Who is going to pick your fruits, build your houses, clean your bathrooms, supply you weed, translate for you...

Who is going to pick your fruits, build your houses, clean your bathrooms, supply you weed, translate for you, take the jobs no one will do, and tolerate the racists jokes and laugh at them? Who kept the nation standing with a supply of food while the whites were killing themselves in WW1 and WW2? Who made sure a foothold of Christianity was set in the americas while indians and aztec barbarians were fighting them?

Not the black niggers who just sit around eating watermelons and being monkeys.
Not the white people who are busy hiring and creating the jobs that are supported by the very beaners they hire.
Not the asians who undermine U.S.
Not the muslim dogs who hate everyone and only care about themselves.
Not the Europeans who live in the U.S that only work for their families across the atlantic ocean.
Not the South americans who cross into Mexico and into the U.S to rape your woman.
Not the Canadians who are irrelevant.
Not the Poo in loos who shit all over the country.
Not the russians who despise you for being their equal.
And certainly NOT the very white people who are born in the country itself.

Poo in loos are the most richest ethnic group in US. And instead of shitting all over your country they pay their taxes and contribute to your GDP.

I am just making a point that beaners hold the entire U.S nation

so you're opting for low wages for illegal aliens work?
what about minimum wage being inhumane again?

If it turns out no one will do those jobs and there's a huge labor glut, just have a work program to bring them here legally. It's safer for everyone involved, and the workers would have legal protection. The answer isn't to just perpetuate a system of black-market labor with zero oversight or legal protections. That's insane.

U.S. has a poor white/black population too. Asians, Indians and Mexicans are very hard working and can survive well in lower wages and in extreme work conditions. And those poor whites/blacks can never be hard working enough to compete with them so only viable option to uplift them is to get rid of mexicans, asians and indians as much as they can. This is my thought on the situation.

>what is farm equipment....

Pic is a lettuce harvester.

America workers or robots..

>We can replace hardworker people with robots to satisfy my racial fetishes

No, you replace them because it more efficient and cost effective.

Only reason we are using spics now is because you can pay them basically nothing.

true, low cost of labor is not an incentive towards investment in technological progress or durable goods (aka machines)

Who? Americans who will be able to demand a better wage as the labour market won't be devestatingly oversaturated when rid of all the spics who do it for peanuts.

wth you dont even live in the US, fuck outta here

he's not wrong

That doesn't make the economic principle wrong, however.
Plus, the jokes on you. I'm about to get on a plane to NY shortly.

Niggers will do it when we get rid of their welfare. Welfare should be temporary only. Also, legal Mexicans will. I've been homeless before and would have done the work myself until I got back on my feet.

you DO live in the US and you fell for the meme, are those white kids with dreadlocks that ask for money by the freeway gonna do those jobs? cause they dont right now, and they're able . . . maybe its just different around here(California)
see above, and yah yah btw Australians cant afford to live well cause their high minimum wage inflated the shit outta everything, ya kno since we can pull stuff outta our ass and "principals" work every time in reality

>take jobs no one else would
that's because they pay less than minimum wage, dumbass. There are plenty of people who would take the jobs latinos do for minimum wage.

Plenty of welfare people could do these jobs tbqh. Do you think society will honestly collapse without beaners are you insane? Did the roman empire collapse because they certainly didn't have beaners.

You country already has plenty of unemployed serfs.

>are those white kids with dreadlocks that ask for money by the freeway gonna do those jobs?
Maybe, because they'll be more viable. Companies would be willing and able to hire those dropkicks because they'll be cheapest labour available.

>Indians and Mexicans are very hard working and can survive well in lower wages and in extreme work conditions.

Haven't you heard of the sleeping Mexican stereotype? Most first gen immigrants are hard working because the US is ten times better than Mexico.but their children will be lazy as a nigger. Indians and Mexicans are fin with living in filth and poverty because they have no ambitions

Robots will take your woman aswell. White woman are not safe from robots.

We would allow the market to function, wages to increase to such a level that it would allow for legal laborers to live in the USA properly and give amazing incentive for technological innovation. You and your ilk are blights upon our society and it's advancement in all possible manners. You muddy our political waters with identity bullshit, you leech upon our welfare by being incompetent idiots, and you counter our very core values that make us western civilization.
Immigration should be restricted immensely, those born of illegal immigrants should have citizenship rescinded, and illegal immigrants should have a 30 day grace period to leave after which they should be shot.

Jesus Christ, then why DONT THEY WORK NOWWW????
for any of the many places that pay minimum wage and over and/or dont hire illegals??
thats why living somewhere and reading some shit online are not "the same thing bro XD
please dont start this shit


High schoolers

Except those highschoolers are going to college and employers hate highschoolers because they know highschoolers don't give 2 shits for their job, want to bang the hottest co-worker, and are temporary workers who will quit.

Homeless people? There is a reason they are homeless. They don't want to work and parasite off the government and eventually become drug dealers to sell drugs.

>then why DONT THEY WORK NOWWW????
>for any of the many places that pay minimum wage and over and/or dont hire illegals??
Because amazingly that isn't everywhere. Nor would it be enough to cover all of them. Which is why the demand for labour needs to be increased by reducing the number of unskilled workers. This is basic math, bro. It would also help reduce the dropkick population because they would not only have less of an excuse, they'd soon fall behind everyone else regarding subsistence.
>thats why living somewhere and reading some shit online are not "the same thing bro XD
We have the exact same thing, genius. But with different brown people. Hell, we're kinda having the same thing in reverse with taxi drivers at the moment.

>Except those highschoolers are going to college
Only because that's where they think the money is. If you make non-graduate jobs viable, they'll flock to them too. Like here we have a pretty decent split between people going to uni for jobs requiring that, and people doing trades and other stuff because it's so profitable.
>and are temporary workers who will quit.
They quit because they have no reason to stay.
>Homeless people? There is a reason they are homeless. They don't want to work and parasite off the government and eventually become drug dealers to sell drugs.
In some places yes. But your [USA] system is so shitty that anyone who falls down usually can't get back up.

Niggers would rather steal than work on farms. Sowell is full of shit.

our niggers work on famrs AND steal shit

Well, they did steal your farms too. Or was that just Rhodesia?

just rhodesia. cant compare soft cunt rhodesians to afrikaners now can you?

Most of them are legal migrant workers who come on a visa, do the job, spend money feeding and caring for their families, pay taxes, and then, when the harvest season is over, return to Mexico with the money they have legally earned.
Understand the fucking difference between legal and illegal migrants.

people who are paid good wages

>are those white kids with dreadlocks that ask for money by the freeway gonna do those jobs? cause they dont right now, and they're able . . . maybe its just different around here(California)

that's exactly why it's different

the rest of the country is producing perfectly capable native residents every year by the thousand, and they end up sitting on their ass or wasting time at college because commies want our economy run by low-skill migrants that can't even speak english

And undercut the wages for college educated STEM degree holding Americans. STEM degrees will be essentially as worthless as anything else thanks to pooinloos and chinks

That's not really better, though.

if nobody wants to do a job they will have to pay more or the job wont get done

niggers don't even try to make an effort when they're given 30/hr cushy government jobs.

>soft cunts
They have the best military record of almost any nations in recorded history. They lose due to massive international pressure and superpower (USSR) funded enemy.