Need a good mind bending movie to watch guys. what ya got?

Need a good mind bending movie to watch guys. what ya got?

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Inception was such a dumb movie. I recommend Memento.

Mindbender (1996)


nice. a chris nolan film. shutter island was pretty awesome

Inb4 Donnie Darko

Pans Labyrinth

seen it,got it,love it.

Fast runner. Its long but the ending will fuck you up

Donnie Darko

very strange movie. not so much mind bending,just "huh" inducing


Cloud Atlas.

The Big Short

Watch some Soviet classics, like Stalker.

Anything by David lynch

Jackass 2

side affects is a good mindfuck movie

cant seem to find that one. closest i found was about an inuit tribe or something

Great movie but not for this thread.



Mulholland drive

Bionicle: Mask of Light

Oldboy and Jacob's Ladder

Watch Oldboy, the Korean version.

getting these two so far

le hivemind

Memento, Jacobs Ladder, and Vanilla Sky is alright, and the obligitory Donnie Darko. Cant think of anything else off the top of my head.

Nigger: The Movie

Not an actual 'mind fuck' really but Moon is a pretty decent movie.

le ok, whatever you say

black swan, nigger
watch black swan

The whole "twist" is just retarded.
Haha, i used to fuck my sister and so she killed herself, now i will make you fuck your own daughter, and also kill myself.

Mr. Nobody
American Mary

bruh, spoilers

Yeah. Vanilla sky left me kind of fucked up for a bit.

>yfw they're both Nolan films

not very well known but a really good original movie

I was gonna say...

(It's so utterly beyond retarded)

Here (you) go
have fun.

zach, forrest


Inception was stolen from a Donald Duck comic

Requiem for a Dream

Old Boy fucking sucked.

Great one

Naked lunch

whats that one movie that was about time travel,a secret service,and it was all him the whole time (trying not to give away the ending...)

I disagree

any scifi fan NEEDS to see this movie.

Gummo is absolutely brilliant. Thanks for reminding me user.

Don't watch Aronofski films. They're filled with nothing but pretentious drivel. Maybe watch mother!, but the few seconds of J Law tits doesn't make up for it.

I recommend Terry Gilliam's Brazil for sure tho. That or Friedkin's Sorcerer.

Go watch the movie "Bald" And contemplate how it relates to the director scalping his girlfriend, and then torturing her for over 8 hours before killing her.

Naked Lunch
The Nines
Jacobs Ladder
Enter the Void
Cabin in the Woods
Fight Club

if you think inception is mind bending i'm guessing you have an IQ >120

nice try. not op

Fuck your spoilers, the "twist" was shit. It was a shitty as a fucking Shyamalan twist.

What a wonderful movie

I know your not Op. Good taste, however.

Just watched that the other day.
It's so obviously not a good movie, but I can't really hate it. Nothing was mindbending about it though unless you're some kind of mongoloid like mac from always sunny and can't follow plots

recently watched manchurian candidate, not sure if it counts as "mind bending" though.

Sounds like Looper. Never seen it though
not a movie but just as good. prepare to have your mind fucking BLOWN

Could be 12 Monkeys.

you can't spoil a movie that's not worth watching.

>an iq greater than 120
>insult failure

inception was excellent... as was memento

Looper was good but that's not what he's talking about. He's talking about that Ethan Hawke film.

that movie is garrrrbage

The mechanic
The prestige
Nocturnal animals

Thats the one

Ben, go the fuck to bed faggot. I know you've watched it 27 times.

that guy. thats all i needed to know to find it. thank you kind sir...


lol can't tell if troll or just pretending to be character from the show.....

Yes! That's the one

Oh yeah, the prestiege was good, as was Interstellar.

Surprised no one listed American Psycho.

Top Secret!

Its a trilogy about revenge what the fuck did you expect? Cant undertand a mivoe that isn't end to end action?

amazing movie

I can't believe nobody's said Triangle.
So Triangle.
One of the best mind fuck movies ever.

this literally fucked my mind up for a bit after watching. not kidding.


It's incredibly "art house", but that's what makes it so great lol

Natural born killers


Brazil could have been SUCH a good movie if the first half wasn't SLOW AND BORING AS SHIT.


shutter island?

said the edgy teenager from 1995

movie has so many fucking plot holes you actually have to be an idiot to think it's "mind blowing"

watch it a second time and nothing makes any sense.


Never seen this.
Interest piqued.

All these movies except brainscan are awesome

Yeah I could see how that could be a problem, but I think that's probably why I enjoyed it. And also because it's so mundane and reflective of bureaucratic bullshit in today's world.

Don't forget to fill out form 27b/6.

it's a stupid waste of time.

watch it on laserdisc for extra edge

A Scanner Darkly. Not entirely mindbending, but a good film nonetheless.

the dream sequences could have been cut WAY down.