are shitskins.
so, do you speak english because i dont think you used that phrase correctly.
Anyone of any race and color can become a Catholic. The church is constantly involved in charity work that benefits people the Klan hates. Some Americans view the Vatican as an outside force trying to influence are country through it's followers.
Because Catholics suck.
because he klan is for anglo-saxon protestant america and not the latin hordes from southern europe led by the pope
Ok. Now for the real reason. Because the Klan (especially the second Klan) was about Real Americans. And until fairly recently the Catholic Church was out of step with what Real Americans thought. For example in 1864 Pope Pius IX took a big steaming dump of democracy and in particular Anglo-American democracy by issuing the Quanta Cura encyclical along with the Syllabus of Errors
He may as well have wiped his ass with an American flag.
And the Klan wasn't wrong about the effect of Catholics on the political culture. The Irish were instrumental in creating the system of political machines that corrupted the government of most large cities until the late 20th century. Catholics have also been very supportive of open borders.
>Pope: Everything about your political culture is stupid and wrong!
>Klan: If that's how you feel we'd prefer that your impoverished hordes not overwhelm our country
>Pope and Catholics: Why do they persecute us so?
>Some Americans view the Vatican as an outside force trying to influence are country through it's followers.
That's exactly what it is. They follow the papacy instead of their duty as citizens to their country. That's why we didn't have a catholic in the white house until Kennedy and look at what happened to him.
What really annoys me about this is that in the 1800s the Church was open about telling its members that they expected them to vote as their priests said. But somewhere along the line it became politically incorrect to actually remember that and popular opinion is that the know nothings were driven by uninformed bigotry. They should own up to how they were operating back then.
It was founded by protestants back when that meant something.
That's the only real answer.
This exactly
>england and ireland
>southern europe
Basically this
Most new immigrants at that time were Latins; IE Catholics.
The anti-Catholicism was aimed at preventing America from losing its predominantly British Protestant identity.
This basically. They were against anything seen as an infringement on their lifestyle, since they were protestants, that includes catholics.
Because back when the KKK was actually a thing america was WASP majority and the protestants and Catholics hated each other
Holy shit, I think you accidently solved the mystery. JFK was killed by the KKK 'cause muh Catholicism.
Are you being retarded?
What is KKK's stance on other religions (more specifically, Judaism, Islam and Orthodox church)?
The European migrants also had different drinking habits compared to WASPs which was the reason KKK supported prohibition. They literally hated those filthy Gerries for making biergartens and generally drinking more.
>KKK opinions of jews and muslims
They're not fans, to say the least. I honestly don't think the KKK gives two shits about Orthodoxy beyond it being "foreign" or something. Probably more favorable opinion than Catholicism, though, simply through more exposure to papists. I'm just guessing, though. I'm speaking as a southerner, not as a KKK member. I actually like Orthodoxy. I am a Protestant, though.
>But why would they be opposed to catholics?
Because during the great schism, the offshoots of christianity that tried to reform the church and bring it back to its spiritual roots forever declared that the pope and his minions are heretical followers of the devil. They abuse their authority and manipulate their followers into committing to secular causes while ignoring their spiritual plight. catholics in america quickly became represented by immigrant groups like the irish, and the irish fucked shit up for a good while before the left quietly turned them into 'whites'.
The catholic church seeks to convert the poor and the destituted masses in order to use them for their own means. They were basically socialists before socialism was a thing. While most religious sects of christianity adhere to their rules and regulations, and the teachings of their past leaders, the catholic church is ready and willing to support whoever will support them like some kind of religious whore.
It really doesn't matter at all who 'really' killed kennedy. Kennedy was allowed to be killed and the crime was covered up because Kennedy had literally pissed off nearly every single branch of government. He was the first president elected based on his personality cult, rather than his experience or connections within political circles and everyone hated him. He went out of his way to pick fights with nearly everyone and acted like being the president was the same as being a monarch.
Well, the argument about poor Catholic immigrants destroying traditional ways of life could be applied to predominantly Orthodox immigrants from South/Eastern Europe as well. Anyway, thanks for info.
Because it was a protestant christian organisation. Why is that hard to understand
Because - spoiler alert - the KKK is composed of inbred retards, just like the Stormfront fags.
They've done more damage to the concept of White pride than all the socialist jews and coalburning feminists put together.