Hi /b

Hi /b

I have a story for you guys. It is 100% truth and you can either believe me or not.
So apparently I am "internet famous" and my identity has been a secret for the last 18 or so years, until now, to me anyway.
A long time ago, way back in 1996-2000 I used a program called mIRC which back in the glory 56k days was kinda the IN thing for bored rich kids where I live. While using this program I would troll on the side, initiating cybersex with girls who were randoms in the room but instead of the usual "I put my tongue over your wet clitoris", I used a range of storylines to shock these girls into riding with it for as long as they could while being so offended by it. They were good days, we had 600+ people in the room I would troll in, and I had a side room where I would paste these conversations to friends in there, I still keep in touch with those 2 people, who know my identity.

Feel free to ask me anything, apparently this is better than /reddit for keeping anonymity.

Other urls found in this thread:


what the fuck are you talking abot

Why didn't you use gIRC? The only important question here.

No thanks. Movvvving on

> claiming to be an IRC expert
> calling channels "rooms" like web chat fags

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

epic story, kys

Are you blood ninja

Post a convo. We have no idea what your are trying to say

I was bored.
I kinda moved on in life, in 40's now.
Yes, I was.
You'll figure it out.

what is your handle? are you the guy who did had that convo where the girl had to act like a pirate?